
Vlad Popovici

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16EEPatricia Besson, Vlad Popovici, Jean-Marc Vesin, Jean-Philippe Thiran, Murat Kunt: Extraction of Audio Features Specific to Speech Production for Multimodal Speaker Detection. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 10(1): 63-73 (2008)
15EEJulien Meynet, Vlad Popovici, Jean-Philippe Thiran: Face detection with boosted Gaussian features. Pattern Recognition 40(8): 2283-2291 (2007)
14EEJulien Meynet, Vlad Popovici, Jean-Philippe Thiran: Mixtures of boosted classifiers for frontal face detection. Signal, Image and Video Processing 1(1): 29-38 (2007)
13EEPatricia Besson, Jean-Marc Vesin, Vlad Popovici, Murat Kunt: Differential Evolution Applied to a Multimodal Information Theoretic Optimization Problem. EvoWorkshops 2006: 505-509
12EEVlad Popovici, Samy Bengio, Jean-Philippe Thiran: Kernel matching pursuit for large datasets. Pattern Recognition 38(12): 2385-2390 (2005)
11EEJulien Meynet, Vlad Popovici, Jean-Philippe Thiran: Face Class Modeling Using Mixture of SVMs. ICIAR (2) 2004: 709-716
10EEVlad Popovici, Jean-Philippe Thiran, Yann Rodriguez, Sébastien Marcel: On Performance Evaluation of Face Detection and Localization Algorithms. ICPR (1) 2004: 313-317
9EECédric Archambeau, Torsten Butz, Vlad Popovici, Michel Verleysen, Jean-Philippe Thiran: Supervised Nonparametric Information Theoretic Classification. ICPR (3) 2004: 414-417
8EEJulien Meynet, Vlad Popovici, Jean-Philippe Thiran: Mixture of SVMs for Face Class Modeling. MLMI 2004: 173-181
7EEVlad Popovici, Jean-Philippe Thiran: Pattern recognition using higher-order local autocorrelation coefficients. Pattern Recognition Letters 25(10): 1107-1113 (2004)
6EEGianluca Antonini, Vlad Popovici, Jean-Philippe Thiran: Independent Component Analysis and Support Vector Machine for Face Feature Extraction. AVBPA 2003: 111-118
5EEVlad Popovici, Jean-Philippe Thiran: Face Detection Using an SVM Trained in Eigenfaces Space. AVBPA 2003: 190-198
4EEEnrique Bailly-Bailliére, Samy Bengio, Frédéric Bimbot, Miroslav Hamouz, Josef Kittler, Johnny Mariéthoz, Jiri Matas, Kieron Messer, Vlad Popovici, Fabienne Porée, Belén Ruíz, Jean-Philippe Thiran: The BANCA Database and Evaluation Protocol. AVBPA 2003: 625-638
3 Vlad Popovici, Jean-Philippe Thiran: Face Class Modeling in Eigenfaces Space. PRIS 2003: 38-45
2EEVlad Popovici, Jean-Philippe Thiran: PCA in Autocorrelation Space. ICPR (2) 2002: 132-135
1EEVlad Popovici, Jean-Philippe Thiran: Higher order autocorrelations for pattern classification. ICIP (3) 2001: 724-727

Coauthor Index

1Gianluca Antonini [6]
2Cédric Archambeau [9]
3Enrique Bailly-Bailliére [4]
4Samy Bengio [4] [12]
5Patricia Besson [13] [16]
6Frédéric Bimbot [4]
7Torsten Butz [9]
8Miroslav Hamouz [4]
9Josef Kittler [4]
10Murat Kunt [13] [16]
11Sébastien Marcel [10]
12Johnny Mariéthoz [4]
13Jiri Matas [4]
14Kieron Messer [4]
15Julien Meynet [8] [11] [14] [15]
16Fabienne Porée [4]
17Yann Rodriguez [10]
18Belén Ruíz [4]
19Jean-Philippe Thiran [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14] [15] [16]
20Michel Verleysen [9]
21Jean-Marc Vesin [13] [16]

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