
Albert Krohn

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15EETill Riedel, Christian Decker, Phillip Scholl, Albert Krohn, Michael Beigl: Architecture for Collaborative Business Items. ARCS 2007: 142-156
14EEAlbert Krohn, Mike Hazas, Michael Beigl: Removing Systematic Error in Node Localisation Using Scalable Data Fusion. EWSN 2007: 341-356
13EEChristian Decker, Till Riedel, Michael Beigl, Albert Krohn: A file system for system programming in ubiquitous computing. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 11(1): 21-31 (2007)
12EEMichael Beigl, Albert Krohn, Till Riedel, Tobias Zimmer, Christian Decker, Manabu Isomura: The uPart experience: The uPart experience. IPSN 2006: 366-373
11EEChristian Decker, Michael Beigl, Till Riedel, Albert Krohn, Tobias Zimmer: Buffer Feedback Scheduling: Runtime Adaptation of Ubicomp Applications. UCS 2006: 254-269
10EEChristian Decker, Michael Beigl, Albert Krohn: A File System for System Programming in Ubiquitous Computing. ARCS 2005: 249-264
9EEAlbert Krohn, Michael Beigl, Mike Hazas, Hans-Werner Gellersen: Using Fine-Grained Infrared Positioning to Support the Surface-Based Activities of Mobile Users. ICDCS Workshops 2005: 463-468
8EEChristian Decker, Albert Krohn, Michael Beigl, Tobias Zimmer: The particle computer system. IPSN 2005: 443-448
7EEMike Hazas, Christian Kray, Hans-Werner Gellersen, Henoc Agbota, Gerd Kortuem, Albert Krohn: A relative positioning system for co-located mobile devices. MobiSys 2005: 177-190
6EEAlbert Krohn, Tobias Zimmer, Michael Beigl, Christian Decker: Collaborative Sensing in a Retail Store Using Synchronous Distributed Jam Signalling. Pervasive 2005: 237-254
5EEAlbert Krohn, Michael Beigl, Sabin Wendhack: SDJS: Efficient Statistics in Wireless Networks. ICNP 2004: 262-270
4EEChristian Decker, Michael Beigl, Albert Krohn, Philip Robinson, Uwe Kubach: eSeal - A System for Enhanced Electronic Assertion of Authenticity and Integrity. Pervasive 2004: 254-268
3EEAlbert Krohn: Ubiquitous Computing and the Internet. SAINT 2004: 9
2EEAlbert Krohn, Michael Beigl, Christian Decker, Uwe Kochendörfer, Philip Robinson, Tobias Zimmer: Inexpensive and Automatic Calibration for Acceleration Sensors. UCS 2004: 245-258
1EEMichael Beigl, Albert Krohn, Tobias Zimmer, Christian Decker, Philip Robinson: AwareCon: Situation Aware Context Communication. Ubicomp 2003: 132-139

Coauthor Index

1Henoc Agbota [7]
2Michael Beigl [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
3Christian Decker [1] [2] [4] [6] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [15]
4Hans-Werner Gellersen (Hans Gellersen) [7] [9]
5Mike Hazas [7] [9] [14]
6Manabu Isomura [12]
7Uwe Kochendörfer [2]
8Gerd Kortuem (Gerd Kortüm) [7]
9Christian Kray [7]
10Uwe Kubach [4]
11Till Riedel [11] [12] [13] [15]
12Philip Robinson [1] [2] [4]
13Phillip Scholl [15]
14Sabin Wendhack [5]
15Tobias Zimmer [1] [2] [6] [8] [11] [12]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)