
Jonathan Munson

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9EEAbhishek Patil, Jonathan Munson, David Wood, Alan Cole: Bluebot: Asset tracking via robotic location crawling. Computer Communications 31(6): 1067-1077 (2008)
8EEJuhee Bae, Young Ju Tak, Wonil Lee, Christopher Howson, Jonathan Munson: Poster: Scalable Service-Oriented Telemetry Acquisition and Distribution. MobiQuitous 2007: 1-3
7EEJonathan Munson, Young Ju Tak: The XVC Framework for In-Vehicle User Interfaces. PerCom Workshops 2007: 435-442
6EEJi Hyun Kim, Wonil Lee, Jonathan Munson, Young Ju Tak: Services-Oriented Computing in a Ubiquitous Computing Platform. ICSOC 2006: 601-612
5EEWooChul Jung, DaeRyung Lee, Wonil Lee, Stella Mitchell, Jonathan Munson: An Event Detection Service for Spatio-temporal Applications. W2GIS 2006: 22-30
4EEAlan Cole, Sastry Duri, Jonathan Munson, Jay Murdock, David Wood: Adaptive Service Binding Middleware to Support Mobility. ICDCS Workshops 2003: 369-374
3EEMagda Mourad, Jonathan Munson, Tamer Nadeem, Giovanni Pacifici, Marco Pistoia, Alaa Youssef: WebGuard: A System for Web Content Protection. WWW Posters 2001
2EESastry Duri, Alan Cole, Jonathan Munson, Jim Christensen: An approach to providing a seamless end-user experience for location-aware applications. Workshop Mobile Commerce 2001: 20-25
1EEGuruduth Banavar, James Beck, Eugene Gluzberg, Jonathan Munson, Jeremy B. Sussman, Deborra J. Zukowski: Challenges: an application model for pervasive computing. MOBICOM 2000: 266-274

Coauthor Index

1Juhee Bae [8]
2Guruduth Banavar [1]
3James Beck [1]
4Jim Christensen [2]
5Alan Cole [2] [4] [9]
6Sastry Duri [2] [4]
7Eugene Gluzberg [1]
8Christopher Howson [8]
9WooChul Jung [5]
10Ji Hyun Kim [6]
11DaeRyung Lee [5]
12Wonil Lee [5] [6] [8]
13Stella Mitchell [5]
14Magda Mourad [3]
15Jay Murdock [4]
16Tamer Nadeem [3]
17Giovanni Pacifici [3]
18Abhishek Patil [9]
19Marco Pistoia [3]
20Jeremy B. Sussman [1]
21Young Ju Tak [6] [7] [8]
22David Wood [4] [9]
23Alaa Youssef [3]
24Deborra J. Zukowski [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)