
Alan Blair

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5EEChee Wee Phua, Alan Blair: An Improved Minibrain That Learns Through Both Positive and Negative Feedback. IJCNN 2006: 812-819
4EERobin Harper, Alan Blair: A structure preserving crossover in grammatical evolution. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 2537-2544
3EEKai-Ming Kiang, Richard Willgoss, Alan Blair: Distinctness Analysis on Natural Landmark Descriptors. FSR 2005: 67-78
2EEKate Clarke, Stephen Dempster, Ian Falcao, Bronwen Jones, Daniel Rudolph, Alan Blair, Chris McCarthy, Dariusz Walter, Nick Barnes: RoboMutts++. RoboCup 2001: 713-716
1 Herold Levine, Charles Berking, Alan Blair, Kenneth R. Bowden, Peter deBruyn Kops, David Giles, David Ruhoff, Kenneth Wacks: Design of a New Test Generation System for Performance Testing of LSI Digital Printed Circuit Boards. ITC 1982: 541-547

Coauthor Index

1Nick Barnes [2]
2Charles Berking [1]
3Kenneth R. Bowden [1]
4Kate Clarke [2]
5Stephen Dempster [2]
6Ian Falcao [2]
7David Giles [1]
8Robin Harper [4]
9Bronwen Jones [2]
10Kai-Ming Kiang [3]
11Peter deBruyn Kops [1]
12Herold Levine [1]
13Chris McCarthy [2]
14Chee Wee Phua [5]
15Daniel Rudolph [2]
16David Ruhoff [1]
17Kenneth Wacks [1]
18Dariusz Walter [2]
19Richard Willgoss [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)