2008 |
90 | EE | Jean-François Paiement,
Yves Grandvalet,
Samy Bengio,
Douglas Eck:
A distance model for rhythms.
ICML 2008: 736-743 |
89 | EE | Gal Chechik,
Eugene Ie,
Martin Rehn,
Samy Bengio,
Dick Lyon:
Large-scale content-based audio retrieval from text queries.
Multimedia Information Retrieval 2008: 105-112 |
88 | EE | Hélène Paugam-Moisy,
Régis Martinez,
Samy Bengio:
Delay learning and polychronization for reservoir computing.
Neurocomputing 71(7-9): 1143-1158 (2008) |
2007 |
87 | EE | Hélène Paugam-Moisy,
Régis Martinez,
Samy Bengio:
A supervised learning approach based on STDP and polychronization in spiking neuron networks.
ESANN 2007: 427-432 |
86 | EE | Dong Zhang,
Samy Bengio:
Exploring Contextual Information in a Layered Framework for Group Action Recognition.
ICME 2007: 2022-2025 |
85 | EE | Samy Bengio,
Johnny Mariéthoz:
Biometric Person Authentication Is a Multiple Classifier Problem.
MCS 2007: 513-522 |
84 | EE | Norman Poh,
Alvin Martin,
Samy Bengio:
Performance Generalization in Biometric Authentication Using Joint User-Specific and Sample Bootstraps.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 29(3): 492-498 (2007) |
83 | EE | Johnny Mariéthoz,
Samy Bengio:
A kernel trick for sequences applied to text-independent speaker verification systems.
Pattern Recognition 40(8): 2315-2324 (2007) |
2006 |
82 | | Steve Renals,
Samy Bengio:
Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction, Second International Workshop, MLMI 2005, Edinburgh, UK, July 11-13, 2005, Revised Selected Papers
Springer 2006 |
81 | | Steve Renals,
Samy Bengio,
Jonathan G. Fiscus:
Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction, Third International Workshop, MLMI 2006, Bethesda, MD, USA, May 1-4, 2006, Revised Selected Papers
Springer 2006 |
80 | EE | David Grangier,
Florent Monay,
Samy Bengio:
Learning to Retrieve Images from Text Queries with a Discriminative Model.
Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval 2006: 42-56 |
79 | EE | Jean-François Paiement,
Douglas Eck,
Samy Bengio:
Probabilistic Melodic Harmonization.
Canadian Conference on AI 2006: 218-229 |
78 | EE | Marcus Liwicki,
Andreas Schlapbach,
Horst Bunke,
Samy Bengio,
Johnny Mariéthoz,
Jonas Richiardi:
Writer Identification for Smart Meeting Room Systems.
Document Analysis Systems 2006: 186-195 |
77 | EE | David Grangier,
Florent Monay,
Samy Bengio:
A Discriminative Approach for the Retrieval of Images from Text Queries.
ECML 2006: 162-173 |
76 | EE | David Grangier,
Samy Bengio:
A Neural Network to Retrieve Images from Text Queries.
ICANN (2) 2006: 24-34 |
75 | EE | Dong Zhang,
Daniel Gatica-Perez,
Deb Roy,
Samy Bengio:
Modeling Interactions from Email Communication.
ICME 2006: 2037-2040 |
74 | EE | Alexei Pozdnoukhov,
Samy Bengio:
Graph-based transformation manifolds for invariant pattern recognition with kernel methods.
ICPR (3) 2006: 1228-1231 |
73 | EE | Alexei Pozdnoukhov,
Samy Bengio:
Graph-based transformation manifolds for invariant pattern recognition with kernel methods.
ICPR (4) 2006: 956 |
72 | EE | Dong Zhang,
Daniel Gatica-Perez,
Samy Bengio,
Iain McCowan:
Modeling individual and group actions in meetings with layered HMMs.
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 8(3): 509-520 (2006) |
71 | EE | Fabien Cardinaux,
Conrad Sanderson,
Samy Bengio:
User authentication via adapted statistical models of face images.
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 54(1): 361-373 (2006) |
70 | EE | Yann Rodriguez,
Fabien Cardinaux,
Samy Bengio,
Johnny Mariéthoz:
Measuring the performance of face localization systems.
Image Vision Comput. 24(8): 882-893 (2006) |
69 | EE | Norman Poh,
Samy Bengio:
Database, protocols and tools for evaluating score-level fusion algorithms in biometric authentication.
Pattern Recognition 39(2): 223-233 (2006) |
68 | EE | Conrad Sanderson,
Samy Bengio,
Yongsheng Gao:
On transforming statistical models for non-frontal face verification.
Pattern Recognition 39(2): 288-302 (2006) |
67 | EE | Alexei Pozdnoukhov,
Samy Bengio:
Invariances in kernel methods: From samples to objects.
Pattern Recognition Letters 27(10): 1087-1097 (2006) |
2005 |
66 | EE | Norman Poh,
Samy Bengio:
A Score-Level Fusion Benchmark Database for Biometric Authentication.
AVBPA 2005: 1059-1070 |
65 | EE | Norman Poh,
Samy Bengio:
A Novel Approach to Combining Client-Dependent and Confidence Information in Multimodal Biometrics.
AVBPA 2005: 1120-1129 |
64 | EE | Norman Poh,
Samy Bengio:
Improving Fusion with Margin-Derived Confidence in Biometric Authentication Tasks.
AVBPA 2005: 474-483 |
63 | EE | David Grangier,
Samy Bengio:
Inferring document similarity from hyperlinks.
CIKM 2005: 359-360 |
62 | EE | Dong Zhang,
Daniel Gatica-Perez,
Samy Bengio,
Iain McCowan:
Semi-Supervised Adapted HMMs for Unusual Event Detection.
CVPR (1) 2005: 611-618 |
61 | EE | Mikaela Keller,
Samy Bengio:
A Neural Network for Text Representation.
ICANN (2) 2005: 667-672 |
60 | EE | Conrad Sanderson,
Fabien Cardinaux,
Samy Bengio:
On Accuracy/Robustness/Complexity Trade-Offs in Face Verification.
ICITA (1) 2005: 638-643 |
59 | EE | Dong Zhang,
Daniel Gatica-Perez,
Samy Bengio:
Semi-supervised meeting event recognition with adapted HMMs.
ICME 2005: 1102-1105 |
58 | EE | Jean-François Paiement,
Douglas Eck,
Samy Bengio,
David Barber:
A graphical model for chord progressions embedded in a psychoacoustic space.
ICML 2005: 641-648 |
57 | EE | Jean-François Paiement,
Douglas Eck,
Samy Bengio:
A Probabilistic Model for Chord Progressions.
ISMIR 2005: 312-319 |
56 | EE | Hamed Ketabdar,
Hervé Bourlard,
Samy Bengio:
Hierarchical Multi-stream Posterior Based Speech Recognition System.
MLMI 2005: 294-306 |
55 | EE | Norman Poh,
Samy Bengio:
Can Chimeric Persons Be Used in Multimodal Biometric Authentication Experiments?.
MLMI 2005: 87-100 |
54 | EE | Daniel Gatica-Perez,
Dong Zhang,
Samy Bengio:
Extracting information from multimedia meeting collections.
Multimedia Information Retrieval 2005: 245-252 |
53 | EE | Norman Poh,
Samy Bengio:
EER of Fixed and Trainable Fusion Classifiers: A Theoretical Study with Application to Biometric Authentication Tasks.
Multiple Classifier Systems 2005: 74-85 |
52 | EE | Yves Grandvalet,
Johnny Mariéthoz,
Samy Bengio:
A Probabilistic Interpretation of SVMs with an Application to Unbalanced Classification.
NIPS 2005 |
51 | EE | Mikaela Keller,
Samy Bengio,
Siew Yeung Wong:
Benchmarking Non-Parametric Statistical Tests.
NIPS 2005 |
50 | EE | Dong Zhang,
Daniel Gatica-Perez,
Samy Bengio,
Deb Roy:
Learning Influence among Interacting Markov Chains.
NIPS 2005 |
49 | EE | Iain McCowan,
Daniel Gatica-Perez,
Samy Bengio,
Guillaume Lathoud,
Mark Barnard,
Dong Zhang:
Automatic Analysis of Multimodal Group Actions in Meetings.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 27(3): 305-317 (2005) |
48 | EE | Christos Dimitrakakis,
Samy Bengio:
Online adaptive policies for ensemble classifiers.
Neurocomputing 64: 211-221 (2005) |
47 | EE | Vlad Popovici,
Samy Bengio,
Jean-Philippe Thiran:
Kernel matching pursuit for large datasets.
Pattern Recognition 38(12): 2385-2390 (2005) |
2004 |
46 | | Samy Bengio,
Hervé Bourlard:
Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction, First International Workshop,MLMI 2004, Martigny, Switzerland, June 21-23, 2004, Revised Selected Papers
Springer 2004 |
45 | EE | Samy Bengio,
Hervé Bourlard:
Multi Channel Sequence Processing.
Deterministic and Statistical Methods in Machine Learning 2004: 22-36 |
44 | EE | Christos Dimitrakakis,
Samy Bengio:
Online policy adaptation for ensemble classifiers.
ESANN 2004: 19-24 |
43 | EE | Silvia Chiappa,
Nicolas Donckers,
Samy Bengio,
Frédéric Vrins:
HMM and IOHMM modeling of EEG rhythms for asynchronous BCI systems.
ESANN 2004: 193-204 |
42 | EE | Fabien Cardinaux,
Conrad Sanderson,
Samy Bengio:
Face Verification Using Adapted Generative Models.
FGR 2004: 825-830 |
41 | EE | Norman Poh Hoon Thian,
Conrad Sanderson,
Samy Bengio:
Spectral Subband Centroids as Complementary Features for Speaker Authentication.
ICBA 2004: 631-639 |
40 | EE | Kieron Messer,
Josef Kittler,
Mohammad Sadeghi,
Miroslav Hamouz,
Alexey Kostin,
Sébastien Marcel,
Samy Bengio,
Fabien Cardinaux,
Conrad Sanderson,
Norman Poh,
Yann Rodriguez,
Krzysztof Kryszczuk,
Jacek Czyz,
Luc Vandendorpe,
Johnny Ng,
Humphrey Cheung,
Billy Tang:
Face Authentication Competition on the BANCA Database.
ICBA 2004: 8-15 |
39 | EE | Yann Rodriguez,
Fabien Cardinaux,
Samy Bengio,
Johnny Mariéthoz:
Estimating the quality of face localization for face verification.
ICIP 2004: 581-584 |
38 | EE | Conrad Sanderson,
Samy Bengio:
Statistical transformations of frontal models for non-frontal face verification.
ICIP 2004: 585-588 |
37 | EE | Ronan Collobert,
Samy Bengio:
Links between perceptrons, MLPs and SVMs.
ICML 2004 |
36 | EE | Alexei Pozdnoukhov,
Samy Bengio:
Tangent Vector Kernels for Invariant Image Classification with SVMs.
ICPR (3) 2004: 486-489 |
35 | EE | Kieron Messer,
Josef Kittler,
Mohammad Sadeghi,
Miroslav Hamouz,
Alexey Kostin,
Fabien Cardinaux,
Sébastien Marcel,
Samy Bengio,
Conrad Sanderson,
Jacek Czyz,
Luc Vandendorpe,
Chris McCool,
Scott Lowther,
Sridha Sridharan,
Vinod Chandran,
Roberto Paredes Palacios,
Enrique Vidal,
Li Bai,
LinLin Shen,
Yan Wang,
Yueh-Hsuan Chiang,
Hsien-Chang Liu,
Yi-Ping Hung,
Alexander Heinrichs,
Marco K. Müller,
Andreas Tewes,
Christoph von der Malsburg,
Rolf P. Würtz,
Zhenger Wang,
Feng Xue,
Yong Ma,
Qiong Yang,
Chi Fang,
Xiaoqing Ding,
Simon Lucey,
Ralph Goss,
Henry Schneiderman,
Norman Poh,
Yann Rodriguez:
Face Authentication Test on the BANCA Database.
ICPR (4) 2004: 523-532 |
34 | EE | Norman Poh,
Samy Bengio:
Towards Predicting Optimal Fusion Candidates: A Case Study on Biometric Authentication Tasks.
MLMI 2004: 159-172 |
33 | EE | Iain McCowan,
Daniel Gatica-Perez,
Samy Bengio,
Darren Moore,
Hervé Bourlard:
Towards Computer Understanding of Human Interactions.
MLMI 2004: 56-75 |
32 | EE | Alessandro Vinciarelli,
Samy Bengio,
Horst Bunke:
Offline Recognition of Unconstrained Handwritten Texts Using HMMs and Statistical Language Models.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 26(6): 709-720 (2004) |
31 | EE | Samy Bengio:
Multimodal speech processing using asynchronous Hidden Markov Models.
Information Fusion 5(2): 81-89 (2004) |
2003 |
30 | EE | Conrad Sanderson,
Samy Bengio:
Robust Features for Frontal Face Authentication in Difficult Image Conditions.
AVBPA 2003: 495-504 |
29 | EE | Enrique Bailly-Bailliére,
Samy Bengio,
Frédéric Bimbot,
Miroslav Hamouz,
Josef Kittler,
Johnny Mariéthoz,
Jiri Matas,
Kieron Messer,
Vlad Popovici,
Fabienne Porée,
Belén Ruíz,
Jean-Philippe Thiran:
The BANCA Database and Evaluation Protocol.
AVBPA 2003: 625-638 |
28 | EE | Jacek Czyz,
Samy Bengio,
Christine Marcel,
Luc Vandendorpe:
Scalability Analysis of Audio-Visual Person Identity Verification.
AVBPA 2003: 752-760 |
27 | EE | Samy Bengio:
Multimodal Authentication Using Asynchronous HMMs.
AVBPA 2003: 770-777 |
26 | EE | Kieron Messer,
Josef Kittler,
Mohammad Sadeghi,
Sébastien Marcel,
Christine Marcel,
Samy Bengio,
Fabien Cardinaux,
Conrad Sanderson,
Jacek Czyz,
Luc Vandendorpe,
Sanun Srisuk,
Maria Petrou,
Werasak Kurutach,
Alexander Kadyrov,
Roberto Paredes,
Burcu Kepenekci,
F. Boray Tek,
Gozde Bozdagi Akar,
Farzin Deravi,
Nick Mavity:
Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database.
AVBPA 2003: 964-974 |
25 | EE | Iain McCowan,
Daniel Gatica-Perez,
Samy Bengio,
Darren Moore,
Hervé Bourlard:
Towards Computer Understanding of Human Interactions.
EUSAI 2003: 235-251 |
24 | EE | Quan Le,
Samy Bengio:
Client Dependent GMM-SVM Models for Speaker Verification.
ICANN 2003: 443-451 |
23 | EE | Alessandro Vinciarelli,
Samy Bengio,
Horst Bunke:
Offline Recognition of Large Vocabulary Cursive Handwritten Text.
ICDAR 2003: 1101- |
22 | | Mark Barnard,
Samy Bengio,
Hervé Bourlard,
Daniel Gatica-Perez,
Iain McCowan:
On automatic annotation of meeting databases.
ICIP (3) 2003: 629-632 |
21 | EE | Katrin Weber,
Shajith Ikbal,
Samy Bengio,
Hervé Bourlard:
Robust speech recognition and feature extraction using HMM2.
Computer Speech & Language 17(2-3): 195-211 (2003) |
20 | EE | Ronan Collobert,
Yoshua Bengio,
Samy Bengio:
Scaling Large Learning Problems with Hard Parallel Mixtures.
IJPRAI 17(3): 349-365 (2003) |
2002 |
19 | EE | Sébastien Marcel,
Samy Bengio:
Improving Face Verification Using Skin Color Information.
ICPR (2) 2002: 378-381 |
18 | EE | Alessandro Vinciarelli,
Samy Bengio:
Offline Cursive Word Recognition using Continuous Density Hidden Markov Models Trained with PCA or ICA Features.
ICPR (3) 2002: 81-84 |
17 | EE | Samy Bengio:
An Asynchronous Hidden Markov Model for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition.
NIPS 2002: 1213-1220 |
16 | EE | Ronan Collobert,
Yoshua Bengio,
Samy Bengio:
Scaling Large Learning Problems with Hard Parallel Mixtures.
SVM 2002: 8-23 |
15 | EE | Samy Bengio,
Christine Marcel,
Sébastien Marcel,
Johnny Mariéthoz:
Confidence measures for multimodal identity verification.
Information Fusion 3(4): 267-276 (2002) |
14 | EE | Ronan Collobert,
Samy Bengio,
Yoshua Bengio:
A Parallel Mixture of SVMs for Very Large Scale Problems.
Neural Computation 14(5): 1105-1114 (2002) |
13 | EE | Alessandro Vinciarelli,
Samy Bengio:
Writer adaptation techniques in HMM based Off-Line Cursive Script Recognition.
Pattern Recognition Letters 23(8): 905-916 (2002) |
2001 |
12 | EE | Ronan Collobert,
Samy Bengio,
Yoshua Bengio:
A Parallel Mixture of SVMs for Very Large Scale Problems.
NIPS 2001: 633-640 |
11 | EE | Ronan Collobert,
Samy Bengio:
SVMTorch: Support Vector Machines for Large-Scale Regression Problems.
Journal of Machine Learning Research 1: 143-160 (2001) |
2000 |
10 | | Hervé Bourlard,
Samy Bengio,
Katrin Weber:
New Approaches Towards Robust, Adaptive Speech Recognition (invited paper).
NIPS 2000: 751-757 |
1999 |
9 | EE | Yoshua Bengio,
Samy Bengio:
Modeling High-Dimensional Discrete Data with Multi-Layer Neural Networks.
NIPS 1999: 400-406 |
8 | | Samy Bengio,
Yoshua Bengio,
Jacques Robert,
Gilles Bélanger:
Stochastic Learning of Strategic Equilibria for Auctions.
Neural Computation 11(5): 1199-1209 (1999) |
1997 |
7 | | Fabrice Clérot,
Pascal Gouzien,
Samy Bengio,
Annie Gravey,
Daniel Collobert:
Dynamical Resource Reservation Scheme in an ATM Network Using Neural Network-Based Traffic Prediction.
Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks 1997: 411-430 |
6 | | Yoshua Bengio,
Samy Bengio,
Jean-Franc Isabelle,
Yoram Singer:
Shared Context Probabilistic Transducers.
NIPS 1997 |
1996 |
5 | | Samy Bengio,
Françoise Fessant,
Daniel Collobert:
Use of Modular Architectures for Time Series Prediction.
Neural Processing Letters 3(2): 101-106 (1996) |
1994 |
4 | | Samy Bengio,
Yoshua Bengio,
Jocelyn Cloutier:
Use of Genetic Programming for the Search of a New Learning Rule for Neural Networks.
International Conference on Evolutionary Computation 1994: 324-327 |
1991 |
3 | | Samy Bengio,
Gilles Brassard,
Yvo Desmedt,
Claude Goutier,
Jean-Jacques Quisquater:
Secure Implementations of Identification Systems.
J. Cryptology 4(3): 175-183 (1991) |
1989 |
2 | EE | Yoshua Bengio,
Samy Bengio,
Yannick Pouliot,
Patrick Agin:
A Neural Network to Detect Homologies in Proteins.
NIPS 1989: 423-430 |
1987 |
1 | EE | Yvo Desmedt,
Claude Goutier,
Samy Bengio:
Special Uses and Abuses of the Fiat-Shamir Passport Protocol.
CRYPTO 1987: 21-39 |