
Minh Quang Do

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5EEMinh Quang Do, Per Larsson-Edefors, Mindaugas Drazdziulis: High-Accuracy Architecture-Level Power Estimation for Partitioned SRAM Arrays in a 65-nm CMOS BPTM Process. DSD 2007: 249-256
4EEMinh Quang Do, Mindaugas Drazdziulis, Per Larsson-Edefors, Lars Bengtsson: Leakage-Conscious Architecture-Level Power Estimation for Partitioned and Power-Gated SRAM Arrays. ISQED 2007: 185-191
3EEMinh Quang Do, Mindaugas Drazdziulis, Per Larsson-Edefors, Lars Bengtsson: Parameterizable Architecture-Level SRAM Power Model Using Circuit-Simulation Backend for Leakage Calibration. ISQED 2006: 557-563
2EEMinh Quang Do, Per Larsson-Edefors, Lars Bengtsson: Table-Based Total Power Consumption Estimation of Memory Arrays for Architects. PATMOS 2004: 869-878
1 Minh Quang Do, Lars Bengtsson, Per Larsson-Edefors: DSP-PP: A Simulator/Estimator of Power Consumption and Performance for Parallel DSP Architectures. Applied Informatics 2003: 767-772

Coauthor Index

1Lars Bengtsson [1] [2] [3] [4]
2Mindaugas Drazdziulis [3] [4] [5]
3Per Larsson-Edefors [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)