
Ian Bratt

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3EEMichael Bedford Taylor, Walter Lee, Jason E. Miller, David Wentzlaff, Ian Bratt, Ben Greenwald, Henry Hoffmann, Paul Johnson, Jason Sungtae Kim, James Psota, Arvind Saraf, Nathan Shnidman, Volker Strumpen, Matthew Frank, Saman P. Amarasinghe, Anant Agarwal: Evaluation of the Raw Microprocessor: An Exposed-Wire-Delay Architecture for ILP and Streams. ISCA 2004: 2-13
2EEHassan Al-Sukhni, Ian Bratt, Daniel A. Connors: Compiler-Directed Content-Aware Prefetching for Dynamic Data Structures. IEEE PACT 2003: 91-
1EERavikrishnan Sree, Alex Settle, Ian Bratt, Daniel A. Connors: Compiler-Directed Resource Management for Active Code Regions. Interaction between Compilers and Computer Architectures 2003: 85-94

Coauthor Index

1Anant Agarwal [3]
2Hassan Al-Sukhni [2]
3Saman P. Amarasinghe [3]
4Daniel A. Connors (Dan Connors) [1] [2]
5Matthew Frank [3]
6Ben Greenwald [3]
7Henry Hoffmann (Hank Hoffmann) [3]
8Paul Johnson [3]
9Jason Sungtae Kim [3]
10Walter Lee [3]
11Jason E. Miller [3]
12James Psota [3]
13Arvind Saraf [3]
14Alex Settle [1]
15Nathan Shnidman [3]
16Ravikrishnan Sree [1]
17Volker Strumpen [3]
18Michael Bedford Taylor [3]
19David Wentzlaff [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)