
Douglas W. Jones

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17EEAndrew L. Goertzen, Douglas W. Jones, Jürgen Seidel, King Li, Michael V. Green: First results from the high-resolution mouseSPECT annular scintillation camera. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 24(7): 863-867 (2005)
16EEDouglas W. Jones: Auditing elections. Commun. ACM 47(10): 46-50 (2004)
15EEPoorvi L. Vora, Ben Adida, Ren Bucholz, David Chaum, David L. Dill, David Jefferson, Douglas W. Jones, William Lattin, Aviel D. Rubin, Michael I. Shamos, Moti Yung: Evaluation of voting systems. Commun. ACM 47(11): 144 (2004)
14EEDouglas W. Jones: Simulation of information flow in organizations. Winter Simulation Conference 1993: 1388-1389
13EEChien-Chun Chou, Steven C. Bruell, Douglas W. Jones, Wen Zhang: A generalized hold model. Winter Simulation Conference 1993: 756-761
12 Douglas W. Jones: Practical Evaluation of a Data Compression Algorithm. Data Compression Conference 1991: 372-381
11EEDouglas W. Jones, Chien-Chun Chou, Debra Renk, Steven C. Bruell: Experience with concurrent simulation. Winter Simulation Conference 1989: 756-764
10 Douglas W. Jones: Concurrent Operations on Priority Queues. Commun. ACM 32(1): 132-137 (1989)
9 Douglas W. Jones: Application of Splay Trees to Data Compression. Commun. ACM 31(8): 996-1007 (1988)
8EERex E. Gantenbein, Douglas W. Jones: The design and implementation of a dynamic binding feature for a high-level language. Journal of Systems and Software 8(4): 259-273 (1988)
7EEDouglas W. Jones: How (not) to code a finite state machine. SIGPLAN Notices 23(8): 19-22 (1988)
6 Douglas W. Jones: A Note on Bottom-Up Skew Heaps. SIAM J. Comput. 16(1): 108-110 (1987)
5EERex E. Gantenbein, Douglas W. Jones: Dynamic binding of separately compiled objects under program control. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1986: 287-292
4 Douglas W. Jones: An Empirical Comparison of Priority-Queue and Event-Set Implementations. Commun. ACM 29(4): 300-311 (1986)
3 Douglas W. Jones: Improved Interpretation of UNIX-Like File Names Embedded in Data. Commun. ACM 27(8): 782-784 (1984)
2 Douglas W. Jones: Assembly Language as Object Code. Softw., Pract. Exper. 13(8): 715-725 (1983)
1 Douglas W. Jones: Systematic Protection Mechanism Design. ASPLOS 1982: 77-80

Coauthor Index

1Ben Adida [15]
2Steven C. Bruell [11] [13]
3Ren Bucholz [15]
4David Chaum [15]
5Chien-Chun Chou [11] [13]
6David L. Dill [15]
7Rex E. Gantenbein [5] [8]
8Andrew L. Goertzen [17]
9Michael V. Green [17]
10David Jefferson [15]
11William Lattin [15]
12King Li [17]
13Debra Renk [11]
14Aviel D. Rubin [15]
15Jürgen Seidel [17]
16Michael I. Shamos [15]
17Poorvi L. Vora [15]
18Moti Yung (Mordechai M. Yung) [15]
19Wen Zhang [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)