
Chien-Yu Chen

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23EEHsi-Che Liu, Chien-Yu Chen, Yu-Ting Liu, Cheng-Bang Chu, Der-Cherng Liang, Lee-Yung Shih, Chih-Jen Lin: Cross-generation and cross-laboratory predictions of Affymetrix microarrays by rank-based methods. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 41(4): 570-579 (2008)
22EEChung-Tsai Su, Tong-Ming Hsu, Chien-Yu Chen, Yu-Yen Ou, Yen-Jen Oyang: Enhancing Protein Disorder Detection by Refined Secondary Structure Prediction. BIRD 2007: 395-409
21 Yen-Jen Oyang, Darby Tien-Hao Chang, Yu-Yen Ou, Hao-Geng Hung, Chien-Yu Chen: Prediction of Protein Secondary Structures with a Novel Kernel Density Estimator. MLMTA 2007: 79-84
20EEChung-Tsai Su, Chien-Yu Chen, Chen-Ming Hsu: iPDA: integrated protein disorder analyzer. Nucleic Acids Research 35(Web-Server-Issue): 465-472 (2007)
19EEChen-Ming Hsu, Chien-Yu Chen, Ching-Chi Hsu, Baw-Jhiune Liu: Efficient Discovery of Structural Motifs from Protein Sequences with Combination of Flexible Intra- and Inter-block Gap Constraints. PAKDD 2006: 530-539
18EEChen-Ming Hsu, Chien-Yu Chen, Baw-Jhiune Liu: MAGIIC-PRO: detecting functional signatures by efficient discovery of long patterns in protein sequences. Nucleic Acids Research 34(Web-Server-Issue): 356-361 (2006)
17EEChien-Yu Chen, Wen-Chin Chung, Chung-Tsai Su: Exploiting homogeneity in protein sequence clusters for construction of protein family hierarchies. Pattern Recognition 39(12): 2356-2369 (2006)
16EETsun-Chen Lin, Ru-Sheng Liu, Chien-Yu Chen, Ya-Ting Chao, Shu-Yuan Chen: Pattern classification in DNA microarray data of multiple tumor types. Pattern Recognition 39(12): 2426-2438 (2006)
15EETsun-Chen Lin, Ru-Sheng Liu, Shu-Yuan Chen, Chen-Chung Liu, Chien-Yu Chen: Genetic algorithms and silhouette measures applied to microarray data classification. APBC 2005: 229-238
14EESsu-Hua Huang, Ru-Sheng Liu, Chien-Yu Chen, Ya-Ting Chao, Shu-Yuan Chen: Prediction of Outer Membrane Proteins by Support Vector Machines Using Combinations of Gapped Amino Acid Pair Compositions. BIBE 2005: 113-120
13EEChien-Yu Chen, Shien-Ching Hwang, Yen-Jen Oyang: Analysis and summarization of correlations in data cubes and its application in microarray data analysis. Intell. Data Anal. 9(1): 43-57 (2005)
12EEChien-Yu Chen, Shien-Ching Hwang, Yen-Jen Oyang: A statistics-based approach to control the quality of subclusters in incremental gravitational clustering. Pattern Recognition 38(12): 2256-2269 (2005)
11EEDarby Tien-Hao Chang, Chien-Yu Chen, Yen-Jen Oyang, Hsueh-Fen Juan, Hsuan-Cheng Huang: An Efficient Mechanism for Prediction of Protein-Ligand Interactions Based on Analysis of Protein Tertiary Substructures. BIBE 2004: 427-433
10EEYing-Wen Bai, Wen-Yang Chu, Chien-Yu Chen, Yi-Ting Lee, Yi-Ching Tsai, Cheng-Hung Tsai: The Combination of Kaiser Window and Moving Average for the Low-Pass Filtering of the Remote ECG Signals. CBMS 2004: 273-278
9EEChien-Yu Chen, Yen-Jen Oyang, Hsueh-Fen Juan: Incremental generation of summarized clustering hierarchy for protein family analysis. Bioinformatics 20(16): 2586-2596 (2004)
8EEChien-Yu Chen, Yu-Chuan Kuo, Chiou-Shann Fuh: Image Reconstruction With Improved Super-Resolution Algorithm. IJPRAI 18(8): 1513-1527 (2004)
7 Darby Tien-Hao Chang, Chien-Yu Chen, Wen-Chin Chung, Yen-Jen Oyang, Hsueh-Fen Juan, Hsuan-Cheng Huang: ProteMiner-SSM: a web server for efficient analysis of similar protein tertiary substructures. Nucleic Acids Research 32(Web-Server-Issue): 76-82 (2004)
6 Chien-Yu Chen, Iwan M. Duursma: Geometric Reed-Solomon codes of length 64 and 65 over F8. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(5): 1351-1353 (2003)
5EEMichael O. Ball, Chien-Yu Chen, Zhen-Ying Zhao: Material compatibility constraints for make-to-order production planning. Oper. Res. Lett. 31(3): 420-428 (2003)
4EEChien-Yu Chen, Shien-Ching Hwang, Yen-Jen Oyang: An Incremental Hierarchical Data Clustering Algorithm Based on Gravity Theory. PAKDD 2002: 237-250
3EEYen-Jen Oyang, Chien-Yu Chen, Tsui-Wei Yang: A Study on the Hierarchical Data Clustering Algorithm Based on Gravity Theory. PKDD 2001: 350-361
2EEChien-Yu Chen, Zhen-Ying Zhao, Michael O. Ball: Quantity and Due Date Quoting Available to Promise. Information Systems Frontiers 3(4): 477-488 (2001)
1EEChien-Yu Chen, Zhong-Lan Yang, Tu-Chih Wang, Liang-Gee Chen: A Programmable Parallel VLSI Architecture for 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform. VLSI Signal Processing 28(3): 151-163 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Ying-Wen Bai [10]
2Michael O. Ball [2] [5]
3Darby Tien-Hao Chang [7] [11] [21]
4Ya-Ting Chao [14] [16]
5Liang-Gee Chen [1]
6Shu-Yuan Chen [14] [15] [16]
7Cheng-Bang Chu [23]
8Wen-Yang Chu [10]
9Wen-Chin Chung [7] [17]
10Iwan M. Duursma [6]
11Chiou-Shann Fuh [8]
12Chen-Ming Hsu [18] [19] [20]
13Ching-Chi Hsu [19]
14Tong-Ming Hsu [22]
15Hsuan-Cheng Huang [7] [11]
16Ssu-Hua Huang [14]
17Hao-Geng Hung [21]
18Shien-Ching Hwang [4] [12] [13]
19Hsueh-Fen Juan [7] [9] [11]
20Yu-Chuan Kuo [8]
21Yi-Ting Lee [10]
22Der-Cherng Liang [23]
23Chih-Jen Lin [23]
24Tsun-Chen Lin [15] [16]
25Baw-Jhiune Liu [18] [19]
26Chen-Chung Liu [15]
27Hsi-Che Liu [23]
28Ru-Sheng Liu [14] [15] [16]
29Yu-Ting Liu [23]
30Yu-Yen Ou [21] [22]
31Yen-Jen Oyang [3] [4] [7] [9] [11] [12] [13] [21] [22]
32Lee-Yung Shih [23]
33Chung-Tsai Su [17] [20] [22]
34Cheng-Hung Tsai [10]
35Yi-Ching Tsai [10]
36Tu-Chih Wang [1]
37Tsui-Wei Yang [3]
38Zhong-Lan Yang [1]
39Zhen-Ying Zhao [2] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)