
Paolo Bonzini

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8EEPaolo Bonzini, Giovanni Ansaloni, Laura Pozzi: Compiling custom instructions onto expression-grained reconfigurable architectures. CASES 2008: 51-60
7EEMichele Lanza, Amy L. Murphy, Romain Robbes, Mircea Lungu, Paolo Bonzini: A teamwork-based approach to programming fundamentals with scheme, smalltalk & java. ICSE 2008: 787-790
6EEGiovanni Ansaloni, Paolo Bonzini, Laura Pozzi: Design and Architectural Exploration of Expression-Grained Reconfigurable Arrays. SASP 2008: 26-33
5EEPaolo Bonzini, Laura Pozzi: Recurrence-Aware Instruction Set Selection for Extensible Embedded Processors. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 16(10): 1259-1267 (2008)
4EEPaolo Bonzini, Laura Pozzi: A Retargetable Framework for Automated Discovery of Custom Instructions. ASAP 2007: 334-341
3EEPaolo Bonzini, Laura Pozzi: Polynomial-time subgraph enumeration for automated instruction set extension. DATE 2007: 1331-1336
2EEPaolo Bonzini, Dilek Harmanci, Laura Pozzi: A Study of Energy Saving in Customizable Processors. SAMOS 2007: 304-312
1EEPaolo Bonzini, Laura Pozzi: Code transformation strategies for extensible embedded processors. CASES 2006: 242-252

Coauthor Index

1Giovanni Ansaloni [6] [8]
2Dilek Harmanci [2]
3Michele Lanza [7]
4Mircea Lungu [7]
5Amy L. Murphy [7]
6Laura Pozzi [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
7Romain Robbes [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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