
Charles Vanden Eynden

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12EEAndrew Blinco, Saad El-Zanati, G. F. Seelinger, P. A. Sissokho, L. E. Spence, Charles Vanden Eynden: On vector space partitions and uniformly resolvable designs. Des. Codes Cryptography 48(1): 69-77 (2008)
11EEDarryn E. Bryant, Saad El-Zanati, Charles Vanden Eynden: Erratum to: "Star factorizations of graph products". Journal of Graph Theory 54(1): 88-89 (2007)
10EEAndrew Blinco, Saad El-Zanati, Charles Vanden Eynden: On the cyclic decomposition of complete graphs into almost-bipartite graphs. Discrete Mathematics 284(1-3): 71-81 (2004)
9EENicholas J. Cavenagh, Saad El-Zanati, Abdollah Khodkar, Charles Vanden Eynden: On a generalization of the Oberwolfach problem. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 106(2): 255-275 (2004)
8EEDarryn E. Bryant, Saad El-Zanati, Charles Vanden Eynden: Factorizations of and by powers of complete graphs. Discrete Mathematics 243(1-3): 201-205 (2002)
7 Saad El-Zanati, Charles Vanden Eynden: On a-valuations of disconnected graphs. Ars Comb. 61: (2001)
6EEDarryn E. Bryant, Saad El-Zanati, Charles Vanden Eynden, Dean G. Hoffman: Star Decompositions of Cubes. Graphs and Combinatorics 17(1): 55-59 (2001)
5 Saad El-Zanati, Charles Vanden Eynden: On Graphs with Strong a-valuations. Ars Comb. 56: (2000)
4 Saad El-Zanati, Michael Plantholt, Charles Vanden Eynden: Graph Decompositions into Generalized Cubes. Ars Comb. 49: (1998)
3EESaad El-Zanati, Charles Vanden Eynden: Cycle factorizations of cycle products. Discrete Mathematics 189(1-3): 267-275 (1998)
2 Charles Vanden Eynden: Decomposition of Complete Bipartite Graphs. Ars Comb. 46: (1997)
1 Richard Crittenden, Charles Vanden Eynden: Completing Partial Latin Squares. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 28(2): 125-129 (1980)

Coauthor Index

1Andrew Blinco [10] [12]
2Darryn E. Bryant [6] [8] [11]
3Nicholas J. Cavenagh [9]
4Richard Crittenden [1]
5Saad El-Zanati [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
6Dean G. Hoffman [6]
7Abdollah Khodkar [9]
8Michael Plantholt [4]
9G. F. Seelinger [12]
10P. A. Sissokho [12]
11L. E. Spence [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)