
Jayaram Bhasker

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11EEStephen Bailey, Erich Marschner, Jayaram Bhasker, Jim Lewis, Peter J. Ashenden: Improving Design and Verification Productivity with VHDL-200x. DATE 2004: 332-335
10EEMuhammad K. Dhodhi, Frank H. Hielscher, Robert H. Storer, Jayaram Bhasker: Datapath synthesis using a problem-space genetic algorithm. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 14(8): 934-944 (1995)
9EERolf Ernst, Jayaram Bhasker: Simulation-Based Verification for High-Level Synthesis. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 8(1): 14-20 (1991)
8EEJayaram Bhasker, Huan-Chih Lee: An Optimizer for Hardware Synthesis. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 7(5): 20-36 (1990)
7 Jayaram Bhasker, Sartaj Sahni: Via Assignment in Single-Row Routing. IEEE Trans. Computers 38(1): 142-149 (1989)
6 Jayaram Bhasker, Sartaj Sahni: A Linear Algorithm to Find a Rectangular Dual of a Planar Triangulated Graph. Algorithmica 3: 247-278 (1988)
5EEJayaram Bhasker: Implementation of an optimizing compiler for VHDL. SIGPLAN Notices 23(1): 92-108 (1988)
4 Jayaram Bhasker: Process-graph Analyser: A Front-end Tool for VHDL Behavioural Synthesis. Softw., Pract. Exper. 18(5): 469-483 (1988)
3EEJayaram Bhasker: An algorithm for microcode compaction of VHDL behavioral descriptions. MICRO 1987: 54-58
2EEJayaram Bhasker, Tariq Samad: Compacting MIMOLA microcode. MICRO 1987: 97-105
1EEJayaram Bhasker, Sartaj Sahni: A linear algorithm to find a rectangular dual of a planar triangulated graph. DAC 1986: 108-114

Coauthor Index

1Peter J. Ashenden [11]
2Stephen Bailey [11]
3Muhammad K. Dhodhi [10]
4Rolf Ernst [9]
5Frank H. Hielscher [10]
6Huan-Chih Lee [8]
7Jim Lewis [11]
8Erich Marschner [11]
9Sartaj Sahni (Sartaj K. Sahni) [1] [6] [7]
10Tariq Samad [2]
11Robert H. Storer [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)