2008 |
34 | EE | Niusha Hakimipour,
Paul A. Strooper,
Roger Duke:
Exploring Model-Based Development for the Verification of Real-Time Java Code.
VERIFY 2008 |
2006 |
33 | EE | Hui Liang,
Jin Song Dong,
Jing Sun,
Roger Duke,
Rudolph E. Seviora:
Formal Specification-based Online Monitoring.
ICECCS 2006: 152-162 |
2005 |
32 | EE | Soon-Kyeong Kim,
Luke Wildman,
Roger Duke:
A UML Approach to the Generation of Test Sequences for Java-Based Concurrent Systems.
Australian Software Engineering Conference 2005: 100-109 |
31 | EE | Jin Song Dong,
Roger Duke,
Ping Hao:
Integrating Object-Z with Timed Automata.
ICECCS 2005: 488-497 |
2004 |
30 | EE | Luke Wildman,
Roger Duke,
Paul A. Strooper:
Viewpoint-Based Testing of Concurrent Components.
IFM 2004: 501-520 |
29 | EE | Brad Long,
Roger Duke,
Doug Goldson,
Paul A. Strooper,
Luke Wildman:
Mutation-Based Exploration of a Method for Verifying Concurrent Java Components.
IPDPS 2004 |
28 | EE | Roger Duke,
Tim Miller,
Paul A. Strooper:
Integrating Formal Specification and Software Verification and Validation.
TFM 2004: 124-139 |
2003 |
27 | EE | Janelle Pollard,
Roger Duke:
Using Student-Computer Interactions to Categorize Educational Software.
ICALT 2003: 302-303 |
26 | EE | Roger Duke,
Luke Wildman,
Brad Long:
Modelling Java Concurrency with Object-Z.
SEFM 2003: 173-181 |
2002 |
25 | | Janelle Pollard,
Roger Duke:
A Software Design Process to Facilitate the Teaching of Mathematics.
ICCE 2002: 906-907 |
24 | EE | Kirsten Winter,
Roger Duke:
Model Checking Object-Z Using ASM.
IFM 2002: 165-184 |
2001 |
23 | EE | Soon-Kyeong Kim,
David A. Carrington,
Roger Duke:
A Metamodel-based transformation between UML and Object-Z.
HCC 2001: 112-119 |
2000 |
22 | EE | Roger Duke,
Eric Salzman,
Jay Burmeister,
Josiah Poon,
Leesa Murray:
Teaching programming to beginners - choosing the language is just the first step.
ACSE 2000: 79-86 |
1998 |
21 | EE | Steven Butler,
Roger Duke:
Defining composition operators for object interaction.
Object Oriented Systems 5: 1-16 (1998) |
1997 |
20 | EE | Roger Duke:
In search of the inverse curriculum.
ACSE 1997: 65-70 |
19 | EE | Jin Song Dong,
Roger Duke,
Gordon A. Rose:
An object-oriented denotational semantics of a small programming language.
Object Oriented Systems 4: 29-52 (1997) |
1996 |
18 | EE | Roger Duke:
The design of an experiential component for a formal methods computer science subject.
ACSE 1996: 111-118 |
17 | | Roger Duke,
Cecily Bailes,
Graeme Smith:
A Blocking Model for Reactive Objects.
Formal Asp. Comput. 8(3): 347-368 (1996) |
1995 |
16 | EE | Jin Song Dong,
Gordon A. Rose,
Roger Duke:
The role of secondary attributes in formal object modelling.
ICECCS 1995: 31-38 |
15 | EE | Motoshi Saeki,
Roger Duke:
Guest Editor's Introduction.
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 5(3): 325-326 (1995) |
1993 |
14 | | Jin Song Dong,
Roger Duke:
An Object-Oriented Approach to the Formal Specification of ODP Trader.
Open Distributed Processing 1993: 341-352 |
13 | | Jin Song Dong,
Roger Duke:
Class Union and Polymorphism.
TOOLS (12/9) 1993: 181-190 |
12 | | Roger Duke:
Formal Methods for the Design and Specification of Object-Oriented Systems.
TOOLS (12/9) 1993: 324 |
11 | | Roger Duke:
Class Operators for Object Compatibility.
TOOLS (12/9) 1993: 449-461 |
1992 |
10 | | Roger Duke:
Case Studies in Object-Oriented Formal Specification.
TOOLS (6) 1992: 236 |
1991 |
9 | | Dennis de Champeaux,
Pierre America,
Derek Coleman,
Roger Duke,
Doug Lea,
Gary T. Leavens,
Fiona Hayes:
Formal Techniques for OO Software Development (Panel).
OOPSLA 1991: 166-170 |
8 | | Roger Duke:
Formal Specification of Object-Oriented Systems.
TOOLS (5) 1991: 463-464 |
7 | | Roger Duke,
Paul King,
Gordon A. Rose,
Graeme Smith:
Associated Paper: The Object-Z Specification Language.
TOOLS (5) 1991: 465-484 |
1990 |
6 | | Roger Duke,
Gordon A. Rose,
Graeme Smith:
Transferring Formal Techniques to Industry.
FORTE 1990: 279-286 |
5 | | Roger Duke,
Gordon A. Rose,
Anthony Lee:
Object-oriented protocol specification.
PSTV 1990: 325-338 |
4 | | David J. Duke,
Roger Duke:
Towards a Semantics for Object-Z.
VDM Europe 1990: 244-261 |
1989 |
3 | | David A. Carrington,
David J. Duke,
Roger Duke,
Paul King,
Gordon A. Rose,
Graeme Smith:
Object-Z: An Object-Oriented Extension to Z.
FORTE 1989: 281-296 |
2 | | Roger Duke,
Graeme Smith:
Temporal Logic and Z Specifications.
Australian Computer Journal 21(2): 62-66 (1989) |
1987 |
1 | | Roger Duke,
D. Johnston,
Gordon A. Rose:
Specifying the Static Semantics of Block Structural Languages.
Australian Computer Journal 19(2): 99-104 (1987) |