
Fiona Hayes

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6EEEleanor M. Ricketts, John Bradshaw, Mike Hann, Fiona Hayes, Neil Tanna, David M. Ricketts: Comparison of conformations of small molecule structures from the Protein Data Bank with those generated by Concord, Cobra, ChemDBS-3D, and Converter and those extracted from the Cambridge Structural Database. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 33(6): 905-925 (1993)
5 Oscar Pastor, Fiona Hayes, Stephen Bear: OASIS: An Object-Oriented Specification Language. CAiSE 1992: 348-363
4EEDerek Coleman, Fiona Hayes, Stephen Bear: Introducing Objectcharts or How to Use Statecharts in Object-Oriented Design. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 18(1): 9-18 (1992)
3 Dennis de Champeaux, Pierre America, Derek Coleman, Roger Duke, Doug Lea, Gary T. Leavens, Fiona Hayes: Formal Techniques for OO Software Development (Panel). OOPSLA 1991: 166-170
2 Fiona Hayes, Derek Coleman: Coherent Models for Object-Oriented Analysis. OOPSLA 1991: 171-183
1 Stephen Bear, Phillip Allen, Derek Coleman, Fiona Hayes: Graphical Specification of Object-Oriented Systems. OOPSLA/ECOOP 1990: 28-37

Coauthor Index

1Phillip Allen [1]
2Pierre America [3]
3Stephen Bear [1] [4] [5]
4John Bradshaw [6]
5Dennis de Champeaux [3]
6Derek Coleman [1] [2] [3] [4]
7Roger Duke [3]
8Mike Hann [6]
9Doug Lea [3]
10Gary T. Leavens [3]
11Oscar Pastor [5]
12David M. Ricketts [6]
13Eleanor M. Ricketts [6]
14Neil Tanna [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)