2008 |
54 | EE | Claude Crépeau,
Joe Kilian,
George Savvides:
Interactive Hashing: An Information Theoretic Tool (Invited Talk).
ICITS 2008: 14-28 |
53 | EE | Claude Crépeau,
Jürg Wullschleger:
Statistical Security Conditions for Two-Party Secure Function Evaluation.
ICITS 2008: 86-99 |
52 | EE | Geneviève Arboit,
Claude Crépeau,
Carlton R. Davis,
Muthucumaru Maheswaran:
A localized certificate revocation scheme for mobile ad hoc networks.
Ad Hoc Networks 6(1): 17-31 (2008) |
2007 |
51 | EE | Claude Crépeau,
Carlton R. Davis,
Muthucumaru Maheswaran:
A Secure MANET Routing Protocol with Resilience against Byzantine Behaviours of Malicious or Selfish Nodes.
AINA Workshops (2) 2007: 19-26 |
2006 |
50 | EE | Claude Crépeau,
George Savvides:
Optimal Reductions Between Oblivious Transfers Using Interactive Hashing.
EUROCRYPT 2006: 201-221 |
49 | EE | Claude Crépeau,
George Savvides,
Christian Schaffner,
Jürg Wullschleger:
Information-Theoretic Conditions for Two-Party Secure Function Evaluation.
EUROCRYPT 2006: 538-554 |
48 | EE | Michael Ben-Or,
Claude Crépeau,
Daniel Gottesman,
Avinatan Hassidim,
Adam Smith:
Secure Multiparty Quantum Computation with (Only) a Strict Honest Majority.
FOCS 2006: 249-260 |
2005 |
47 | EE | Claude Crépeau,
Daniel Gottesman,
Adam Smith:
Approximate Quantum Error-Correcting Codes and Secret Sharing Schemes.
EUROCRYPT 2005: 285-301 |
46 | EE | Claude Crépeau:
Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005 |
45 | EE | Claude Crépeau:
Cut-and-choose protocol.
Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005 |
44 | EE | Gilles Brassard,
Claude Crépeau:
Quantum Cryptography.
Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005 |
43 | EE | Claude Crépeau,
Daniel Gottesman,
Adam Smith:
Approximate Quantum Error-Correcting Codes and Secret Sharing Schemes
CoRR abs/quant-ph/0503139: (2005) |
2004 |
42 | EE | Claude Crépeau,
Kirill Morozov,
Stefan Wolf:
Efficient Unconditional Oblivious Transfer from Almost Any Noisy Channel.
SCN 2004: 47-59 |
41 | EE | Claude Crépeau,
Paul Dumais,
Dominic Mayers,
Louis Salvail:
Computational Collapse of Quantum State with Application to Oblivious Transfer.
TCC 2004: 374-393 |
2003 |
40 | EE | Claude Crépeau,
Alain Slakmon:
Simple Backdoors for RSA Key Generation.
CT-RSA 2003: 403-416 |
39 | EE | Claude Crépeau,
Carlton R. Davis:
A certificate revocation scheme for wireless ad hoc networks.
SASN 2003: 54-61 |
38 | EE | Gilles Brassard,
Claude Crépeau,
Stefan Wolf:
Oblivious Transfers and Privacy Amplification.
J. Cryptology 16(4): 219-237 (2003) |
2002 |
37 | EE | Howard Barnum,
Claude Crépeau,
Daniel Gottesman,
Adam Smith,
Alain Tapp:
Authentication of Quantum Messages.
FOCS 2002: 449-458 |
36 | EE | Claude Crépeau,
Daniel Gottesman,
Adam Smith:
Secure multi-party quantum computation.
STOC 2002: 643-652 |
35 | EE | Howard Barnum,
Claude Crépeau,
Daniel Gottesman,
Adam Smith,
Alain Tapp:
Authentication of Quantum Messages
CoRR quant-ph/0205128: (2002) |
2001 |
34 | EE | Claude Crépeau,
Frédéric Légaré,
Louis Salvail:
How to Convert the Flavor of a Quantum Bit Commitment.
EUROCRYPT 2001: 60-77 |
1998 |
33 | EE | Christian Cachin,
Claude Crépeau,
Julien Marcil:
Oblivious Transfer with a Memory-Bounded Receiver.
FOCS 1998: 493-502 |
1997 |
32 | EE | Claude Crépeau:
Efficient Cryptographic Protocols Based on Noisy Channels.
EUROCRYPT 1997: 306-317 |
31 | EE | Gilles Brassard,
Claude Crépeau:
Oblivious Transfers and Privacy Amplification.
EUROCRYPT 1997: 334-347 |
1996 |
30 | | Gilles Brassard,
Claude Crépeau,
Miklos Santha:
Oblivious transfers and intersecting codes.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 42(6): 1769-1780 (1996) |
29 | | Claude Crépeau:
Guest Editor's Introduction.
J. Cryptology 9(3): 127-128 (1996) |
1995 |
28 | EE | Claude Crépeau,
Jeroen van de Graaf,
Alain Tapp:
Committed Oblivious Transfer and Private Multi-Party Computation.
CRYPTO 1995: 110-123 |
27 | EE | Claude Crépeau,
Louis Salvail:
Quantum Oblivious Mutual Identification.
EUROCRYPT 1995: 133-146 |
26 | | Charles H. Bennett,
Gilles Brassard,
Claude Crépeau,
Ueli M. Maurer:
Generalized privacy amplification.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 41(6): 1915-1923 (1995) |
1993 |
25 | EE | Claude Crépeau,
Joe Kilian:
Discreet Solitary Games.
CRYPTO 1993: 319-330 |
24 | | Gilles Brassard,
Claude Crépeau,
Richard Jozsa,
Denis Langlois:
A Quantum Bit Commitment Scheme Provably Unbreakable by both Parties
FOCS 1993: 362-371 |
1991 |
23 | EE | Charles H. Bennett,
Gilles Brassard,
Claude Crépeau,
Marie-Hélène Skubiszewska:
Practical Quantum Oblivious Transfer.
CRYPTO 1991: 351-366 |
22 | EE | Claude Crépeau,
Miklos Santha:
On the Reversibility of Oblivious Transfer.
EUROCRYPT 1991: 106-113 |
21 | | Gilles Brassard,
Claude Crépeau,
Sophie Laplante,
Christian Léger:
Computationally Convincing Proofs of Knowledge.
STACS 1991: 251-262 |
20 | | Gilles Brassard,
Claude Crépeau,
Moti Yung:
Constant-Round Perfect Zero-Knowledge Computationally Convincing Protocols.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 84(1): 23-52 (1991) |
1990 |
19 | EE | Gilles Brassard,
Claude Crépeau:
Quantum Bit Commitment and Coin Tossing Protocols.
CRYPTO 1990: 49-61 |
1989 |
18 | EE | Claude Crépeau:
Verifiable Disclosure of Secrets and Applications (Abstract).
EUROCRYPT 1989: 150-154 |
17 | EE | Gilles Brassard,
Claude Crépeau:
Sorting out Zero-Knowledge.
EUROCRYPT 1989: 181-191 |
16 | EE | Gilles Brassard,
Claude Crépeau,
Moti Yung:
Everything in NP can be Argued in Perfect Zero-Knowledge in a Bounded Number of Rounds (Extended Abstract).
EUROCRYPT 1989: 192-195 |
15 | | Gilles Brassard,
Claude Crépeau,
Moti Yung:
Everything in NP can be Argued in Perfect Zero-Knowledge in a Bounded Number of Rounds.
ICALP 1989: 123-136 |
1988 |
14 | EE | Claude Crépeau,
Joe Kilian:
Weakening Security Assumptions and Oblivious Transfer (Abstract).
CRYPTO 1988: 2-7 |
13 | | Claude Crépeau,
Joe Kilian:
Achieving Oblivious Transfer Using Weakened Security Assumptions (Extended Abstract)
FOCS 1988: 42-52 |
12 | | David Chaum,
Claude Crépeau,
Ivan Damgård:
Multiparty Unconditionally Secure Protocols (Extended Abstract)
STOC 1988: 11-19 |
11 | | Gilles Brassard,
David Chaum,
Claude Crépeau:
Minimum Disclosure Proofs of Knowledge.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 37(2): 156-189 (1988) |
10 | | Pierre Beauchemin,
Gilles Brassard,
Claude Crépeau,
Claude Goutier,
Carl Pomerance:
The Generation of Random Numbers that Are Probably Prime.
J. Cryptology 1(1): 53-64 (1988) |
1987 |
9 | EE | Claude Crépeau:
Equivalence Between Two Flavours of Oblivious Transfers.
CRYPTO 1987: 350-354 |
8 | EE | David Chaum,
Claude Crépeau,
Ivan Damgård:
Multiparty Unconditionally Secure Protocols (Abstract).
CRYPTO 1987: 462 |
1986 |
7 | EE | Gilles Brassard,
Claude Crépeau:
Zero-Knowledge Simulation of Boolean Circuits.
CRYPTO 1986: 223-233 |
6 | EE | Gilles Brassard,
Claude Crépeau,
Jean-Marc Robert:
All-or-Nothing Disclosure of Secrets.
CRYPTO 1986: 234-238 |
5 | EE | Claude Crépeau:
A Zero-Knowledge Poker Protocol That Achieves Confidentiality of the Players' Strategy or How to Achieve an Electronic Poker Face.
CRYPTO 1986: 239-247 |
4 | EE | Pierre Beauchemin,
Gilles Brassard,
Claude Crépeau:
Two Observations on Probabilistic Primality Testing.
CRYPTO 1986: 443-450 |
3 | | Gilles Brassard,
Claude Crépeau,
Jean-Marc Robert:
Information Theoretic Reductions among Disclosure Problems
FOCS 1986: 168-173 |
2 | | Gilles Brassard,
Claude Crépeau:
Non-Transitive Transfer of Confidence: A Perfect Zero-Knowledge Interactive Protocol for SAT and Beyond
FOCS 1986: 188-195 |
1985 |
1 | EE | Claude Crépeau:
A Secure Poker Protocol that Minimizes the Effect of Player Coalitions.
CRYPTO 1985: 73-86 |