2009 |
61 | EE | Hideyuki Tokuda,
Michael Beigl,
Adrian Friday,
A. J. Bernheim Brush,
Yoshito Tobe:
Pervasive Computing, 7th International Conference, Pervasive 2009, Nara, Japan, May 11-14, 2009. Proceedings
Springer 2009 |
2008 |
60 | EE | Patrik Spieß,
Dinh Khoa Nguyen,
Ingo Weber,
Ivan Markovic,
Michael Beigl:
Modelling, Simulation, and Performance Analysis of Business Processes Involving Ubiquitous Systems.
CAiSE 2008: 579-582 |
59 | EE | Christian Decker,
Martin Berchtold,
Leonardo Weiss Ferreira Chaves,
Michael Beigl,
Daniel Röhr,
Till Riedel,
Monty Beuster,
Thomas Herzog,
Daniel Herzig:
Cost-Benefit Model for Smart Items in the Supply Chain.
IOT 2008: 155-172 |
58 | EE | Till Riedel,
Michael Beigl,
Martin Berchtold,
Christian Decker,
Arno Puder:
Implicit Middleware.
OTM Workshops 2008: 830-840 |
57 | EE | Monty Beuster,
Michael Beigl,
Daniel Röhr,
Till Riedel,
Christian Decker,
Martin Berchtold:
Matrix Routing -- An Interference Range Insensitive Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks.
SAINT 2008: 137-140 |
56 | EE | D. Wildschut,
Till Riedel,
Christian Decker,
Daniel Röhr,
Michael Beigl,
Manabu Isomura:
ContextXML: A Data Processing Framework for Ubiquitous Computing.
SAINT 2008: 181-184 |
55 | EE | Martin Berchtold,
Till Riedel,
Michael Beigl,
Christian Decker:
AwarePen - Classification Probability and Fuzziness in a Context Aware Application.
UIC 2008: 647-661 |
54 | | Michael Beigl,
Till Riedel,
Christian Decker:
Smart Objects - Auswirkungen massengedruckter Einfachelektronik auf die IT-Infrastrukturen (Smart Objects - Effects of Mass-printed Electronics on IT Infrastructures).
it - Information Technology 50(3): 175-184 (2008) |
2007 |
53 | EE | Till Riedel,
Christian Decker,
Phillip Scholl,
Albert Krohn,
Michael Beigl:
Architecture for Collaborative Business Items.
ARCS 2007: 142-156 |
52 | EE | Albert Krohn,
Mike Hazas,
Michael Beigl:
Removing Systematic Error in Node Localisation Using Scalable Data Fusion.
EWSN 2007: 341-356 |
51 | EE | Martin Berchtold,
Christian Decker,
Till Riedel,
Tobias Zimmer,
Michael Beigl:
Using a Context Quality Measure for Improving Smart Appliances.
ICDCS Workshops 2007: 52 |
50 | EE | Christian Decker,
Emilian Peev,
Till Riedel,
Martin Berchtold,
Michael Beigl,
Daniel Röhr,
Monty Beuster:
Using Auction Based Group Formation for Collaborative Networking in Ubicomp.
UCS 2007: 134-149 |
49 | EE | Christian Decker,
Till Riedel,
Michael Beigl,
Albert Krohn:
A file system for system programming in ubiquitous computing.
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 11(1): 21-31 (2007) |
2006 |
48 | EE | Tobias Zimmer,
Michael Beigl:
AwareOffice: Integrating Modular Context-Aware Applications.
ICDCS Workshops 2006: 59 |
47 | EE | Manabu Isomura,
Till Riedel,
Christian Decker,
Michael Beigl,
Hiroki Horiuchi:
Sharing sensor networks.
ICDCS Workshops 2006: 61 |
46 | EE | Michael Beigl,
Albert Krohn,
Till Riedel,
Tobias Zimmer,
Christian Decker,
Manabu Isomura:
The uPart experience: The uPart experience.
IPSN 2006: 366-373 |
45 | EE | Christian Decker,
Michael Beigl,
Till Riedel,
Albert Krohn,
Tobias Zimmer:
Buffer Feedback Scheduling: Runtime Adaptation of Ubicomp Applications.
UCS 2006: 254-269 |
2005 |
44 | | Michael Beigl,
Paul Lukowicz:
Systems Aspects in Organic and Pervasive Computing - ARCS 2005, 18th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems, Innsbruck, Austria, March 14-17, 2005, Proceedings
Springer 2005 |
43 | | Michael Beigl,
Stephen S. Intille,
Jun Rekimoto,
Hideyuki Tokuda:
UbiComp 2005: Ubiquitous Computing, 7th International Conference, UbiComp 2005, Tokyo, Japan, September 11-14, 2005, Proceedings
Springer 2005 |
42 | EE | Christian Decker,
Michael Beigl,
Albert Krohn:
A File System for System Programming in Ubiquitous Computing.
ARCS 2005: 249-264 |
41 | EE | Albert Krohn,
Michael Beigl,
Mike Hazas,
Hans-Werner Gellersen:
Using Fine-Grained Infrared Positioning to Support the Surface-Based Activities of Mobile Users.
ICDCS Workshops 2005: 463-468 |
40 | EE | Christian Decker,
Albert Krohn,
Michael Beigl,
Tobias Zimmer:
The particle computer system.
IPSN 2005: 443-448 |
39 | EE | Albert Krohn,
Tobias Zimmer,
Michael Beigl,
Christian Decker:
Collaborative Sensing in a Retail Store Using Synchronous Distributed Jam Signalling.
Pervasive 2005: 237-254 |
2004 |
38 | EE | Christian Decker,
Michael Beigl,
Adam Eames,
Uwe Kubach:
DigiClip: Activating Physical Documents.
ICDCS Workshops 2004: 388-393 |
37 | EE | Albert Krohn,
Michael Beigl,
Sabin Wendhack:
SDJS: Efficient Statistics in Wireless Networks.
ICNP 2004: 262-270 |
36 | EE | Christian Decker,
Michael Beigl,
Albert Krohn,
Philip Robinson,
Uwe Kubach:
eSeal - A System for Enhanced Electronic Assertion of Authenticity and Integrity.
Pervasive 2004: 254-268 |
35 | EE | Albert Krohn,
Michael Beigl,
Christian Decker,
Uwe Kochendörfer,
Philip Robinson,
Tobias Zimmer:
Inexpensive and Automatic Calibration for Acceleration Sensors.
UCS 2004: 245-258 |
34 | EE | Florian Michahelles,
Albrecht Schmidt,
Bernt Schiele,
Michael Beigl:
Towards Distributed Awareness -- An Artifact Based Approach.
WMCSA 2004: 82-91 |
33 | EE | Lars Erik Holmquist,
Hans-Werner Gellersen,
Gerd Kortuem,
Albrecht Schmidt,
Martin Strohbach,
Stavros Antifakos,
Florian Michahelles,
Bernt Schiele,
Michael Beigl,
Ramia Mazé:
Building Intelligent Environments with Smart-Its.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 24(1): 56-64 (2004) |
2003 |
32 | EE | Christian Decker,
Uwe Kubach,
Michael Beigl:
Revealing the Retail Black Box by Interaction Sensing.
ICDCS Workshops 2003: 328-333 |
31 | EE | Albrecht Schmidt,
Frank Siegemund,
Michael Beigl,
Stavros Antifakos,
Florian Michahelles,
Hans-Werner Gellersen:
Mobile Ad Hoc Communication Issues in Ubiquitous Computing - The Smart-Its Experimentation Platforms.
PWC 2003: 213-218 |
30 | EE | Philip Robinson,
Michael Beigl:
Trust Context Spaces: An Infrastructure for Pervasive Security in Context-Aware Environments.
SPC 2003: 157-172 |
29 | EE | Michael Beigl,
Albert Krohn,
Tobias Zimmer,
Christian Decker,
Philip Robinson:
AwareCon: Situation Aware Context Communication.
Ubicomp 2003: 132-139 |
28 | EE | Michael Beigl:
Standard-Hard- und -Software für den Aufbau von Ubiquitous-Computing-Szenarien.
HMD - Praxis Wirtschaftsinform. 229: (2003) |
27 | EE | Brad A. Myers,
Michael Beigl:
Guest Editors' Introduction: Handheld Computing.
IEEE Computer 36(9): 27-29 (2003) |
26 | EE | Michael Beigl,
Hans-Werner Gellersen,
Theo Ungerer,
Lars C. Wolf:
Selected papers of the ARCS02 conference: an introduction.
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 7(2): 81-81 (2003) |
2002 |
25 | EE | Christian Decker,
Michael Beigl:
Data Paths in Wearable Communication Networks.
ARCS 2002: 114-130 |
24 | | Hans-Werner Gellersen,
Albrecht Schmidt,
Michael Beigl:
Multi-Sensor Context-Awareness in Mobile Devices and Smart Artifacts.
MONET 7(5): 341-351 (2002) |
23 | EE | Michael Beigl:
editorial: Special Issue on Location Modeling in Ubiquitous Computing.
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 6(5/6): 311-312 (2002) |
22 | EE | Michael Beigl,
Tobias Zimmer,
Christian Decker:
A Location Model for Communicating and Processing of Context.
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 6(5/6): 341-357 (2002) |
2001 |
21 | | Michael Beigl,
Matthias Ringwald:
Communications Issues in Ubiquitous Computing.
International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 359-366 |
20 | | Albrecht Schmidt,
Hans-Werner Gellersen,
Michael Beigl,
Oliver Frick:
Entwicklung von WAP-Anwendungen.
Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 2001: 81-90 |
19 | EE | Michael Beigl,
Hans-Werner Gellersen,
Norbert A. Streitz:
Mensch-Computer-Interaktion in allgegenwärtigen Informationssystemen.
Mensch & Computer 2001 |
18 | EE | Lars Erik Holmquist,
Friedemann Mattern,
Bernt Schiele,
Petteri Alahuhta,
Michael Beigl,
Hans-Werner Gellersen:
Smart-Its Friends: A Technique for Users to Easily Establish Connections between Smart Artefacts.
Ubicomp 2001: 116-122 |
17 | EE | Michael Beigl,
Hans-Werner Gellersen,
Albrecht Schmidt:
Mediacups: experience with design and use of computer-augmented everyday artefacts.
Computer Networks 35(4): 401-409 (2001) |
2000 |
16 | EE | Felix Hupfeld,
Michael Beigl:
Spatially Aware Local Communication in the RAUM System.
IDMS 2000: 285-296 |
15 | EE | Hans-Werner Gellersen,
Albrecht Schmidt,
Michael Beigl:
Adding some smartness to devices and everyday things.
WMCSA 2000: 3- |
14 | EE | Michael Beigl:
MemoClip: A Location-Based Remembrance Appliance.
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 4(4): 230-233 (2000) |
1999 |
13 | | Albrecht Schmidt,
Hans-Werner Gellersen,
Michael Beigl:
Matching Information and Ambient Media.
CoBuild 1999: 140-149 |
12 | | Michael Beigl:
ElectronicManual: helping users with ubiquitous access.
HCI (2) 1999: 246-250 |
11 | | Albrecht Schmidt,
Michael Beigl,
Hans-Werner Gellersen:
Sensor-based adaptive mobile user interfaces.
HCI (2) 1999: 251-255 |
10 | EE | Michael Beigl:
Using Spatial Co-location for Coordination in Ubiquitous Computing Environments.
HUC 1999: 259-273 |
9 | EE | Hans-Werner Gellersen,
Michael Beigl,
Holger Krull:
The MediaCup: Awareness Technology Embedded in a Everyday Object.
HUC 1999: 308-310 |
8 | EE | Michael Beigl:
Point & Click - Interaction in Smart Environments.
HUC 1999: 311-313 |
7 | EE | Albrecht Schmidt,
Hans-Werner Gellersen,
Michael Beigl:
A Wearable Context-Awareness Component: Finally a Good Reason to Wear a Tie.
ISWC 1999: 176-177 |
6 | EE | Hans-Werner Gellersen,
Michael Beigl,
Albrecht Schmidt:
Environment-Mediated Mobile Computing.
SAC 1999: 416-418 |
5 | EE | Albrecht Schmidt,
Michael Beigl,
Hans-Werner Gellersen:
There is more to context than location.
Computers & Graphics 23(6): 893-901 (1999) |
4 | | Albrecht Schmidt,
Hans-Werner Gellersen,
Michael Beigl:
Matching Information and Ambient Media.
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 3(4): (1999) |
1998 |
3 | EE | Martin Gaedke,
Michael Beigl,
Hans-Werner Gellersen,
Christian Segor:
Web Content Delivery to Heterogeneous Mobile Platforms.
ER Workshops 1998: 205-217 |
1997 |
2 | EE | Michael Früchtl,
Jürgen Kreuziger,
Michael Beigl:
Assistant for an Information Database.
CIKM 1997: 230-237 |
1996 |
1 | EE | Michael Beigl,
Rimbert Rudisch:
System support for mobile computing.
Computers & Graphics 20(5): 619-625 (1996) |