
Cécile Belleudy

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12EEHanene Ben Fradj, Sébastien Icart, Cécile Belleudy, Michel Auguin: Optimisation de la consommation mémoire multibanc pour un système multitâche. Technique et Science Informatiques 26(5): 567-594 (2007)
11EEHanene Ben Fradj, Cécile Belleudy, Michel Auguin: Multi-Bank Main Memory Architecture with Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling for System Energy Optimization. DSD 2006: 89-96
10EEHanene Ben Fradj, Cécile Belleudy, Michel Auguin: System Level Multi-bank Main Memory Configuration for Energy Reduction. PATMOS 2006: 84-94
9EEHanene Ben Fradj, Sébastien Icart, Cécile Belleudy, Michel Auguin: Energy Optimization of a Multi-bank Main Memory. SAMOS 2006: 196-205
8EEHanene Ben Fradj, Cécile Belleudy, Michel Auguin: Main Memory Energy Optimization for Multi-Task Applications. VLSI-SoC 2006: 278-283
7EEHanene Ben Fradj, Asmaa el Ouardighi, Cécile Belleudy, Michel Auguin: Energy aware memory architecture configuration. SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 33(3): 3-9 (2005)
6EEPatricia Guitton-Ouhamou, Hanene Ben Fradj, Cécile Belleudy, Spiridon Nikolaidis: Low Power Co-design Tool and Power Optimization of Schedules and Memory System. PATMOS 2004: 603-612
5EEPatricia Guitton-Ouhamou, Cécile Belleudy, Michel Auguin: Energy Optimization in a HW/SW Tool: Design of Low. IWSOC 2003: 38-43
4 Patricia Guitton-Ouhamou, Cécile Belleudy, Michel Auguin: Power Consumption Model for the DSP OAK Processor. VLSI-SOC 2001: 217-228
3EEGuy Gogniat, Michel Auguin, Cécile Belleudy: A generic multi-unit architecture for codesign methodologies. CODES 1997: 23-28
2EELaurent Freund, Michel Israël, Frédéric Rousseau, J. M. Bergé, Michel Auguin, Cécile Belleudy, Guy Gogniat: A codesign experiment in acoustic echo cancellation GMDF. ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. 2(4): 365-383 (1997)
1EELaurent Freund, Michel Israël, Frédéric Rousseau, J. M. Bergé, Michel Auguin, Cécile Belleudy, Guy Gogniat: A Codesign Experiment in Acoustic Echo Cancellation: GMDFa. ISSS 1996: 83-

Coauthor Index

1Michel Auguin [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
2J. M. Bergé [1] [2]
3Hanene Ben Fradj [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
4Laurent Freund [1] [2]
5Guy Gogniat [1] [2] [3]
6Patricia Guitton-Ouhamou [4] [5] [6]
7Sébastien Icart [9] [12]
8Michel Israël [1] [2]
9Spiridon Nikolaidis [6]
10Asmaa el Ouardighi [7]
11Frédéric Rousseau [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)