Volume 8,
Numbers 1-2,
May 1996
Special Issue Dedicated to Hanfried Lenz
- Dieter Jungnickel:
Special Issue Dedicated to Hanfried Lenz - Preface.
7 BibTeX
- Dieter Jungnickel, Günter Pickert:
A Life's Work in Geometry: An Homage to Hanfried Lenz.
9-22 BibTeX
- K. T. Arasu, Alexander Pott:
Impossibility of a Certain Cyclotomic Equation with Applications to Difference Sets.
23-27 BibTeX
- Alphonse Baartmans, Ivan N. Landjev, Vladimir D. Tonchev:
On the Binary Codes of Steiner Triple Systems.
29-43 BibTeX
- R. A. Bailey:
Orthogonal Partitions in Designed Experiments.
45-77 BibTeX
- R. D. Baker, Gary L. Ebert:
Regulus-free Spreads of PG(3, q).
79-89 BibTeX
- Thomas Beth:
Designs, Codes and Crypts - A Puzzle Altogether.
91-101 BibTeX
- Darryn E. Bryant, Dean G. Hoffman, Christopher A. Rodger:
5-Cycle Systems with Holes.
103-108 BibTeX
- Peter J. Cameron:
Stories about Groups and Sequences.
109-133 BibTeX
- Dirk Hachenberger:
Groups Admitting a Kantor Family and a Factorized Normal Subgroup.
135-143 BibTeX
- Willem H. Haemers, Vladimir D. Tonchev:
Spreads in Strongly Regular Graphs.
145-157 BibTeX
- Dieter Jungnickel, Marialuisa J. de Resmini, Scott A. Vanstone:
Codes Based on Complete Graphs.
159-165 BibTeX
- Ka Hin Leung, Siu Lun Ma:
A Construction of Partial Difference Sets in Zp2 × Zp2 × . × Zp2.
167-172 BibTeX
- Arlene A. Pascasio, Cheryl E. Praeger, Blessilda P. Raposa:
On the Characterization of AG(n, q) by its Parameters as a Nearly Triply Regular Design.
173-179 BibTeX
- Stanley E. Payne:
The Fundamental Theorem of q-Clan Geometry.
181-202 BibTeX
- Günter Pickert:
Extension of Gravity Centers Configuration to Steiner Triple Systems.
203-214 BibTeX
- Dwijendra K. Ray-Chaudhuri, Qing Xiang:
Constructions of Partial Difference Sets and Relative Difference Sets Using Galois Rings.
215-227 BibTeX
- Ernest E. Shult, Joseph A. Thas:
m-Systems and Partial m-Systems of Polar Spaces.
229-238 BibTeX
- Helmut Siemon:
Piotrowski's Infinite Series of Steiner Quadruple Systems Revisited.
239-254 BibTeX
Volume 8,
Number 3,
June 1996
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:56:26 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)