
Owen Conlan

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23EEEleanor O'Neill, David Lewis, Owen Conlan: A simulation-based approach to highly iterative prototyping of ubiquitous computing systems. SimuTools 2009: 56
22EEMelanie B. Späth, Owen Conlan: VUMA: A Visual User Modelling Approach for the Personalisation of Adaptive Systems. AH 2008: 341-344
21EEKevin Koidl, Owen Conlan: Engineering Information Systems towards Facilitating Scrutable and Configurable Adaptation. AH 2008: 405-409
20EEAoife Brady, Owen Conlan, Vincent Wade, Declan Dagger: Supporting Users in Creating Pedagogically Sound Personalised Learning Objects. AH 2008: 52-61
19EENeil Peirce, Owen Conlan, Vincent Wade: Adaptive Educational Games: Providing Non-invasive Personalised Learning Experiences. DIGITEL 2008: 28-35
18EEJohn Keeney, Owen Conlan, Declan O'Sullivan, David Lewis, Vincent Wade: Towards the Visualisation of Collaborative Policy Decomposition. POLICY 2008: 65-69
17EEMichael D. Kickmeier-Rust, Neil Peirce, Owen Conlan, Daniel Schwarz, Dominique Verpoorten, Dietrich Albert: Immersive Digital Games: The Interfaces for Next-Generation E-Learning? HCI (7) 2007: 647-656
16EEOwen Conlan, Ian O'Keeffe, Aoife Brady, Vincent Wade: Principles for Designing Activity-based Personalized eLearning. ICALT 2007: 642-644
15EEFionán Peter Williams, Owen Conlan: Visualizing Narrative Structures and Learning Style Information in Personalized e-Learning Systems. ICALT 2007: 872-876
14EEIan O'Keeffe, Owen Conlan, Vincent Wade: A Unified Approach to Adaptive Hypermedia Personalisation and Adaptive Service Composition. AH 2006: 303-307
13EEOwen Conlan, Ian O'Keeffe, Shane Tallon: Combining Adaptive Hypermedia Techniques and Ontology Reasoning to Produce Dynamic Personalized News Services. AH 2006: 81-90
12 Rachada Monthienvichienchai, Owen Conlan, Faezeh Seyedarabi: Can Museum Exhibits Support Personalised Learning in Collaborative Classroom Activities by Using Augmented Reality? CELDA 2005: 549-550
11 Rachada Monthienvichienchai, Owen Conlan, Faezeh Seyedarabi: Discrepancies between Reality and Expectation: Can Adaptive Hypermedia Meet the Expectations of Teachers? CELDA 2005: 88-95
10EEDeclan Dagger, Vincent Wade, Owen Conlan: Personalisation for All: Making Adaptive Course Composition Easy. Educational Technology & Society 8(3): 9-25 (2005)
9EEOwen Conlan, Vincent P. Wade: Evaluation of APeLS - An Adaptive eLearning Service Based on the Multi-model, Metadata-Driven Approach. AH 2004: 291-295
8EEDeclan Dagger, Vincent P. Wade, Owen Conlan: Developing Active Learning Experiences for Adaptive Personalised eLearning. AH 2004: 55-64
7EEDavid Lewis, Owen Conlan, Declan O'Sullivan, Vincent Wade: Managing adaptive pervasive computing using knowledge-based service integration and rule-based behavior. NOMS (1) 2004: 901-902
6EEOwen Conlan, Ruaidhri Power, Steffen Higel, Declan O'Sullivan, Keara Barrett: Next generation context aware adaptive services. ISICT 2003: 205-212
5EECord Hockemeyer, Owen Conlan, Vincent P. Wade, Dietrich Albert: Applying Competence Prerequisite Structures for eLearning and Skill Management. J. UCS 9(12): 1428-1436 (2003)
4EEOwen Conlan, Vincent P. Wade, Catherine Bruen, Mark Gargan: Multi-model, Metadata Driven Approach to Adaptive Hypermedia Services for Personalized eLearning. AH 2002: 100-111
3 Peter Funk, Owen Conlan: Case-Based Reasoning to Improve Adaptability of Intelligent Tutoring Systems. ECCBR Workshops 2002: 15-24
2EEOwen Conlan, Cord Hockemeyer, Paul Lefrere, Vincent P. Wade, Dietrich Albert: Extending eductional metadata schemas to describe adaptive learning resources. Hypertext 2001: 161-162
1EEOwen Conlan: Novel components for supporting adaptivity in education systems - model-based integration approach. ACM Multimedia 2000: 519-520

Coauthor Index

1Dietrich Albert [2] [5] [17]
2Keara Barrett [6]
3Aoife Brady [16] [20]
4Catherine Bruen [4]
5Declan Dagger [8] [10] [20]
6Peter Funk (Peter J. Funk) [3]
7Mark Gargan [4]
8Steffen Higel [6]
9Cord Hockemeyer [2] [5]
10John Keeney [18]
11Michael D. Kickmeier-Rust [17]
12Kevin Koidl [21]
13Paul Lefrere [2]
14David Lewis [7] [18] [23]
15Rachada Monthienvichienchai [11] [12]
16Ian O'Keeffe [13] [14] [16]
17Eleanor O'Neill [23]
18Declan O'Sullivan [6] [7] [18]
19Neil Peirce [17] [19]
20Ruaidhri Power [6]
21Daniel Schwarz [17]
22Faezeh Seyedarabi [11] [12]
23Melanie B. Späth [22]
24Shane Tallon [13]
25Dominique Verpoorten [17]
26Vincent P. Wade (Vincent Wade) [2] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10] [14] [16] [18] [19] [20]
27Fionán Peter Williams [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)