2006 |
8 | EE | Victor Bayon,
Gareth Griffiths,
John R. Wilson:
Multiple decoupled interaction: An interaction design approach for groupware interaction in co-located virtual environments.
International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 64(3): 192-206 (2006) |
2004 |
7 | | Thorsten Prante,
Richard Stenzel,
Kostanija Petrovic,
Victor Bayon:
Exploiting Context Histories: A Cross-Tool and Cross-Device Approach to Reduce Compartmentalization when Going Back.
GI Jahrestagung (1) 2004: 314-318 |
6 | EE | Victor Bayon:
Exploiting Films and Multiple Subtitles Interaction for Casual Foreign Language Learning in the Living Room.
ICEC 2004: 235-240 |
2003 |
5 | EE | Victor Bayon,
John R. Wilson,
Danae Stanton,
Angela Boltman:
Mixed reality storytelling environments.
Virtual Reality 7(1): 54-63 (2003) |
2002 |
4 | EE | Danae Stanton,
Victor Bayon,
Camilla Abnett,
Sue Cobb,
Claire O'Malley:
The effect of tangible interfaces on children's collaborative behaviour.
CHI Extended Abstracts 2002: 820-821 |
3 | EE | Victor Bayon,
Tom Rodden,
Chris Greenhalgh,
Steve Benford:
Going Back to School: Putting a Pervasive Environment into the Real World.
Pervasive 2002: 69-83 |
2001 |
2 | EE | Danae Stanton,
Victor Bayon,
Helen Neale,
Ahmed Ghali,
Steve Benford,
Sue Cobb,
Rob Ingram,
John R. Wilson,
Tony P. Pridmore,
Claire O'Malley:
Classroom collaboration in the design of tangible interfaces for storytelling.
CHI 2001: 482-489 |
2000 |
1 | EE | Steve Benford,
Benjamin B. Bederson,
Karl-Petter Åkesson,
Victor Bayon,
Allison Druin,
Pär Hansson,
Juan Pablo Hourcade,
Rob Ingram,
Helen Neale,
Claire O'Malley,
Kristian T. Simsarian,
Danae Stanton,
Yngve Sundblad,
Gustav Taxén:
Designing storytelling technologies to encouraging collaboration between young children.
CHI 2000: 556-563 |