
W. Lin

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13EEJ. Y. Shen, W. Lin, H. Ohmori, X. P. Xu: Evaluation of surface roughness for ELID ground brittle materials. IJCAT 29(2/3/4): 229-233 (2007)
12EEC. Wang, P. Xue, W. Lin: Improved Super-Resolution Reconstruction From Video. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 16(11): 1411-1422 (2006)
11EEC. Wang, P. Xue, W. Lin, W. Zhang, S. Yu: Fast Edge-Preserved Postprocessing for Compressed Images. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 16(9): 1142-1147 (2006)
10EEW. Lin, Li Dong: Adaptive downsampling to improve image compression at low bit rates. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15(9): 2513-2521 (2006)
9EEH. Z. Li, Zhiming Gong, W. Lin, T. Y. Jiang, Xiaoqi Chen: Dsp-Based Motion Control of a Non-Commutated Dc Linear Motor Module. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 15(2): 313-318 (2005)
8EEJ. Xian, S. P. Luo, W. Lin: Improved A-P Iterative Algorithm in Spline Subspaces. International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 58-64
7EES. Y. Yang, W. Lin: Local Sampling Problems. International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 81-88
6EEW. Lin, Yaw-Chung Chen: End-to-end Data Transport Using SSCOP in ATM Networks. FTDCS 2001: 112-119
5 W. Lin, B. Tye, E. Ong, C. Xiong, Miki Toshio, Sanae Hotani: Systematic Analysis and Methodology of Real-Time Dsp Implementation for Hybrid Video Coding. ICIP (3) 1999: 847-851
4EEW. Lin, Kwong H. Goh, B. J. Tye, G. A. Powell, T. Ohya, S. Adachi: Real Time H.263 Video Codec Using Parallel DSP. ICIP (2) 1997: 586-589
3EEDebashis Bhattacharya, S. Freeman, W. Lin: Optimizing Test Hardware for At-Speed Testing of Datapaths in an Integrated Circuit. VLSI Design 1997: 289-296
2 W. Lin, Eric W. S. Chen: Looping Adjacent Nodes on Multistage Interconnection Networks. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems 1995: 155-158
1EEW. Lin, D. A. Fraser: Algorithms and timing for identification of objects from 2-D images. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 3(4): 325-331 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1S. Adachi [4]
2Debashis Bhattacharya [3]
3Eric W. S. Chen [2]
4Xiaoqi Chen [9]
5Yaw-Chung Chen [6]
6Li Dong [10]
7D. A. Fraser [1]
8S. Freeman [3]
9Kwong H. Goh [4]
10Zhiming Gong [9]
11Sanae Hotani [5]
12T. Y. Jiang [9]
13H. Z. Li [9]
14S. P. Luo [8]
15H. Ohmori [13]
16T. Ohya [4]
17E. Ong [5]
18G. A. Powell [4]
19J. Y. Shen [13]
20Miki Toshio [5]
21B. Tye [5]
22B. J. Tye [4]
23C. Wang [11] [12]
24J. Xian [8]
25C. Xiong [5]
26X. P. Xu [13]
27P. Xue [11] [12]
28S. Y. Yang [7]
29S. Yu [11]
30W. Zhang [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)