
Steve A. Schneider

Steve Schneider

University of Surrey

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74EESteve Schneider, Helen Treharne: Changing System Interfaces Consistently: A New Refinement Strategy for CSP||B. IFM 2009: 103-117
73EEHelen Treharne, Edward Turner, Steve Schneider, Neil Evans: Object Modelling in the SystemB Industrial Project. ABZ 2008: 359
72EESteve Schneider, Helen Treharne, Alistair McEwan, Wilson Ifill: Experiments in Translating CSP || B to Handel-C. CPA 2008: 115-133
71EEZhe Xia, Steve A. Schneider, James Heather, Jacques Traoré: Analysis, Improvement, and Simplification of Prêt à Voter with Paillier Encryption. EVT 2008
70EEEdward Turner, Helen Treharne, Steve Schneider, Neil Evans: Automatic Generation of CSP || B Skeletons from xUML Models. ICTAC 2008: 364-379
69EEAlistair A. McEwan, Steve A. Schneider, Wilson Ifill, Peter H. Welch: The 30th Communicating Process Architectures Conference, CPA 2007, organised under the auspices of WoTUG and the University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, UK, 8-11 July 2007 IOS Press 2007
68 Theodosis Dimitrakos, Fabio Martinelli, Peter Y. A. Ryan, Steve A. Schneider: Formal Aspects in Security and Trust, Fourth International Workshop, FAST 2006, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, August 26-27, 2006, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2007
67EEWilson Ifill, Steve A. Schneider, Helen Treharne: Augmenting B with Control Annotations. B 2007: 34-48
66 Alistair A. McEwan, Steve Schneider: Modeling and Analysis of the AMBA Bus Using CSP and B. CPA 2007: 379-398
65 Wilson Ifill, Steve Schneider: A Step Towards Refining and Translating B Control Annotations to Handel-C. CPA 2007: 399-424
64EEDamien Karkinsky, Steve A. Schneider, Helen Treharne: Combining Mobility with State. IFM 2007: 373-392
63EESébastien Foulle, Steve Schneider, Jacques Traoré, Zhe Xia: Threat Analysis of a Practical Voting Scheme with Receipts. VOTE-ID 2007: 156-165
62EERob Delicata, Steve Schneider: An algebraic approach to the verification of a class of Diffie-Hellman protocols. Int. J. Inf. Sec. 6(2-3): 183-196 (2007)
61EETheodosis Dimitrakos, Fabio Martinelli, Peter Y. A. Ryan, Steve Schneider: Guest Editors' Preface. Int. J. Inf. Sec. 6(2-3): 65-66 (2007)
60 Theodosis Dimitrakos, Fabio Martinelli, Peter Y. A. Ryan, Steve A. Schneider: Formal Aspects in Security and Trust, Third International Workshop, FAST 2005, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, July 18-19, 2005, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2006
59EEPeter Y. A. Ryan, Steve A. Schneider: Prêt à Voter with Re-encryption Mixes. ESORICS 2006: 313-326
58EESteve Schneider, Helen Treharne, Ana Cavalcanti, Jim Woodcock: A Layered Behavioural Model of Platelets. ICECCS 2006: 98-106
57EEAlistair A. McEwan, Steve Schneider: A verified development of hardware using CSP/spl par/B. MEMOCODE 2006: 81
56EEJames Heather, Steve Schneider: To infinity and beyond or, avoiding the infinite in security protocol analysis. SAC 2006: 346-353
55EEJoël Ouaknine, Steve Schneider: Timed CSP: A Retrospective. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 162: 273-276 (2006)
54EESteve Schneider, Thai Son Hoang, Ken Robinson, Helen Treharne: Tank monitoring: a pAMN case study. Formal Asp. Comput. 18(3): 308-328 (2006)
53 Helen Treharne, Steve King, Martin C. Henson, Steve A. Schneider: ZB 2005: Formal Specification and Development in Z and B, 4th International Conference of B and Z Users, Guildford, UK, April 13-15, 2005, Proceedings Springer 2005
52EESiraj A. Shaikh, Vicky J. Bush, Steve A. Schneider: Specifying Authentication Using Signal Events in CSP. CISC 2005: 63-74
51EERob Delicata, Steve A. Schneider: Temporal Rank Functions for Forward Secrecy. CSFW 2005: 126-139
50EEDavid Chaum, Peter Y. A. Ryan, Steve A. Schneider: A Practical Voter-Verifiable Election Scheme. ESORICS 2005: 118-139
49EERob Delicata, Steve A. Schneider: A Formal Approach for Reasoning About a Class of Diffie-Hellman Protocols. Formal Aspects in Security and Trust 2005: 34-46
48EESteve A. Schneider, Helen Treharne, Neil Evans: Chunks: Component Verification in CSP||B. IFM 2005: 89-108
47EESteve A. Schneider, Thai Son Hoang, Ken Robinson, Helen Treharne: Tank Monitoring: A pAMN Case Study. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 137(2): 183-204 (2005)
46EESteve Schneider, Helen Treharne: CSP theorems for communicating B machines. Formal Asp. Comput. 17(4): 390-422 (2005)
45EENeil Evans, Steve A. Schneider: Verifying security protocols with PVS: widening the rank function approach. J. Log. Algebr. Program. 64(2): 253-284 (2005)
44 James Heather, Steve Schneider: A decision procedure for the existence of a rank function. Journal of Computer Security 13(2): 317-344 (2005)
43EESteve A. Schneider, Rob Delicata: Verifying Security Protocols: An Application of CSP. 25 Years Communicating Sequential Processes 2004: 243-263
42EESteve Schneider, Helen Treharne: Verifying Controlled Components. IFM 2004: 87-107
41 Ali E. Abdallah, Peter Ryan, Steve Schneider: Formal Aspects of Security, First International Conference, FASec 2002, London, UK, December 16-18, 2002, Revised Papers Springer 2003
40EEHelen Treharne, Steve Schneider, Marchia Bramble: Composing Specifications Using Communication. ZB 2003: 58-78
39EEWing Lok Yeung, Steve Schneider: Design and Verification of Distributed Recovery Blocks with CSP. Formal Methods in System Design 22(3): 225-248 (2003)
38 James Heather, Gavin Lowe, Steve Schneider: How to Prevent Type Flaw Attacks on Security Protocols. Journal of Computer Security 11(2): 217-244 (2003)
37EEJames Heather, Steve Schneider: Equal To The Task? ESORICS 2002: 162-177
36 Steve Schneider: Verifying Authentication Protocol Implementations. FMOODS 2002: 5-24
35EESteve Schneider, Helen Treharne: Communicating B Machines. ZB 2002: 416-435
34EESteve Schneider: Process Algebra and Security. CONCUR 2001: 37-38
33 Peter Y. A. Ryan, Steve A. Schneider: Process Algebra and Non-Interference. Journal of Computer Security 9(1/2): 75-103 (2001)
32EEJames Heather, Steve Schneider: Towards Automatic Verification of Authentication Protocols on an Unbounded Network. CSFW 2000: 132-143
31EEJames Heather, Gavin Lowe, Steve Schneider: How to Prevent Type Flaw Attacks on Security Protocols. CSFW 2000: 255-268
30EENeil Evans, Steve Schneider: Analysing Time Dependent Security Properties in CSP Using PVS. ESORICS 2000: 222-237
29EEHelen Treharne, Steve Schneider: How to Drive a B Machine. ZB 2000: 188-208
28EESteve Schneider, Peter Ryan: Preface. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 32: (2000)
27EESteve Schneider: May Testing, Non-interference, and Compositionality. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 40: (2000)
26EESteve Schneider: Abstraction and Testing in CSP. Formal Asp. Comput. 12(3): 165-181 (2000)
25EEPeter Y. A. Ryan, Steve A. Schneider: Process Algebra and Non-Interference. CSFW 1999: 214-227
24 Helen Treharne, Steve Schneider: Using a Process Algebra to Control B Operations. IFM 1999: 437-456
23EECarl B. Adekunle, Steve Schneider: Detecting Feature Interactions in the Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) Network Using Promela and Xspin. SPIN 1999: 136-151
22EESteve Schneider: Abstraction and Testing. World Congress on Formal Methods 1999: 738-757
21EEHelen Treharne, J. Draper, Steve Schneider: Test Case Preparation Using a Prototype. B 1998: 293-311
20EESteve Schneider: Formal Analysis of a Non-Repudiation Protocol. CSFW 1998: 54-65
19EESteve Schneider: Verifying Authentication Protocols in CSP. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 24(9): 741-758 (1998)
18EEPeter Y. A. Ryan, Steve A. Schneider: An Attack on a Recursive Authentication Protocol. A Cautionary Tale. Inf. Process. Lett. 65(1): 7-10 (1998)
17EESteve Schneider: Verifying authentication protocols with CSP. CSFW 1997: 3-17
16 Bruno Dutertre, Steve Schneider: Using a PVS Embedding of CSP to Verify Authentication Protocols. TPHOLs 1997: 121-136
15 Steve Schneider: Timewise Refinement for Communicating Processes. Sci. Comput. Program. 28(1): 43-90 (1997)
14EESteve Schneider, Abraham Sidiropoulos: CSP and Anonymity. ESORICS 1996: 198-218
13EESteve Schneider: Security Properties and CSP. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1996: 174-187
12 Jeremy Bryans, Jim Davies, Steve Schneider: Towards a denotational semantics for ET-LOTOS. CONCUR 1995: 269-283
11 Jim Davies, Jeremy Bryans, Steve Schneider: Real-time LOTOS and Timed Observations. FORTE 1995: 383-397
10 Steve Schneider: An Operational Semantics for Timed CSP Inf. Comput. 116(2): 193-213 (1995)
9EEJim Davies, Steve Schneider: A Brief History of Timed CSP. Theor. Comput. Sci. 138(2): 243-271 (1995)
8EEMichael W. Mislove, A. W. Roscoe, Steve Schneider: Fixed Points Without Completeness. Theor. Comput. Sci. 138(2): 273-314 (1995)
7 Jim Davies, Steve Schneider: Recursion Induction for Real-Time Processes. Formal Asp. Comput. 5(6): 530-553 (1994)
6 Steve Schneider: Rigorous Specification of Real-Time Systems. AMAST 1993: 59-74
5 Steve Schneider: Timewise Refinement for Communicating Processes. MFPS 1993: 177-214
4 Jim Davies, Steve Schneider: Using CSP to Verify a Timed Protocol over a Fair Medium. CONCUR 1992: 355-369
3 Jim Davies, Dave Jackson, Steve Schneider: Broadcast Communication for Real-time Processes. FTRTFT 1992: 149-169
2 Steve Schneider, Jim Davies, D. M. Jackson, George M. Reed, Joy N. Reed, A. W. Roscoe: Timed CSP: Theory and Practice. REX Workshop 1991: 640-675
1 Jim Davies, Steve Schneider: Factorizing Proofs in Timed CSP. Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics 1989: 129-159

Coauthor Index

1Ali E. Abdallah [41]
2Carl B. Adekunle [23]
3Marchia Bramble [40]
4Jeremy Bryans [11] [12]
5Vicky J. Bush [52]
6Ana Cavalcanti [58]
7David Chaum [50]
8Jim Davies [1] [2] [3] [4] [7] [9] [11] [12]
9Rob Delicata [43] [49] [51] [62]
10Theodosis Dimitrakos [60] [61] [68]
11J. Draper [21]
12Bruno Dutertre [16]
13Neil Evans [30] [45] [48] [70] [73]
14Sébastien Foulle [63]
15James Heather [31] [32] [37] [38] [44] [56] [71]
16Martin C. Henson [53]
17Thai Son Hoang [47] [54]
18Wilson Ifill [65] [67] [69] [72]
19D. M. Jackson [2]
20Dave Jackson [3]
21Damien Karkinsky [64]
22Steve King [53]
23Gavin Lowe [31] [38]
24Fabio Martinelli [60] [61] [68]
25Alistair McEwan [72]
26Alistair A. McEwan [57] [66] [69]
27Michael W. Mislove [8]
28Joël Ouaknine [55]
29George M. Reed [2]
30Joy N. Reed [2]
31Ken Robinson (Kenneth Arthur Robinson) [47] [54]
32A. W. Roscoe (A. William Roscoe, Bill Roscoe) [2] [8]
33Peter Y. A. Ryan (Peter Ryan) [18] [25] [28] [33] [41] [50] [59] [60] [61] [68]
34Siraj A. Shaikh [52]
35Abraham Sidiropoulos [14]
36Jacques Traoré [63] [71]
37Helen Treharne [21] [24] [29] [35] [40] [42] [46] [47] [48] [53] [54] [58] [64] [67] [70] [72] [73] [74]
38Edward Turner [70] [73]
39Peter H. Welch [69]
40Jim Woodcock (J. C. P. Woodcock) [58]
41Zhe Xia [63] [71]
42Wing Lok Yeung [39]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)