
Abdollah Khodkar

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21EENicholas J. Cavenagh, Diane Donovan, Abdollah Khodkar, G. H. John Van Rees: When is a partial Latin square uniquely completable, but not its completable product? Discrete Mathematics 308(13): 2830-2843 (2008)
20EEAbdollah Khodkar, Warwick de Launey: On the range of influences in back-circulant Latin squares. Discrete Mathematics 308(13): 2896-2900 (2008)
19 Nicholas J. Cavenagh, Diane Donovan, Abdollah Khodkar: On The Spectrum Of Critical Sets In Back Circulant Latin Squares. Ars Comb. 82: (2007)
18 Abdollah Khodkar, S. M. Sheikholeslami: The Forcing Domination Numbers Of Some Graphs. Ars Comb. 82: (2007)
17 D. A. Mojdeh, A. Ahmadi Haji, H. Abdollahzadeh Ahangar, Abdollah Khodkar: Graphs K1*4, 5, K1*5, 4, K1*4, 4, K2, 3, 4, have the property M(3). Ars Comb. 84: (2007)
16EEM. Atapour, Abdollah Khodkar, S. M. Sheikholeslami: Characterization of double domination subdivision number of trees. Discrete Applied Mathematics 155(13): 1700-1707 (2007)
15 Diane Donovan, Chin-Mei Fu, Abdollah Khodkar: An investigation of 2-critical sets in latin squares. Ars Comb. 72: (2004)
14EENicholas J. Cavenagh, Saad El-Zanati, Abdollah Khodkar, Charles Vanden Eynden: On a generalization of the Oberwolfach problem. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 106(2): 255-275 (2004)
13 Peter Adams, Richard Bean, Abdollah Khodkar: A census of critical sets in the Latin squares of order at most six. Ars Comb. 68: (2003)
12EEDiane Donovan, Abdollah Khodkar, Anne Penfold Street: Doubling and Tripling Constructions for Defining Sets in Steiner Triple Systems. Graphs and Combinatorics 19(1): 65-89 (2003)
11 Diane Donovan, Rebecca A. H. Gower, Abdollah Khodkar: Latin Interchanges and Direct Products. Ars Comb. 64: 271 (2002)
10EERichard Bean, Diane Donovan, Abdollah Khodkar, Anne Penfold Street: Steiner Trades That Give Rise to Completely Decomposable Latin Interchanges. Int. J. Comput. Math. 79(12): 1273-1284 (2002)
9 Peter Adams, Abdollah Khodkar: Smallest weak and smallest totally weak critical set in the latin squares of order at most seven. Ars Comb. 61: (2001)
8EEPeter Adams, Elizabeth J. Billington, Darryn E. Bryant, Abdollah Khodkar: The mu-way intersection problem for m-cycle systems. Discrete Mathematics 231(1-3): 27-56 (2001)
7 Darryn E. Bryant, Abdollah Khodkar: Maximum packings of Kv - Ku with triples. Ars Comb. 55: (2000)
6 Peter Adams, Darryn E. Bryant, Abdollah Khodkar: The fine structure of balanced ternary designs with block size three, index three and rho2 = 1, 2. Ars Comb. 56: (2000)
5 Peter Adams, Darryn E. Bryant, Abdollah Khodkar: The fine structure of (v, 3) directed triple systems: v = 2 (mod 3). Ars Comb. 57: (2000)
4EEPeter Adams, Darryn E. Bryant, Abdollah Khodkar: On Alspach's conjecture with two even cycle lengths. Discrete Mathematics 223(1-3): 1-12 (2000)
3 Darryn E. Bryant, Abdollah Khodkar: On Orthogonal Double Covers of Graphs. Des. Codes Cryptography 13(2): 103-105 (1998)
2 Abdollah Khodkar: The fine structure of (v, 3) directed triple systems: v = 0 or 1 (mod 3). Ars Comb. 43: (1996)
1 Jovan Dj. Golic, Mahmoud Salmasizadeh, Andrew Clark, Abdollah Khodkar, Ed Dawson: Discrete Optimisation and Fast Correlation Attacks. Cryptography: Policy and Algorithms 1995: 186-200

Coauthor Index

1Peter Adams [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [13]
2H. Abdollahzadeh Ahangar [17]
3M. Atapour [16]
4Richard Bean [10] [13]
5Elizabeth J. Billington [8]
6Darryn E. Bryant [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
7Nicholas J. Cavenagh [14] [19] [21]
8Andrew Clark [1]
9Ed Dawson [1]
10Diane Donovan [10] [11] [12] [15] [19] [21]
11Saad El-Zanati [14]
12Charles Vanden Eynden [14]
13Chin-Mei Fu [15]
14Jovan Dj. Golic [1]
15Rebecca A. H. Gower [11]
16A. Ahmadi Haji [17]
17Warwick de Launey [20]
18D. A. Mojdeh [17]
19G. H. John Van Rees [21]
20Mahmoud Salmasizadeh [1]
21S. M. Sheikholeslami [16] [18]
22Anne Penfold Street [10] [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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