
Deborra J. Zukowski

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5EEGuruduth Banavar, James Beck, Eugene Gluzberg, Jonathan Munson, Jeremy B. Sussman, Deborra J. Zukowski: Challenges: an application model for pervasive computing. MOBICOM 2000: 266-274
4EEAjay Mohindra, Apratim Purakayastha, Deborra J. Zukowski, Murthy V. Devarakonda: Programming Network Components Using NetPebbles: An Early Report. COOTS 1998: 195-210
3EEDeborra J. Zukowski, Apratim Purakayastha, Ajay Mohindra, Murthy V. Devarakonda: Metis: A Thin-Client Application Framework. COOTS 1997: 103-114
2 Dennis G. Shea, Winfried W. Wilcke, Richard C. Booth, Dana H. Brown, Zaphiris D. Christidis, Mark E. Giampapa, Gail Blumenfeld Irwin, Thomas T. Murakami, Vijay K. Naik, Fred T. Tong, Philip R. Varker, Deborra J. Zukowski: The IBM Victor V256 partitionable multiprocessor. IBM Journal of Research and Development 35(5): 573-590 (1991)
1 Thomas A. Johnson, Deborra J. Zukowski: Waveform-relaxation-based circuit simulation on the Victor V256 parallel processor. IBM Journal of Research and Development 35(5): 707-720 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Guruduth Banavar [5]
2James Beck [5]
3Richard C. Booth [2]
4Dana H. Brown [2]
5Zaphiris D. Christidis [2]
6Murthy V. Devarakonda [3] [4]
7Mark E. Giampapa [2]
8Eugene Gluzberg [5]
9Gail Blumenfeld Irwin [2]
10Thomas A. Johnson [1]
11Ajay Mohindra [3] [4]
12Jonathan Munson [5]
13Thomas T. Murakami [2]
14Vijay K. Naik [2]
15Apratim Purakayastha [3] [4]
16Dennis G. Shea [2]
17Jeremy B. Sussman [5]
18Fred T. Tong [2]
19Philip R. Varker [2]
20Winfried W. Wilcke [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)