
Paul Cull

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19 Tai Hsu, Paul Cull: Walking Tree Method for Stereo Vision. CAINE 2005: 340-343
18EEPaul Cull: Convergence of Iterations. EUROCAST 2005: 457-466
17 Tai Hsu, Paul Cull: Parallel Walking Tree Method for Sequence Recombination. ISCA PDCS 2004: 7-12
16EEPaul Cull, Tai Hsu: Recent Advances in the Walking Tree Method for Biological Sequence Alignment. EUROCAST 2003: 349-359
15EETai Hsu, Paul Cull: Gene Verification and Discovery by Walking Tree Method. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2001: 287-298
14 Thomas R. Amoth, Paul Cull, Prasad Tadepalli: On Exact Learning of Unordered Tree Patterns. Machine Learning 44(3): 211-243 (2001)
13EEThomas R. Amoth, Paul Cull, Prasad Tadepalli: Exact Learning of Unordered Tree Patterns from Queries. COLT 1999: 323-332
12EEPaul Cull, Ingrid Nelson: Error-correcting codes on the towers of Hanoi graphs. Discrete Mathematics 208-209: 157-175 (1999)
11EEThomas R. Amoth, Paul Cull, Prasad Tadepalli: Exact Learning of Tree Patterns from Queries and Counterexamples. COLT 1998: 175-186
10 Paul Cull, Shawn M. Larson: Smaller diameters in hypercube-variant networks. Telecommunication Systems 10(1): 175-184 (1998)
9 Richard Wodtli, Paul Cull: Calypso: A Visual Language for Data Structures Programming. VL 1997: 166-167
8 Paul Cull, Shawn M. Larson: The Möbius Cubes. IEEE Trans. Computers 44(5): 647-659 (1995)
7EEPaul Cull, Shawn M. Larson: On Generalized Twisted Cubes. Inf. Process. Lett. 55(1): 53-55 (1995)
6 Paul Cull, Shawn M. Larson: A Linear Equation Model for Twisted Cube Networks. ICPADS 1994: 709-715
5 J. L. Holloway, Paul Cull: Aligning Genomes with Inversions and Swaps. ISMB 1994: 195-202
4 John A. Gunnels, Paul Cull, J. L. Holloway: Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing for Gene Mapping. International Conference on Evolutionary Computation 1994: 385-390
3 Paul Cull, Shawn M. Larson: Static and Dynamic Performance of the Möbius Cubes. PARLE 1993: 92-103
2 Paul Cull, Shawn M. Larson: The Möbus Cubes: Improved Cubelike Networks for Parallel Computation. IPPS 1992: 610-613
1 Paul Cull: Tours of Graphs, Digraphs, and Sequential Machines. IEEE Trans. Computers 29(1): 50-54 (1980)

Coauthor Index

1Thomas R. Amoth [11] [13] [14]
2John A. Gunnels [4]
3J. L. Holloway [4] [5]
4Tai Hsu [15] [16] [17] [19]
5Shawn M. Larson [2] [3] [6] [7] [8] [10]
6Ingrid Nelson [12]
7Prasad Tadepalli [11] [13] [14]
8Richard Wodtli [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)