
Alex S. Biewenga

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3 F. G. M. de Jong, Alex S. Biewenga, D. C. L. van Geest, T. F. Waayers: Testing and programming flash memories on assemblies during high volume production. ITC 2001: 470-479
2EEAlex S. Biewenga, Math Muris, Rodger Schuttert, Urs Fawer: Testing a multichip package for a consumer communications application. ITC 1998: 222-227
1 Math Muris, Alex S. Biewenga: Using Boundary Scan Test to Test Random Access Memory Clusters. ITC 1993: 174-179

Coauthor Index

1Urs Fawer [2]
2D. C. L. van Geest [3]
3F. G. M. de Jong [3]
4Math Muris [1] [2]
5Rodger Schuttert [2]
6T. F. Waayers [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)