
Ping Xue

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24EETianxiao Ye, Yap-Peng Tan, Ping Xue: Efficient all-zero block detection algorithm for H.264 integer transform. ISCAS 2008: 3486-3489
23EEMinmin Shen, Ping Xue, Ci Wang: A novel scalable video coding scheme using super resolution techniques. MMSP 2008: 196-199
22EEMinmin Shen, Ping Xue, Ci Wang: The Influence of Regularization Parameter on Error Bound in Super-Resolution Reconstruction. PCM 2008: 535-542
21EELei Wang, Ping Xue, Kap Luk Chan: Two Criteria for Model Selection in Multiclass Support Vector Machines. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 38(6): 1432-1448 (2008)
20EEXiaohui Zhang, Weisi Lin, Ping Xue: Just-noticeable difference estimation with pixels in images. J. Visual Communication and Image Representation 19(1): 30-41 (2008)
19EECi Wang, Ping Xue, Weisi Lin, Minmin Shen: Image Super-Resolution Framework with Multi-Channel Constraints. ICME 2007: 456-459
18EEXianfeng Yang, Qi Tian, Ping Xue: Efficient Short Video Repeat Identification With Application to News Video Structure Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 9(3): 600-609 (2007)
17EEXiaodong Yu, Ping Xue, Lingyu Duan, Qi Tian: An algorithm to estimate mean vehicle speed from MPEG Skycam video. Multimedia Tools Appl. 34(1): 85-105 (2007)
16EECi Wang, Ping Xue, Weisi Lin: Two-Layer Image Resizing for Scalable CODEC. ICME 2006: 1457-1460
15EETianxiao Ye, Yap-Peng Tan, Ping Xue: A low complexity H.263 to H.264 transcoder. ISCAS 2006
14EEXiao-Dong Yu, Lei Wang, Qi Tian, Ping Xue: A novel multi-resolution video representation scheme based on kernel PCA. The Visual Computer 22(5): 357-370 (2006)
13EEXianfeng Yang, Ping Xue, Qi Tian: A repeated video clip identification system. ACM Multimedia 2005: 227-228
12EELei Wang, Xuchun Li, Ping Xue, Kap Luk Chan: A novel framework for SVM-based image retrieval on large databases. ACM Multimedia 2005: 487-490
11EELei Wang, Yan Gao, Kap Luk Chan, Ping Xue, Wei-Yun Yau: Retrieval with Knowledge-driven Kernel Design: An Approach to Improving SVM-Based CBIR with Relevance Feedback. ICCV 2005: 1355-1362
10EEXiaomeng Wang, Weisi Lin, Ping Xue: Demosaicing with improved edge direction detection. ISCAS (3) 2005: 2048-2051
9EEWeisi Lin, Li Dong, Ping Xue: Visual distortion gauge based on discrimination of noticeable contrast changes. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 15(7): 900-909 (2005)
8EELei Wang, Kap Luk Chan, Ping Xue: A criterion for optimizing kernel parameters in KBDA for image retrieval. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 35(3): 556-562 (2005)
7 Xiao-Dong Yu, Ping Xue, Qi Tian: A statistical approach for object motion estimation with MPEG motion vectors. ICME 2004: 519-522
6 Hai Gao, Xiao-Dong Yu, Lei Wang, Ping Xue, Qi Tian: Robust multi-level video representation using mean shift analysis. ICME 2004: 627-630
5EELei Wang, Ping Xue, Kap Luk Chan: Incorporating Prior Knowledge into SVM for Image Retrieval. ICPR (2) 2004: 981-984
4 Hai Gao, Ping Xue, Weisi Lin: A new marker-based watershed algorithm. ISCAS (2) 2004: 81-84
3EEXiao-Dong Yu, Lei Wang, Qi Tian, Ping Xue: Multi-Level Video Representation with Application to Keyframe Extraction. MMM 2004: 117-123
2 Weisi Lin, Dong Li, Ping Xue: Discriminative analysis of pixel difference towards picture quality prediction. ICIP (3) 2003: 193-196
1EEFang Zhu, Ping Xue, Ee Ping Ong: Low-complexity global motion estimation based on content analysis. ISCAS (2) 2003: 624-627

Coauthor Index

1Kap Luk Chan [5] [8] [11] [12] [21]
2Li Dong [9]
3Ling-Yu Duan (Lingyu Duan) [17]
4Hai Gao [4] [6]
5Yan Gao [11]
6Dong Li [2]
7Xuchun Li [12]
8Weisi Lin [2] [4] [9] [10] [16] [19] [20]
9Ee Ping Ong [1]
10Minmin Shen [19] [22] [23]
11Yap-Peng Tan [15] [24]
12Qi Tian [3] [6] [7] [13] [14] [17] [18]
13Ci Wang [16] [19] [22] [23]
14Lei Wang [3] [5] [6] [8] [11] [12] [14] [21]
15Xiaomeng Wang [10]
16Xianfeng Yang [13] [18]
17Wei-Yun Yau [11]
18Tianxiao Ye [15] [24]
19Xiao-Dong Yu [3] [6] [7] [14]
20Xiaodong Yu [17]
21Xiaohui Zhang [20]
22Fang Zhu [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)