
Robert G. Dimond

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5EEMichael J. Flynn, Robert G. Dimond, Oskar Mencer, Oliver Pell: Finding Speedup in Parallel Processors. ISPDC 2008: 3-7
4EEKubilay Atasu, Robert G. Dimond, Oskar Mencer, Wayne Luk, Can C. Özturan, Günhan Dündar: Optimizing instruction-set extensible processors under data bandwidth constraints. DATE 2007: 588-593
3EERobert G. Dimond, Oskar Mencer, Wayne Luk: Automating processor customisation: optimised memory access and resource sharing. DATE 2006: 206-211
2EERobert G. Dimond, Oskar Mencer, Wayne Luk: Combining Instruction Coding and Scheduling to Optimize Energy in System-on-FPGA. FCCM 2006: 175-184
1 Robert G. Dimond, Oskar Mencer, Wayne Luk: CUSTARD - A Customisable Threaded FPGA Soft Processor and Tools. FPL 2005: 1-6

Coauthor Index

1Kubilay Atasu [4]
2Günhan Dündar [4]
3Michael J. Flynn [5]
4Wayne Luk [1] [2] [3] [4]
5Oskar Mencer [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
6Can C. Özturan [4]
7Oliver Pell [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)