
Chee-Kong Chui

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19EEChee-Kong Chui, Zhenlan Wang, Jing Zhang, Jackson Shin-Kiat Ong, Limeng Bian, Jeremy Choon-Meng Teo, Chye Hwang Yan, Sim Heng Ong, Shih-Chang Wang, Hee-Kit Wong, Swee-Hin Teoh: A component-oriented software toolkit for patient-specific finite element model generation. Advances in Engineering Software 40(3): 184-192 (2009)
18EEFlorence Leong, Liangjing Yang, Stephen Chang, Aun Neow Poo, Ichiro Sakuma, Chee-Kong Chui: A Precise Robotic Ablation and Division Mechanism for Liver Resection. MIAR 2008: 320-328
17EEJ. Zhang, Y. Ge, Sim Heng Ong, Chee-Kong Chui, Swee-Hin Teoh, Chye Hwang Yan: Rapid surface registration of 3D volumes using a neural network approach. Image Vision Comput. 26(2): 201-210 (2008)
16EEJackson Shin-Kiat Ong, Chee-Kong Chui, Zhenlan Wang, Jing Zhang, Jeremy Choon-Meng Teo, Chye Hwang Yan, Sim Heng Ong, Chee Leong Teo, Swee-Hin Teoh: Biomechanical Modeling of Bone-Needle Interaction for Haptic Rendering in Needle Insertion Simulation. ICARCV 2006: 1-6
15EEChee-Kong Chui, Swee-Hin Teoh, Chong Jin Ong, James H. Anderson, Ichiro Sakuma: Integrative Modeling of Liver Organ for Simulation of Flexible Needle Insertion. ICARCV 2006: 1-6
14EEZhenlan Wang, Chee-Kong Chui, Yiyu Cai, Chuan-Heng Ang, Swee-Hin Teoh: Dynamic Linear Level Octree-based Volume Rendering Methods for Interactive Microsurgical Simulation. Int. J. Image Graphics 6(2): 155-172 (2006)
13EEZhenlan Wang, Jeremy Choon-Meng Teo, Chee-Kong Chui, Sim Heng Ong, Chye Hwang Yan, Chye Hwang Wang, Hee-Kit Wong, Swee-Hin Teoh: Computational biomechanical modelling of the lumbar spine using marching-cubes surface smoothened finite element voxel meshing. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 80(1): 25-35 (2005)
12EEIchiro Sakuma, Yosuke Nishimura, Chee-Kong Chui, Etsuko Kobayashi, Hiroshi Inada, Xian Chen, Toshiaki Hisada: In vitro Measurement of Mechanical Properties of Liver Tissue under Compression and Elongation Using a New Test Piece Holding Method with Surgical Glue. IS4TH 2003: 284-292
11EEYiyu Cai, Chee-Kong Chui, Xiuzi Ye, Yaoping Wang, James H. Anderson: VR simulated training for less invasive vascular intervention. Computers & Graphics 27(2): 215-221 (2003)
10EEZirui Li, Chee-Kong Chui, Yiyu Cai, Shantha Amrith, Poh-Sun Goh, James H. Anderson, Jeremy Choon-Meng Teo, Cherine Liu, Irma Kusuma, Yee-Shin Siow, Wieslaw Lucjan Nowinski: Modeling of the Human Orbit from MR Images. MICCAI (2) 2002: 339-347
9EEZhenlan Wang, Chee-Kong Chui, Chuan-Heng Ang, Wieslaw Lucjan Nowinski: Shear-Warp Volume Rendering Algorithms Using Linear Level Octree for PC-Based Medical Simulation. MICCAI (2) 2002: 606-614
8EEXiuzi Ye, Yiyu Cai, Chee-Kong Chui, James H. Anderson: Constructive modeling of G1 bifurcation. Computer Aided Geometric Design 19(7): 513-531 (2002)
7EEWieslaw Lucjan Nowinski, Chee-Kong Chui: Simulation of Interventional Neuroradiology Procedures. MIAR 2001: 87-94
6EEXuesong Chen, Chee-Kong Chui, Swee-Hin Teoh, Sim Heng Ong, Wieslaw Lucjan Nowinski: Automatic Modeling of Anatomical Structures for Biomechanical Analysis and Visualization in a Virtual Spine Workstation. MICCAI 2001: 1170-1171
5EEXin Ma, Zhong Fan, Chee-Kong Chui, Yiyu Cai, James H. Anderson, Wieslaw Lucjan Nowinski: Digital Angioplasty Balloon Inflation Device for Interventional Cardiovascular Procedures. MICCAI 2001: 335-342
4EEZirui Li, Chee-Kong Chui, Yiyu Cai, James H. Anderson, Wieslaw Lucjan Nowinski: Interactive Catheter Shape Modeling in Interventional Radiology Simulation. MICCAI 2001: 457-464
3EEYiyu Cai, Chee-Kong Chui, Yaoping Wang, Zhenlan Wang, James H. Anderson: Parametric Eyeball Model for Interactive Simulation of Ophthalmologic Surgery. MICCAI 2001: 465-472
2 Chee-Kong Chui, Sanjay Jain, Raghu Raghavan: Topology Independent Models for Parallel Computation. Parcella 1994: 119-129
1EEZuo-Ming Yin, Chee-Kong Chui, Ren-Ben Shu, Kuan-Tsae Huang: Two Precedence-Related Task-Scheduling Algorithms. International Journal of High Speed Computing 3(3/4): 223-240 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Shantha Amrith [10]
2James H. Anderson [3] [4] [5] [8] [10] [11] [15]
3Chuan-Heng Ang [9] [14]
4Limeng Bian [19]
5Yiyu Cai [3] [4] [5] [8] [10] [11] [14]
6Stephen Chang [18]
7Xian Chen [12]
8Xuesong Chen [6]
9Zhong Fan [5]
10Y. Ge [17]
11Poh-Sun Goh [10]
12Toshiaki Hisada [12]
13Kuan-Tsae Huang [1]
14Hiroshi Inada [12]
15Sanjay Jain [2]
16Etsuko Kobayashi [12]
17Irma Kusuma [10]
18Florence Leong [18]
19Zirui Li [4] [10]
20Cherine Liu [10]
21Xin Ma [5]
22Yosuke Nishimura [12]
23Wieslaw Lucjan Nowinski (Wieslaw L. Nowinski) [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10]
24Chong Jin Ong [15]
25Jackson Shin-Kiat Ong [16] [19]
26Sim Heng Ong (S. H. Ong) [6] [13] [16] [17] [19]
27Aun Neow Poo [18]
28Raghu Raghavan [2]
29Ichiro Sakuma [12] [15] [18]
30Ren-Ben Shu [1]
31Yee-Shin Siow [10]
32Chee Leong Teo [16]
33Jeremy Choon-Meng Teo [10] [13] [16] [19]
34Swee-Hin Teoh [6] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [19]
35Chye Hwang Wang [13]
36Shih-Chang Wang [19]
37Yaoping Wang [3] [11]
38Zhenlan Wang [3] [9] [13] [14] [16] [19]
39Hee-Kit Wong [13] [19]
40Chye Hwang Yan [13] [16] [17] [19]
41Liangjing Yang [18]
42Xiuzi Ye [8] [11]
43Zuo-Ming Yin [1]
44J. Zhang [17]
45Jing Zhang [16] [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)