
Paul Johnson

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16EEMichael Bedford Taylor, Walter Lee, Jason E. Miller, David Wentzlaff, Ian Bratt, Ben Greenwald, Henry Hoffmann, Paul Johnson, Jason Sungtae Kim, James Psota, Arvind Saraf, Nathan Shnidman, Volker Strumpen, Matthew Frank, Saman P. Amarasinghe, Anant Agarwal: Evaluation of the Raw Microprocessor: An Exposed-Wire-Delay Architecture for ILP and Streams. ISCA 2004: 2-13
15EETina Yu, Paul Johnson: Tour Jeté, Pirouette: Dance Choreographing by Computers. GECCO 2003: 156-157
14EEMichael Bedford Taylor, Jason Sungtae Kim, Jason E. Miller, David Wentzlaff, Fae Ghodrat, Ben Greenwald, Henry Hoffmann, Paul Johnson, Jae-Wook Lee, Walter Lee, Albert Ma, Arvind Saraf, Mark Seneski, Nathan Shnidman, Volker Strumpen, Matthew Frank, Saman P. Amarasinghe, Anant Agarwal: The Raw Microprocessor: A Computational Fabric for Software Circuits and General-Purpose Programs. IEEE Micro 22(2): 25-35 (2002)
13 Paul Johnson: Using the Marr Wavelet for the Modeling of Basin Morphometry and Stream Flooding. PPSC 1999
12 Paul Johnson: The Importance of Systems Management for a Parallel Sysplex. IBM Systems Journal 36(2): 301-326 (1997)
11 Paul Johnson: Reusable Class Libraries. TOOLS (10) 1993: 319
10 Paul Johnson: Associated Paper: Reusable Libraries. TOOLS (10) 1993: 321-324
9 Paul Johnson: An Eiffel Program for Static Network Resource Allocation. TOOLS (7) 1992: 335-347
8 Paul Johnson: Intermediate Eiffel. TOOLS (7) 1992: 431-432
7 Barbara Liskov, Sanjay Ghemawat, Robert Gruber, Paul Johnson, Liuba Shrira: Efficient Recovery in Harp. Workshop on the Management of Replicated Data 1992: 104-106
6 Barbara Liskov, Sanjay Ghemawat, Robert Gruber, Paul Johnson, Liuba Shrira, Michael Williams: Replication in the Harp File System. SOSP 1991: 226-238
5 Barbara Liskov, Robert Gruber, Paul Johnson, Liuba Shrira: A Replicated Unic File System. Operating Systems Review 25(1): 60-64 (1991)
4EEBarbara Liskov, Robert Gruber, Paul Johnson, Liuba Shrira: A replicated Unix file system. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1990
3EEBarbara Liskov, Paul Johnson, Robert Gruber, Liuba Shrira: A Highly Available Object Repository for Use in a Heterogeneous Distributed System. POS 1990: 255-266
2 Barbara Liskov, Robert Gruber, Paul Johnson, Liuba Shrira: A Replicated Unix File System. Workshop on the Management of Replicated Data 1990: 11-14
1 Barbara Liskov, Dorothy Curtis, Paul Johnson, Robert Scheifler: Implementation of Argus. SOSP 1987: 111-122

Coauthor Index

1Anant Agarwal [14] [16]
2Saman P. Amarasinghe [14] [16]
3Ian Bratt [16]
4Dorothy Curtis [1]
5Matthew Frank [14] [16]
6Sanjay Ghemawat [6] [7]
7Fae Ghodrat [14]
8Ben Greenwald [14] [16]
9Robert Gruber [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
10Henry Hoffmann (Hank Hoffmann) [14] [16]
11Jason Sungtae Kim [14] [16]
12Jae-Wook Lee [14]
13Walter Lee [14] [16]
14Barbara Liskov [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
15Albert Ma [14]
16Jason E. Miller [14] [16]
17James Psota [16]
18Arvind Saraf [14] [16]
19Robert Scheifler [1]
20Mark Seneski [14]
21Nathan Shnidman [14] [16]
22Liuba Shrira [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
23Volker Strumpen [14] [16]
24Michael Bedford Taylor [14] [16]
25David Wentzlaff [14] [16]
26Michael Williams [6]
27Tina Yu [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)