2005 |
13 | EE | Michael Bedford Taylor,
Walter Lee,
Saman P. Amarasinghe,
Anant Agarwal:
Scalar Operand Networks.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 16(2): 145-162 (2005) |
2004 |
12 | EE | Michael Bedford Taylor,
Walter Lee,
Jason E. Miller,
David Wentzlaff,
Ian Bratt,
Ben Greenwald,
Henry Hoffmann,
Paul Johnson,
Jason Sungtae Kim,
James Psota,
Arvind Saraf,
Nathan Shnidman,
Volker Strumpen,
Matthew Frank,
Saman P. Amarasinghe,
Anant Agarwal:
Evaluation of the Raw Microprocessor: An Exposed-Wire-Delay Architecture for ILP and Streams.
ISCA 2004: 2-13 |
2003 |
11 | EE | Michael Bedford Taylor,
Walter Lee,
Saman P. Amarasinghe,
Anant Agarwal:
Scalar Operand Networks: On-Chip Interconnect for ILP in Partitioned Architecture.
HPCA 2003: 341-353 |
2002 |
10 | EE | Walter Lee,
Diego Puppin,
Shane Swenson,
Saman P. Amarasinghe:
Convergent scheduling.
MICRO 2002: 111-122 |
9 | EE | Michael Bedford Taylor,
Jason Sungtae Kim,
Jason E. Miller,
David Wentzlaff,
Fae Ghodrat,
Ben Greenwald,
Henry Hoffmann,
Paul Johnson,
Jae-Wook Lee,
Walter Lee,
Albert Ma,
Arvind Saraf,
Mark Seneski,
Nathan Shnidman,
Volker Strumpen,
Matthew Frank,
Saman P. Amarasinghe,
Anant Agarwal:
The Raw Microprocessor: A Computational Fabric for Software Circuits and General-Purpose Programs.
IEEE Micro 22(2): 25-35 (2002) |
2001 |
8 | EE | Jeffrey Sheldon,
Walter Lee,
Ben Greenwald,
Saman P. Amarasinghe:
Strength Reduction of Integer Division and Modulo Operations.
LCPC 2001: 254-273 |
7 | EE | Rajeev Barua,
Walter Lee,
Saman P. Amarasinghe,
Anant Agarwal:
Compiler Support for Scalable and Efficient Memory Systems.
IEEE Trans. Computers 50(11): 1234-1247 (2001) |
1999 |
6 | EE | Jonathan Babb,
Martin C. Rinard,
Csaba Andras Moritz,
Walter Lee,
Matthew Frank,
Rajeev Barua,
Saman P. Amarasinghe:
Parallelizing Applications into Silicon.
FCCM 1999: 70- |
5 | EE | Rajeev Barua,
Walter Lee,
Saman P. Amarasinghe,
Anant Agarwal:
Maps: A Compiler-Managed Memory System for Raw Machines.
ISCA 1999: 4-15 |
1998 |
4 | EE | Walter Lee,
Rajeev Barua,
Matthew Frank,
Devabhaktuni Srikrishna,
Jonathan Babb,
Vivek Sarkar,
Saman P. Amarasinghe:
Space-Time Scheduling of Instruction-Level Parallelism on a Raw Machine.
ASPLOS 1998: 46-57 |
3 | EE | Kenneth Mackenzie,
John Kubiatowicz,
Matthew Frank,
Walter Lee,
Victor Lee,
Anant Agarwal,
M. Frans Kaashoek:
Exploiting Two-Case Delivery for Fast Protected Messaging.
HPCA 1998: 231-242 |
1997 |
2 | | Walter Lee,
Matthew Frank,
Victor Lee,
Kenneth Mackenzie,
Larry Rudolph:
Implications of I/O for Gang Scheduled Workloads.
JSSPP 1997: 215-237 |
1 | | Elliot Waingold,
Michael Taylor,
Devabhaktuni Srikrishna,
Vivek Sarkar,
Walter Lee,
Victor Lee,
Jang Kim,
Matthew Frank,
Peter Finch,
Rajeev Barua,
Jonathan Babb,
Saman P. Amarasinghe,
Anant Agarwal:
Baring It All to Software: Raw Machines.
IEEE Computer 30(9): 86-93 (1997) |