
Andreas Schlapbach

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9EEAndreas Schlapbach, Frank Wettstein, Horst Bunke: Estimating the readability of handwritten text - a Support Vector Regression based approach. ICPR 2008: 1-4
8EEAndreas Schlapbach, Horst Bunke: Off-line Writer Identification and Verification Using Gaussian Mixture Models. Machine Learning in Document Analysis and Recognition 2008: 409-428
7EEAndreas Schlapbach, Marcus Liwicki, Horst Bunke: A writer identification system for on-line whiteboard data. Pattern Recognition 41(7): 2381-2397 (2008)
6EEAndreas Schlapbach, Horst Bunke: Fusing Asynchronous Feature Streams for On-line Writer Identification. ICDAR 2007: 103-107
5EEAndreas Schlapbach, Horst Bunke: A writer identification and verification system using HMM based recognizers. Pattern Anal. Appl. 10(1): 33-43 (2007)
4EEMarcus Liwicki, Andreas Schlapbach, Horst Bunke, Samy Bengio, Johnny Mariéthoz, Jonas Richiardi: Writer Identification for Smart Meeting Room Systems. Document Analysis Systems 2006: 186-195
3EEAndreas Schlapbach, Horst Bunke: Off-lineWriter Identification Using Gaussian Mixture Models. ICPR (3) 2006: 992-995
2EEAndreas Schlapbach, Vivian Kilchherr, Horst Bunke: ImprovingWriter Identification by Means of Feature Selection and Extraction. ICDAR 2005: 131-135
1EEAndreas Schlapbach, Horst Bunke: Off-line Handwriting Identification Using HMM Based Recognizers. ICPR (2) 2004: 654-658

Coauthor Index

1Samy Bengio [4]
2Horst Bunke [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
3Vivian Kilchherr [2]
4Marcus Liwicki [4] [7]
5Johnny Mariéthoz [4]
6Jonas Richiardi [4]
7Frank Wettstein [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)