
Aditya Dua

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10EEAditya Dua, Benjamin Yolken, Nicholas Bambos, Wladek Olesinski, Hans Eberle, Nils Gura: Backlog Aware Scheduling for Large Buffered Crossbar Switches. ICC 2008: 59-64
9EEAditya Dua: Random Access with Multi-Packet Reception. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(6): 2280-2288 (2008)
8EEAditya Dua, Nicholas Bambos: Buffer Management for Wireless Media Streaming. GLOBECOM 2007: 5226-5230
7EEAditya Dua, Benjamin Yolken, Nicholas Bambos: Power Managed Packet Switching. ICC 2007: 357-362
6EEAditya Dua, Nicholas Bambos: Wireless Packet Scheduling With Soft Deadlines. ICC 2007: 5677-5682
5EEAditya Dua, Nicholas Bambos, Jatinder Pal Singh: Performance tradeoffs in mobile computing: to fetch or not to fetch? MOBIWAC 2007: 99-106
4EEAditya Dua, Nicholas Bambos: Downlink Wireless Packet Scheduling with Deadlines. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 6(12): 1410-1425 (2007)
3EEAditya Dua, Nicholas Bambos: Joint Power Allocation and Scheduling for Deadline Constrained Wireless Traffic. GLOBECOM 2006
2EEAditya Dua, Nicholas Bambos: Low-Jitter Scheduling Algorithms for Deadline-Aware Packet Switches. GLOBECOM 2006
1EEAditya Dua, Uday B. Desai, Ranjan K. Mallik: Minimum probability of error-based methods for adaptive multiuser detection in multipath DS-CDMA channels. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 3(3): 939-948 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Nicholas Bambos [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10]
2Uday B. Desai [1]
3Hans Eberle [10]
4Nils Gura [10]
5Ranjan K. Mallik [1]
6Wladek Olesinski [10]
7Jatinder Pal Singh [5]
8Benjamin Yolken [7] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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