
Martin Macaj

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4EELubica Liskova, Martin Macaj, Martin Skoviera: Regular maps from Cayley graphs III: t-balanced Cayley maps. Discrete Mathematics 307(3-5): 517-533 (2007)
3EEMartin Macaj, Jozef Sirán, Mária Ipolyiová: Planar width of regular maps. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 28: 477-484 (2007)
2EEDarryn E. Bryant, Mike J. Grannell, Terry S. Griggs, Martin Macaj: Configurations in 4-Cycle Systems. Graphs and Combinatorics 20(2): 161-179 (2004)
1EEMartin Macaj: Category metrics and valuations of concrete categories. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 117(3): 363-376 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Darryn E. Bryant [2]
2Mike J. Grannell [2]
3Terry S. Griggs [2]
4Mária Ipolyiová [3]
5Lubica Liskova [4]
6Jozef Sirán [3]
7Martin Skoviera [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)