
Li Dong

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10EEWei Jing, Li Dong: Research of Capacity System Based on the Knowledge Transfer. CSSE (5) 2008: 317-320
9EELi Dong, Chun-Xiao Xing, Jin Lin, Kehong Wang: Personalized Digital Library Framework Based on Service Oriented Architecture. ICADL 2008: 351-354
8EEWeisi Lin, Jinghong Zheng, Li Dong: Recover image coding loss with LMS filtering. ISCAS 2008: 3562-3565
7EELiu Zhongsheng, Li Dong: Scale Expanding and Efficiency Improvement of Commercial Banks of China. ISIP 2008: 705-709
6EEGanhua Li, Yunhui Liu, Li Dong, Xuanping Cai, Dongxiang Zhou: An algorithm for extrinsic parameters calibration of a camera and a laser range finder using line features. IROS 2007: 3854-3859
5EELi Dong, Yu Nie, Chunxiao Xing, Kehong Wang: Research and Implementation of a Personalized Recommendation System. ICADL 2006: 183-191
4EEW. Lin, Li Dong: Adaptive downsampling to improve image compression at low bit rates. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15(9): 2513-2521 (2006)
3EELi Dong, Chunxiao Xing, Kehong Wang, Shixin Peng, Bei Zhang, Airong Jiang: METS Cataloging Tool for Heterogeneous Collections. ICADL 2005: 471-472
2EEWeisi Lin, Li Dong, Ping Xue: Visual distortion gauge based on discrimination of noticeable contrast changes. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 15(7): 900-909 (2005)
1EELi Dong, Chunxiao Xing, Lizhu Zhou, Bei Zhang, Airong Jiang: Cataloging and Preservation Toolkit of a Chinese Mathematics Ancient Books Digital Library. ICADL 2004: 174-183

Coauthor Index

1Xuanping Cai [6]
2Airong Jiang [1] [3]
3Wei Jing [10]
4Ganhua Li [6]
5Jin Lin [9]
6W. Lin [4]
7Weisi Lin [2] [8]
8Yunhui Liu (Yun-Hui Liu) [6]
9Yu Nie [5]
10Shixin Peng [3]
11Kehong Wang [3] [5] [9]
12Chunxiao Xing (Chun-Xiao Xing) [1] [3] [5] [9]
13Ping Xue [2]
14Bei Zhang [1] [3]
15Jinghong Zheng [8]
16Liu Zhongsheng [7]
17Dongxiang Zhou [6]
18Lizhu Zhou (Li-Zhu Zhou) [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)