2008 |
61 | EE | Lawrence Chung,
José Luis Garrido,
Nary Subramanian,
Manuel Noguera:
IWSSA 2008 PC Co-chairs' Message.
OTM Workshops 2008: 323 |
60 | EE | Weimin Ma,
Lawrence Chung,
Kendra Cooper:
Assessing Component's Behavioral Interoperability Concerning Goals.
OTM Workshops 2008: 452-462 |
2007 |
59 | | Ebenezer A. Oladimeji,
Sam Supakkul,
Lawrence Chung:
A Model-driven Approach to Architecting Secure Software.
SEKE 2007: 535- |
58 | | Manuel Noguera,
María Visitación Hurtado,
María Luisa Rodríguez,
Lawrence Chung,
José Luis Garrido:
Description of Collaborative Processes using OWL-DL.
Software Engineering Research and Practice 2007: 574-580 |
57 | | Weimin Ma,
Lawrence Chung,
Kendra Cooper:
Verifying Behavioral Component Interoperability Using Positive/Negative Model Checking.
Software Engineering Research and Practice 2007: 588-594 |
56 | EE | Pere P. Sancho,
Carlos Juiz,
Ramón Puigjaner,
Lawrence Chung,
Nary Subramanian:
An approach to ontology-aided performance engineering through NFR framework.
WOSP 2007: 125-128 |
55 | | Lawrence Chung,
Nary Subramanian:
Bridging the gap between enterprise architectures and software architectures.
Sci. Comput. Program. 66(1): 1-3 (2007) |
2006 |
54 | EE | Lawrence Chung,
Weimin Ma,
Kendra Cooper:
Requirements Elicitation through Model-Driven Evaluation of Software Components.
ICCBSS 2006: 187-196 |
53 | | Sam Supakkul,
Ebenezer A. Oladimeji,
Lawrence Chung:
Toward component non-functional interoperability analysis: A UML-based and goal-oriented approach.
IRI 2006: 351-358 |
52 | | Lawrence Chung,
Sam Supakkul:
Capturing and reusing functional and non-functional requirements knowledge: A goal-object pattern approach.
IRI 2006: 539-544 |
51 | EE | Sam Supakkul,
Lawrence Chung:
Applying a Goal-Oriented Method for Hazard Analysis: A Case Study.
SERA 2006: 22-30 |
50 | EE | Nary Subramanian,
Lawrence Chung,
Yeong-Tae Song:
An NFR-Based Framework for Establishing Traceability between Enterprise Architectures and System Architectures.
SNPD 2006: 21-28 |
49 | | Nary Subramanian,
Lawrence Chung:
An NFR-Based Framework for Aligning Software Architectures with System Architectures.
Software Engineering Research and Practice 2006: 764-770 |
48 | | Weimin Ma,
Kendra Cooper,
Lawrence Chung:
Component-Aware System Architecting: A Software Interoperability.
Software Engineering Research and Practice 2006: 778-784 |
47 | EE | Lawrence Chung,
Nary Subramanian:
Quality system and software architectures.
Sci. Comput. Program. 61(1): 1-3 (2006) |
2005 |
46 | | Lawrence Chung,
Yeong-Tae Song:
Proceedings of the 6th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2005), May 23-25, 2005, Towson, Maryland, USA
IEEE Computer Society 2005 |
45 | EE | Lawrence Chung,
Xavier Franch,
Neil A. M. Maiden:
Models and processes for the evaluation of off-the-shelf components -- MPEC'05.
ICSE 2005: 696 |
44 | EE | Nary Subramanian,
Richard Puerzer,
Lawrence Chung:
A Comparative Evaluation of Maintainability: A Study of Engineering Department's Website Maintainability.
ICSM 2005: 669-672 |
43 | EE | Sam Supakkul,
Lawrence Chung:
A UML Profile for Goal-Oriented and Use Case-Driven Representation of NFRs and FRs.
SERA 2005: 112-121 |
42 | EE | Jing Wang,
Yeong-Tae Song,
Lawrence Chung:
Analysis of Secure Design Patterns: A Case Study in E-Commerce System.
SERA 2005: 174-183 |
41 | EE | Nary Subramanian,
Lawrence Chung:
Relationship between the Whole of Software Architecture and its Parts: An NFR Perspective.
SNPD 2005: 164-169 |
40 | EE | Jing Wang,
Yeong-Tae Song,
Lawrence Chung:
From Software Architecture to Design Patterns: A Case Study of an NFR Approach.
SNPD 2005: 170-177 |
39 | EE | Weimin Ma,
Kendra Cooper,
Lawrence Chung:
Matching Effectiveness and OTS Model Richness.
SNPD 2005: 26-31 |
38 | | Lawrence Chung,
Nary Subramanian:
Reconfirming Change in Secure Software Systems: An Adaptable Security Approach.
Security and Management 2005: 320-326 |
37 | | Nary Subramanian,
Lawrence Chung:
Supporting the Development of Adaptable and Secure Software Systems: An NFR Approach.
Software Engineering Research and Practice 2005: 108-114 |
36 | | Kendra Cooper,
Lawrence Chung,
Weimin Ma:
Evaluating Off-The-Shelf Architectural Components.
Software Engineering Research and Practice 2005: 115-121 |
35 | EE | Jing Dong,
Sheng Yang,
Lawrence Chung,
Paulo S. C. Alencar,
Donald D. Cowan:
A COTS architectural component specification stencil for selection and reasoning.
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-4 (2005) |
34 | EE | Kendra Cooper,
Lawrence Chung:
Managing change in an OTS-aware requirements engineering approach.
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-4 (2005) |
33 | EE | Lawrence Chung,
Xavier Franch,
Neil A. M. Maiden:
Second international workshop on models and processes for the evaluation of off-the-shelf components (MPEC'05).
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(5): 1-3 (2005) |
32 | EE | Lawrence Chung,
Nary Subramanian:
System and software architectures.
Sci. Comput. Program. 57(1): 1-4 (2005) |
2004 |
31 | EE | Lawrence Chung,
Sam Supakkul:
Representing NFRs and FRs: A Goal-Oriented and Use Case Driven Approach.
SERA 2004: 29-41 |
30 | | Lawrence Chung,
Kendra Cooper:
COTS-Aware Requirements Engineering and Software Architecting.
Software Engineering Research and Practice 2004: 57-63 |
29 | | Nary Subramanian,
Lawrence Chung:
Process-Oriented Metrics for Software Architecture Changeability.
Software Engineering Research and Practice 2004: 83-89 |
28 | EE | Lawrence Chung,
Nary Subramanian:
Adaptable system/software architectures.
Journal of Systems Architecture 50(7): 365-366 (2004) |
27 | EE | Lawrence Chung,
Nary Subramanian:
Adaptable architecture generation for embedded systems.
Journal of Systems and Software 71(3): 271-295 (2004) |
2003 |
26 | EE | Nary Subramanian,
Lawrence Chung:
Process-Oriented Metrics for Software Architecture Evolvability.
IWPSE 2003: 65- |
25 | | Nary Subramanian,
Lawrence Chung:
Semi-Automatic Generation of Adaptable Architectures.
Software Engineering Research and Practice 2003: 149-154 |
24 | | Lawrence Chung,
Kendra Cooper,
Anna Yi:
Architecting Adaptable Software Using COTS: An NFR Approach.
Software Engineering Research and Practice 2003: 155-164 |
23 | EE | Lawrence Chung,
Nary Subramanian:
Architecture-based semantic evolution of embedded remotely controlled systems.
Journal of Software Maintenance 15(3): 145-190 (2003) |
2002 |
22 | EE | Lawrence Chung,
Kendra Cooper:
A knowledge-based COTS-aware requirements engineering approach.
SEKE 2002: 175-182 |
21 | | Keith C. C. Chan,
Lawrence Chung:
Integrating Process and Project Management for Multi-Site Software Development.
Ann. Software Eng. 14(1-4): 115-143 (2002) |
2001 |
20 | EE | Lawrence Chung,
Nary Subramanian:
Architecture-Based Semantic Evolution: A Study of Remotely Controlled Embedded Systems.
ICSM 2001: 663-666 |
19 | EE | Lawrence Chung,
Nary Subramanian:
Process-Oriented Metrics for Software Architecture Adaptabilit.
RE 2001: 310-311 |
18 | EE | John Mylopoulos,
Lawrence Chung,
Stephen Liao,
Huaiqing Wang,
Eric S. K. Yu:
Exploring Alternatives during Requirements Analysis.
IEEE Software 18(1): (2001) |
1999 |
17 | EE | Taeho Kim,
Yeong-Tae Song,
Lawrence Chung,
Dung T. Huynh:
Dynamic Software Architecture Slicing.
COMPSAC 1999: 61-66 |
16 | | Lawrence Chung,
Keith C. C. Chan:
An Enterprise-Wide Workflow Management System.
ICEIS 1999: 396-403 |
15 | | Lawrence Chung,
Daniel Gross,
Eric S. K. Yu:
Architectural Design to Meet Stakeholder Requirements.
WICSA 1999: 545-564 |
14 | EE | John Mylopoulos,
Lawrence Chung,
Eric S. K. Yu:
From Object-Oriented to Goal-Oriented Requirements Analysis.
Commun. ACM 42(1): 31-37 (1999) |
1997 |
13 | EE | Stephen Wang-Cheung Lam,
Keith C. C. Chan,
Hareton K. N. Leung,
Lawrence Chung:
A visual programming environment for Z specifications.
APSEC 1997: 511-512 |
1996 |
12 | | Lawrence Chung,
Brian A. Nixon,
Eric S. K. Yu:
Dealing with Change: An Approach Using Non-functional Requirements.
Requir. Eng. 1(4): (1996) |
1995 |
11 | EE | Lawrence Chung,
Brian A. Nixon,
Eric S. K. Yu:
An approach to building quality into software architecture.
CASCON 1995: 13 |
10 | EE | Lawrence Chung,
Brian A. Nixon:
Dealing with Non-Functional Requirements: Three Experimental Studies of a Process-Oriented Approach.
ICSE 1995: 25-37 |
9 | EE | Lawrence Chung,
Brian A. Nixon,
Eric S. K. Yu:
Using non-functional requirements to systematically support change.
RE 1995: 132-139 |
1993 |
8 | | Lawrence Chung:
Dealing with Security Requirements During the Development of Information Systems
CAiSE 1993: 234-251 |
1992 |
7 | EE | John Mylopoulos,
Lawrence Chung,
Brian A. Nixon:
Representing and Using Nonfunctional Requirements: A Process-Oriented Approach.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 18(6): 483-497 (1992) |
1991 |
6 | | Lawrence Chung:
Representation and Utilization of Non-Functional Requirements for Information System Design.
CAiSE 1991: 5-30 |
5 | | Lawrence Chung,
Panagiotis Katalagarianos,
Manolis Marakakis,
Michalis Mertikas,
John Mylopoulos,
Yannis Vassiliou:
From information system requirements to designs: a mapping framework.
Inf. Syst. 16(4): 429-461 (1991) |
1990 |
4 | | Yannis Vassiliou,
Manolis Marakakis,
Panagiotis Katalagarianos,
Lawrence Chung,
Michalis Mertikas,
John Mylopoulos:
IRIS - A Mapping Assistant for Generating Designs from Requirements.
CAiSE 1990: 307-338 |
1988 |
3 | EE | Lawrence Chung,
Daniel Rios-Zertuche,
Brian A. Nixon,
John Mylopoulos:
Process Management and Assertion Enforcement for a Semantic Data Model.
EDBT 1988: 469-487 |
1987 |
2 | EE | Brian A. Nixon,
Lawrence Chung,
David Lauzon,
Alexander Borgida,
John Mylopoulos,
Martin Stanley:
Implementation of a Compiler for a Semantic Data Model: Experiences with Taxis.
SIGMOD Conference 1987: 118-131 |
1985 |
1 | | Brian A. Nixon,
Lawrence Chung,
David Lauzon,
Alexander Borgida,
John Mylopoulos,
Martin Stanley:
Design of a Compiler for a Semantic Data Model.
Foundations of Knowledge Base Management (Xania) 1985: 293-343 |