Unified Modeling Language:
Systems Analysis,
Design and Development Issues,
Keng Siau, Terry A. Halpin (Eds.):
Unified Modeling Language: Systems Analysis, Design and Development Issues.
Idea Group 2001, ISBN 1-930708-05-X BibTeX
editor = {Keng Siau and
Terry A. Halpin},
title = {Unified Modeling Language: Systems Analysis, Design and Development
publisher = {Idea Group},
year = {2001},
isbn = {1-930708-05-X},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
- Keng Siau, Terry A. Halpin:
- Rolf Hennicker, Nora Koch:
Systematic Design of Web Applications with UML.
1-20 BibTeX
- Liliana Favre, Silvia Clerici:
A Systematic Approach to Transform UML Static Models to Object-Oriented Code.
21-42 BibTeX
- Devang Shah, Sandra Slaughter:
Data Modeling And UML.
43-60 BibTeX
- Wolfgang Hesse:
RUP - A process model for working with UML.
61-74 BibTeX
- J. A. Sykes, P. Gupta:
UML Modeling Support for Early Reuse Decisions in Component-Based Development.
75-88 BibTeX
- John Krogstie:
Using a Semiotic Framework to Evaluate UML for the Development of Models of High Quality.
89-106 BibTeX
- Keng Siau:
Rational Unified Process and Unified Modeling Language - A GOMS Analysis.
107-115 BibTeX
- Cornel Klein, Andreas Rausch, Marc Sihling, Zhaojun Wen:
Extension of the Unified Modeling Language for Mobile Agents.
116-128 BibTeX
- Patricia Lago:
Rendering Distributed Systems in UML.
129-150 BibTeX
- Stefan Conrad, Klaus Turowski:
Temporal OCL Meeting Specification Demands for Business Components.
151-165 BibTeX
- Terry A. Halpin:
Supplementing UML with concepts from ORM.
167-184 BibTeX
- Franck Barbier, Brian Henderson-Sellers, Andreas L. Opdahl, Martin Gogolla:
The Whole-Part Relationship in the Unified Modeling Language: A New Approach.
185-209 BibTeX
- Jing Liu, Jin Song Dong, Brendan P. Mahony, Kun Shi:
Linking UML with Integrated Formal Techniques.
210-223 BibTeX
- José Luis Fernández Alemán, José Ambrosio Toval Álvarez:
Seamless Formalizing the UML Semantics through Metamodels.
224-248 BibTeX
- Dina Q. Goldin, David Keil, Peter Wegner:
An Interactive Viewpoint on the Role of UML.
249-263 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 22:54:33 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)