
Declan Dagger

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7EEConor Gaffney, Declan Dagger, Vincent Wade: Evaluation of ACTSim: A Composition Tool for Authoring Adaptive Soft Skill Simulations. AH 2008: 113-122
6EEAoife Brady, Owen Conlan, Vincent Wade, Declan Dagger: Supporting Users in Creating Pedagogically Sound Personalised Learning Objects. AH 2008: 52-61
5EEConor Gaffney, Declan Dagger, Vincent Wade: A survey of soft skill simulation authoring tools. Hypertext 2008: 181-186
4EEConor Gaffney, Declan Dagger, Vincent Wade: Supporting personalised simulations: a pedagogic support framework for modelling and composing adaptive dialectic simulations. SCSC 2007: 1175-1182
3EEDeclan Dagger, Alexander O'Connor, Séamus Lawless, Eddie Walsh, Vincent P. Wade: Service-Oriented E-Learning Platforms: From Monolithic Systems to Flexible Services. IEEE Internet Computing 11(3): 28-35 (2007)
2EEDeclan Dagger, Vincent Wade, Owen Conlan: Personalisation for All: Making Adaptive Course Composition Easy. Educational Technology & Society 8(3): 9-25 (2005)
1EEDeclan Dagger, Vincent P. Wade, Owen Conlan: Developing Active Learning Experiences for Adaptive Personalised eLearning. AH 2004: 55-64

Coauthor Index

1Aoife Brady [6]
2Owen Conlan [1] [2] [6]
3Conor Gaffney [4] [5] [7]
4Séamus Lawless [3]
5Alexander O'Connor [3]
6Vincent P. Wade (Vincent Wade) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
7Eddie Walsh [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)