
David Brandt

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5EEDavid Johan Christensen, David Brandt, Kasper Støy, Ulrik Pagh Schultz: A unified simulator for Self-Reconfigurable Robots. IROS 2008: 870-876
4EEDavid Brandt, David Johan Christensen: A new meta-module for controlling large sheets of ATRON modules. IROS 2007: 2375-2380
3EEWu-chang Feng, David Brandt, Debanjan Saha: A long-term study of a popular MMORPG. NETGAMES 2007: 19-24
2EEDavid Johan Christensen, David Brandt, Ulrik Pagh Schultz, Kasper Støy: Neighbor detection and crosstalk elimination in self-reconfigurable robots. ROBOCOMM 2007: 26
1EEDavid Brandt: Comparison of A and RRT-Connect Motion Planning Techniques for Self-Reconfiguration Planning. IROS 2006: 892-897

Coauthor Index

1David Johan Christensen [2] [4] [5]
2Wu-chang Feng [3]
3Debanjan Saha [3]
4Ulrik Pagh Schultz [2] [5]
5Kasper Støy [2] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)