
Peter W. Pachowicz

Peter Pachowicz

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17EESung Baik, Jerzy W. Bala, Ali Hadjarian, Peter Pachowicz, Ran Baik: Moving Target Prediction Using Evolutionary Algorithms. Canadian Conference on AI 2005: 217-221
16EESung Baik, Jerzy W. Bala, Ali Hadjarian, Peter Pachowicz, Ju Sang Cho, Seungbin Moon: Visualization for Genetic Evolution of Target Movement in Battle Fields. International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2005: 1064-1067
15EESung Baik, Jerzy W. Bala, Ali Hadjarian, Peter Pachowicz: Genetic Evolution Approach for Target Movement Prediction. International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 678-681
14EESung Baik, Jerzy W. Bala, Ali Hadjarian, Peter Pachowicz: A Naïve Geography Analyst System with Cognitive Support of Imagery Exploitation. MICAI 2004: 40-48
13 Sung Wook Baik, Peter W. Pachowicz: Online model modification for adaptive texture recognition in image sequences. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 32(6): 625-639 (2002)
12EEAli Hadjarian, Jerzy W. Bala, Peter Pachowicz: Text Categorization through Multistrategy Learning and Visualization. CICLing 2001: 437-443
11EESung Wook Baik, Sung Mahn Ahn, Peter Pachowicz: Evaluation of Adaptive NN-RBF Classifier Using Gaussian Mixture Density Estimates. Biologically Motivated Computer Vision 2000: 463-472
10 Peter Pachowicz, Sung Wook Baik: On-Line Model Modification for Adaptive Object Recognition. ECAI 2000: 668-672
9EEPeter Pachowicz, Sung Wook Baik: Adaptive RBF Classifier for Object Recognition in Image Sequences. IJCNN (6) 2000: 600-605
8 Jerzy W. Bala, Peter Pachowicz, Harry Wechsler: Learning with Noise in Engineering Domains. ISMIS 1996: 633-642
7 Peter Pachowicz: A Learning-Based Evolution of Concept Descriptions for an Adaptive Object Recognition. ICTAI 1992: 316-323
6 Peter Pachowicz, Jerzy W. Bala, Jianping Zhang: Iterative Rule Simplification for Noise Tolerant Inductive Learning. ICTAI 1992: 452-453
5 Jerzy W. Bala, Peter Pachowicz: Recognizing Noisy Patterns via Iterative Optimization and Matching of Their Descriptions. IJPRAI 6(4): 513-537 (1992)
4 Jerzy W. Bala, Kenneth DeJong, Peter Pachowicz: Using Genetic Algorithms to Improve the Performance of Classification Rules Produced by Symolic Inductive Methods. ISMIS 1991: 286-295
3 Peter Pachowicz, Jerzy W. Bala: Improving Recognition Effectiveness of Noisy Texture Concepts. ML 1991: 625-629
2EEPeter Pachowicz: Image processing by software parallel computation. Image Vision Comput. 7(2): 122-128 (1989)
1EEPeter W. Pachowicz: Image processing and analysis of the grain constitution in minerals. Image Vision Comput. 2(4): 204-209 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1Sung Mahn Ahn [11]
2Ran Baik [17]
3Sung Wook Baik (Sung Baik) [9] [10] [11] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]
4Jerzy W. Bala [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [12] [14] [15] [16] [17]
5Ju Sang Cho [16]
6Kenneth DeJong [4]
7Ali Hadjarian [12] [14] [15] [16] [17]
8Seungbin Moon [16]
9Harry Wechsler [8]
10Jianping Zhang [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)