
Darryn E. Bryant

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42EEDarryn E. Bryant, Judith Egan, Barbara M. Maenhaut, Ian M. Wanless: Indivisible plexes in latin squares. Des. Codes Cryptography 52(1): 93-105 (2009)
41EEDarryn E. Bryant, Daniel Horsley: Packing cycles in complete graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 98(5): 1014-1037 (2008)
40 Peter Adams, Darryn E. Bryant, Mary Waterhouse: Some equitably 2-colourable cycle decompositions. Ars Comb. 85: (2007)
39EEDarryn E. Bryant, Melinda Buchanan: Embedding partial totally symmetric quasigroups. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 114(6): 1046-1088 (2007)
38EEDarryn E. Bryant, Saad El-Zanati, Charles Vanden Eynden: Erratum to: "Star factorizations of graph products". Journal of Graph Theory 54(1): 88-89 (2007)
37EERobert Brier, Darryn E. Bryant: Varieties of algebras arising from K-perfect m-cycle systems. Discrete Mathematics 306(17): 2038-2046 (2006)
36EEDarryn E. Bryant, Barbara M. Maenhaut, Ian M. Wanless: New families of atomic Latin squares and perfect 1-factorisations. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 113(4): 608-624 (2006)
35EEDarryn E. Bryant, Daniel Horsley, Barbara M. Maenhaut: Decompositions into 2-regular subgraph and equitable partial cycle decompositions. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 93(1): 67-72 (2005)
34EEJonathan M. Keith, Peter Adams, Darryn E. Bryant, Duncan A. E. Cochran, Gita H. Lala, Keith R. Mitchelson: Algorithms for sequence analysis via mutagenesis. Bioinformatics 20(15): 2401-2410 (2004)
33EEPeter Adams, Darryn E. Bryant, Barbara M. Maenhaut: Common multiples of complete graphs and a 4-cycle. Discrete Mathematics 275(1-3): 289-297 (2004)
32EEPeter Adams, Darryn E. Bryant, James G. Lefevre, Mary Waterhouse: Some equitably 3-colourable cycle decompositions. Discrete Mathematics 284(1-3): 21-35 (2004)
31EEDarryn E. Bryant, Barbara M. Maenhaut, Kathleen A. S. Quinn, Bridget S. Webb: Existence and embeddings of partial Steiner triple systems of order ten with cubic leaves. Discrete Mathematics 284(1-3): 83-95 (2004)
30EEDarryn E. Bryant, Mike J. Grannell, Terry S. Griggs, Martin Macaj: Configurations in 4-Cycle Systems. Graphs and Combinatorics 20(2): 161-179 (2004)
29EEDarryn E. Bryant: Embeddings of partial Steiner triple systems. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 106(1): 77-108 (2004)
28EEJonathan M. Keith, Peter Adams, Darryn E. Bryant, Keith R. Mitchelson, Duncan A. E. Cochran, Gita H. Lala: Inferring an Original Sequence from Erroneous Copies : A Bayesian Approach. APBC 2003: 23-28
27EEDarryn E. Bryant, Heather Gavlas, Alan C. H. Ling: Skolem-type Difference Sets for Cycle Systems. Electr. J. Comb. 10: (2003)
26EEDarryn E. Bryant, Mike J. Grannell, Terry S. Griggs, Barbara M. Maenhaut: On the Volume of 4-Cycle Trades. Graphs and Combinatorics 19(1): 53-63 (2003)
25EEPeter Adams, Darryn E. Bryant, Saad El-Zanati, Heather Gavlas: Factorizations of the Complete Graph into C 5-Factors and 1-Factors. Graphs and Combinatorics 19(3): 289-296 (2003)
24 Jonathan M. Keith, Peter Adams, Darryn E. Bryant, Dirk P. Kroese, Keith R. Mitchelson, Duncan A. E. Cochran, Gita H. Lala: A simulated annealing algorithm for finding consensus sequences. Bioinformatics 18(11): 1494-1499 (2002)
23EETran Trung Tran, Darryn E. Bryant, Mark L. Smythe: A Subset-orientated Algorithm for Minimizing the Number of Steps Required for Synthesis of Cyclic-peptide Libraries. Computers & Chemistry 26(2): 113-117 (2002)
22EEPeter Adams, Elizabeth J. Billington, Darryn E. Bryant, Ebadollah S. Mahmoodian: The three-way intersection problem for latin squares. Discrete Mathematics 243(1-3): 1-19 (2002)
21EEDarryn E. Bryant, Saad El-Zanati, Charles Vanden Eynden: Factorizations of and by powers of complete graphs. Discrete Mathematics 243(1-3): 201-205 (2002)
20EEDarryn E. Bryant, Hung-Lin Fu: C4-saturated bipartite graphs. Discrete Mathematics 259(1-3): 263-268 (2002)
19EEPeter Adams, Elizabeth J. Billington, Darryn E. Bryant, Saad El-Zanati: On the Hamilton-Waterloo Problem. Graphs and Combinatorics 18(1): 31-51 (2002)
18EEDarryn E. Bryant, Barbara M. Maenhaut, Ian M. Wanless: A Family of Perfect Factorisations of Complete Bipartite Graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 98(2): 328-342 (2002)
17EEPeter Adams, Elizabeth J. Billington, Darryn E. Bryant, Abdollah Khodkar: The mu-way intersection problem for m-cycle systems. Discrete Mathematics 231(1-3): 27-56 (2001)
16EEDarryn E. Bryant, Saad El-Zanati, Charles Vanden Eynden, Dean G. Hoffman: Star Decompositions of Cubes. Graphs and Combinatorics 17(1): 55-59 (2001)
15EEDarryn E. Bryant: On the Oberwolfach Problem with Two Similar Length Cycles. Graphs and Combinatorics 17(2): 199-206 (2001)
14 Darryn E. Bryant, Abdollah Khodkar: Maximum packings of Kv - Ku with triples. Ars Comb. 55: (2000)
13 Peter Adams, Darryn E. Bryant, Abdollah Khodkar: The fine structure of balanced ternary designs with block size three, index three and rho2 = 1, 2. Ars Comb. 56: (2000)
12 Peter Adams, Darryn E. Bryant, Abdollah Khodkar: The fine structure of (v, 3) directed triple systems: v = 2 (mod 3). Ars Comb. 57: (2000)
11EEPeter Adams, Darryn E. Bryant, Abdollah Khodkar: On Alspach's conjecture with two even cycle lengths. Discrete Mathematics 223(1-3): 1-12 (2000)
10 Elizabeth J. Billington, Darryn E. Bryant: The possible number of cycles in cycle systems. Ars Comb. 52: (1999)
9 Darryn E. Bryant, Abdollah Khodkar: On Orthogonal Double Covers of Graphs. Des. Codes Cryptography 13(2): 103-105 (1998)
8EEDarryn E. Bryant, Sheila Oates-Williams: Strongly 2-perfect cycle systems and their quasigroups. Discrete Mathematics 167-168: 167-174 (1997)
7EEDarryn E. Bryant, Christopher A. Rodger, Erin R. Spicer: Embeddings of m-cycle systems and incomplete m-cycle systems: m <= 14. Discrete Mathematics 171(1-3): 55-75 (1997)
6 Darryn E. Bryant, Dean G. Hoffman, Christopher A. Rodger: 5-Cycle Systems with Holes. Des. Codes Cryptography 8(1-2): 103-108 (1996)
5EEPeter Adams, Elizabeth J. Billington, Darryn E. Bryant: Partitionable perfect cycle systems with cycle lengths 6 and 8. Discrete Mathematics 149(1-3): 1-9 (1996)
4EEDarryn E. Bryant: A special class of nested Steiner triple systems. Discrete Mathematics 152(1-3): 315-320 (1996)
3EEDarryn E. Bryant, Sheila Oates-Williams: Mendelsohn designs associated with a class of idempotent quasigroups. Discrete Mathematics 138(1-3): 161-167 (1995)
2 Darryn E. Bryant, Christopher A. Rodger: The Doyen-Wilson Theorem Extended to 5-Cycles. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 68(1): 218-225 (1994)
1 Darryn E. Bryant: Varieties of Quasigroups Arising from 2-Perfect m-Cycle Systems. Des. Codes Cryptography 2(2): 159-168 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Peter Adams [5] [11] [12] [13] [17] [19] [22] [24] [25] [28] [32] [33] [34] [40]
2Elizabeth J. Billington [5] [10] [17] [19] [22]
3Robert Brier [37]
4Melinda Buchanan [39]
5Duncan A. E. Cochran [24] [28] [34]
6Judith Egan [42]
7Saad El-Zanati [16] [19] [21] [25] [38]
8Charles Vanden Eynden [16] [21] [38]
9Hung-Lin Fu (H. L. Fu) [20]
10Heather Gavlas [25] [27]
11Mike J. Grannell [26] [30]
12Terry S. Griggs [26] [30]
13Dean G. Hoffman [6] [16]
14Daniel Horsley [35] [41]
15Jonathan M. Keith [24] [28] [34]
16Abdollah Khodkar [9] [11] [12] [13] [14] [17]
17Dirk P. Kroese [24]
18Gita H. Lala [24] [28] [34]
19James G. Lefevre [32]
20Alan C. H. Ling [27]
21Martin Macaj [30]
22Barbara M. Maenhaut [18] [26] [31] [33] [35] [36] [42]
23Ebadollah S. Mahmoodian [22]
24Keith R. Mitchelson [24] [28] [34]
25Sheila Oates-Williams [3] [8]
26Kathleen A. S. Quinn [31]
27Christopher A. Rodger (C. A. Rodger) [2] [6] [7]
28Mark L. Smythe [23]
29Erin R. Spicer [7]
30Tran Trung Tran [23]
31Ian M. Wanless [18] [36] [42]
32Mary Waterhouse [32] [40]
33Bridget S. Webb [31]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)