
Mike Hazas

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16EEKavitha Muthukrishnan, Mike Hazas: Position Estimation from UWB Pseudorange and Angle-of-Arrival: A Comparison of Non-linear Regression and Kalman Filtering. LoCA 2009: 222-239
15EECarl Fischer, Kavitha Muthukrishnan, Mike Hazas, Hans Gellersen: Ultrasound-aided pedestrian dead reckoning for indoor navigation. MELT 2008: 31-36
14EEAlbert Krohn, Mike Hazas, Michael Beigl: Removing Systematic Error in Node Localisation Using Scalable Data Fusion. EWSN 2007: 341-356
13EERene Mayrhofer, Hans Gellersen, Mike Hazas: Security by Spatial Reference: Using Relative Positioning to Authenticate Devices for Spontaneous Interaction. Ubicomp 2007: 199-216
12EEMike Hazas, Rebecca Marsden: Reinvigorating the Discipline: Pervasive Computing and Tomorrow's Computer Scientists. IEEE Pervasive Computing 6(3): 90-93 (2007)
11 Mike Hazas, John Krumm, Thomas Strang: Location- and Context-Awareness, Second International Workshop, LoCA 2006, Dublin, Ireland, May 10-11, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006
10EEUrs Bischoff, Martin Strohbach, Mike Hazas, Gerd Kortuem: Constraint-Based Distance Estimation in Ad-Hoc Wireless Sensor Networks. EWSN 2006: 54-68
9 Florian Block, Hans-Werner Gellersen, Mike Hazas, David Molyneaux, Nicolas Villar: Locating Physical Interface Objects on Interactive Surfaces. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2006: 374-381
8EEHenoc Agbota, Mike Hazas: Responsive and energy-efficient sensor networking for real time location tracking. SenSys 2006: 367-368
7EEMike Hazas, Andy Hopper: Broadband Ultrasonic Location Systems for Improved Indoor Positioning. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 5(5): 536-547 (2006)
6EEAlbert Krohn, Michael Beigl, Mike Hazas, Hans-Werner Gellersen: Using Fine-Grained Infrared Positioning to Support the Surface-Based Activities of Mobile Users. ICDCS Workshops 2005: 463-468
5EEMike Hazas, Christian Kray, Hans-Werner Gellersen, Henoc Agbota, Gerd Kortuem, Albert Krohn: A relative positioning system for co-located mobile devices. MobiSys 2005: 177-190
4EEMike Hazas, James Scott, John Krumm: Location-Aware Computing Comes of Age. IEEE Computer 37(2): 95-97 (2004)
3EEMike Hazas, Andy Ward: A High Performance Privacy-Oriented Location System. PerCom 2003: 216-223
2EEJames Scott, Mike Hazas: User-Friendly Surveying Techniques for Location-Aware Systems. Ubicomp 2003: 44-53
1EEMike Hazas, Andy Ward: A Novel Broadband Ultrasonic Location System. Ubicomp 2002: 264-280

Coauthor Index

1Henoc Agbota [5] [8]
2Michael Beigl [6] [14]
3Urs Bischoff [10]
4Florian Block [9]
5Carl Fischer [15]
6Hans-Werner Gellersen (Hans Gellersen) [5] [6] [9] [13] [15]
7Andy Hopper (Andrew Hopper) [7]
8Gerd Kortuem (Gerd Kortüm) [5] [10]
9Christian Kray [5]
10Albert Krohn [5] [6] [14]
11John Krumm [4] [11]
12Rebecca Marsden [12]
13Rene Mayrhofer [13]
14David Molyneaux [9]
15Kavitha Muthukrishnan [15] [16]
16James Scott [2] [4]
17Thomas Strang [11]
18Martin Strohbach [10]
19Nicolas Villar [9]
20Andy Ward [1] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)