Volume 62,
isbn 0-12-012162-x
- David Cohen, Mikael Lindvall, Patricia Costa:
An introduction to agile methods.
2-67 BibTeX
- Pankaj Jalote, Aveejeet Palit, Priya Kurien:
The Timeboxing process model for iterative software development.
68-105 BibTeX
- David Binkley, Mark Harman:
A survey of empirical results on program slicing.
106-179 BibTeX
- Guruduth Banavar, Abraham Bernstein:
Challenges in design and software infrastructure for ubiquitous computing applications.
180-203 BibTeX
- David Klappholz, Daniel Port:
Introduction to MBASE (Model-Based [System] Architecting and Software Engineering).
204-249 BibTeX
- Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Naeem Seliya:
Software quality estimation with case-based reasoning.
250-293 BibTeX
- Surajit Chaudhuri, Umeshwar Dayal, Venkatesh Ganti:
Data management technology for decision support systems.
294-326 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:49:12 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)