
David Cooper

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16EEJim Woodcock, Susan Stepney, David Cooper, John A. Clark, Jeremy Jacob: The certification of the Mondex electronic purse to ITSEC Level E6. Formal Asp. Comput. 20(1): 5-19 (2008)
15EEDavid Cooper, Mun Wai Chan, Gautam Mehra, Peter Woodward, Brian R. von Konsky, Michael C. Robey, Michael Harding: Using Dependence Graphs to Assist Manual and Automated Object Oriented Software Inspections. ASWEC 2006: 262-269
14EENedelina Tchangalova, David Cooper: E-Publishing Portal: A New Approach to Faculty Outreach. ELPUB 2006: 393-394
13EEDavid Cooper, Benjamin Khoo, Brian R. von Konsky, Mike Robey: Java Implementation Verification Using Reverse Engineering. ACSC 2004: 203-211
12EEDavid Cooper, Bo Ewald: President's information technology advisory committee (PITAC): subcommittee on transforming the government. DG.O 2000
11EEYonghuai Liu, Marcos A. Rodrigues, David Cooper: Using Geometric Properties of Correspondence Vectors for the Registration of Free-Form Shapes. ICPR 2000: 5011-5014
10EESusan Stepney, David Cooper: Formal Methods for Industrial Products. ZB 2000: 374-393
9EEDavid Cooper, Susan Stepney: Segregation with Communication. ZB 2000: 451-470
8 Susan Stepney, David Cooper, Jim Woodcock: More Powerful Z Data Refinement: Pushing the State of the Art in Industrial Refinement. ZUM 1998: 284-307
7EERandi J. Rost, Jim Bushnell, David Cooper, Jerry Schneble, Lynn Thorsen-Jensen: Reading the fine print: what benchmarks don't tell you. SIGGRAPH 1994: 497-498
6 Susan Stepney, Rosalind Barden, David Cooper: Object Orientation in Z Springer 1992
5 Rosalind Barden, Susan Stepney, David Cooper: The Use of Z. Z User Workshop 1991: 99-124
4 Susan Stepney, Dave Whitely, David Cooper, Colin Grant: A Demonstrably Correct Compiler. Formal Asp. Comput. 3(1): 58-101 (1991)
3EEDavid Cooper, Michael F. Lynch: The use of binary search trees in external distribution sorting. Inf. Process. Manage. 20(4): 547-557 (1984)
2EEDavid Cooper, Mary E. Dicker, Michael F. Lynch: Sorting of textual data bases: A variety generation approach to distribution sorting. Inf. Process. Manage. 16(1): 49-56 (1980)
1EEDavid Cooper, Michael F. Lynch: Compression of Wiswesser Line Notations Using Variety Generation. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 19(3): 165-169 (1979)

Coauthor Index

1Rosalind Barden [5] [6]
2Jim Bushnell [7]
3Mun Wai Chan [15]
4John A. Clark (John Andrew Clark) [16]
5Mary E. Dicker [2]
6Bo Ewald [12]
7Colin Grant [4]
8Michael Harding [15]
9Jeremy L. Jacob (Jeremy Jacob) [16]
10Benjamin Khoo [13]
11Brian R. von Konsky [13] [15]
12Yonghuai Liu [11]
13Michael F. Lynch [1] [2] [3]
14Gautam Mehra [15]
15Mike Robey (Michael C. Robey) [13] [15]
16Marcos A. Rodrigues [11]
17Randi J. Rost [7]
18Jerry Schneble [7]
19Susan Stepney [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10] [16]
20Nedelina Tchangalova [14]
21Lynn Thorsen-Jensen [7]
22Dave Whitely [4]
23Jim Woodcock (J. C. P. Woodcock) [8] [16]
24Peter Woodward [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)