
Luigi Capodieci

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5EEJuan C. Rey, N. S. Nagaraj, Andrew B. Kahng, Fabian Klass, Rob Aitken, Cliff Hou, Luigi Capodieci, Vivek Singh: DFM in practice: hit or hype? DAC 2008: 898-899
4EEJie Yang, Luigi Capodieci, Dennis Sylvester: Advanced timing analysis based on post-OPC extraction of critical dimensions. DAC 2005: 359-364
3EELuigi Capodieci, Puneet Gupta, Andrew B. Kahng, Dennis Sylvester, Jie Yang: Toward a methodology for manufacturability-driven design rule exploration. DAC 2004: 311-316
2EEFranklin M. Schellenberg, Olivier Toublan, Luigi Capodieci, Bob Socha: Adoption of OPC and the Impact on Design and Layout. DAC 2001: 89-92
1EEFranklin M. Schellenberg, Luigi Capodieci: Impact of RET on physical layouts. ISPD 2001: 52-55

Coauthor Index

1Rob Aitken [5]
2Puneet Gupta [3]
3Cliff Hou [5]
4Andrew B. Kahng [3] [5]
5Fabian Klass [5]
6N. S. Nagaraj [5]
7Juan C. Rey [5]
8Franklin M. Schellenberg [1] [2]
9Vivek Singh [5]
10Bob Socha [2]
11Dennis Sylvester [3] [4]
12Olivier Toublan [2]
13Jie Yang [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)