
John Hogg

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7EEJos Warmer, John Hogg, Steve Cook, Bran Selic: Experience with Formal Specification of CMM and UML. ECOOP Workshops 1997: 216-220
6 John Hogg, Doug Lea, Alan Wills, Dennis de Champeaux, Richard C. Holt: The Geneva convention on the treatment of object aliasing. OOPS Messenger 3(2): 11-16 (1992)
5 John Hogg: Islands: Aliasing Protection in Object-Oriented Languages. OOPSLA 1991: 271-285
4 John Hogg, Rodney Iversen: Representing concurrent communication systems. OOPS Messenger 2(2): 37-39 (1991)
3 John Hogg, Steven Weiser: OTM: Applying Objects to Tasks. OOPSLA 1987: 388-393
2EEJohn Hogg, Stelios Gamvroulas: An Active Mail System. SIGMOD Conference 1984: 215-222
1EEJohn Hogg, Murray S. Mazer, Stelios Gamvroulas, Dennis Tsichritzis: Imail - An Intelligent Mail System. IEEE Database Eng. Bull. 6(3): 36-42 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Dennis de Champeaux [6]
2Steve Cook [7]
3Stelios Gamvroulas [1] [2]
4Richard C. Holt [6]
5Rodney Iversen [4]
6Doug Lea [6]
7Murray S. Mazer [1]
8Bran Selic [7]
9Dennis Tsichritzis [1]
10Jos Warmer [7]
11Steven Weiser [3]
12Alan Wills [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)