2008 |
45 | EE | Carri W. Chan,
Nicholas Bambos,
Susie Wee,
John G. Apostolopoulos:
Wireless Video Broadcasting to Diverse Users.
ICC 2008: 377-382 |
44 | EE | Carri Chan,
Susie Wee,
John G. Apostolopoulos:
Multiple Distortion Measures for video with temporal scalability.
ICIP 2008: 2056-2059 |
43 | EE | Zhishou Zhang,
Qibin Sun,
John G. Apostolopoulos,
Wai-Choong Wong:
Rate-Distortion-Authentication optimized streaming with Generalized Butterfly Graph authentication.
ICIP 2008: 3096-3099 |
42 | EE | Yi J. Liang,
John G. Apostolopoulos,
Bernd Girod:
Analysis of Packet Loss for Compressed Video: Effect of Burst Losses and Correlation Between Error Frames.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 18(7): 861-874 (2008) |
41 | EE | Shu Tao,
John G. Apostolopoulos,
Roch Guérin:
Real-time monitoring of video quality in IP networks.
IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 16(5): 1052-1065 (2008) |
2007 |
40 | EE | Wai-tian Tan,
Eric Setton,
John G. Apostolopoulos:
Lossless FMO and Slice Structure Modification for Compressed H.264 Video.
ICIP (4) 2007: 285-288 |
39 | EE | Eric Setton,
John G. Apostolopoulos:
Towards Quality of Service for Peer-to-Peer Video Multicast.
ICIP (5) 2007: 81-84 |
38 | EE | Zhishou Zhang,
John G. Apostolopoulos,
Qibin Sun,
Susie Wee,
Wai-Choong Wong:
Stream Authentication Based on Generlized Butterfly Graph.
ICIP (6) 2007: 121-124 |
37 | EE | Carri Chan,
Nicholas Bambos,
Susie Wee,
John G. Apostolopoulos:
Optimal Scheduling of Media Packets with Multiple Distortion Measures.
ICME 2007: 955-958 |
36 | EE | Zhishou Zhang,
Qibin Sun,
Wai-Choong Wong,
John G. Apostolopoulos,
Susie Wee:
Rate-Distortion-Authentication Optimized Streaming of Authenticated Video.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 17(5): 544-557 (2007) |
35 | EE | Zhishou Zhang,
Qibin Sun,
Wai-Choong Wong,
John G. Apostolopoulos,
Susie Wee:
An Optimized Content-Aware Authentication Scheme for Streaming JPEG-2000 Images Over Lossy Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 9(2): 320-331 (2007) |
2006 |
34 | EE | Zhishou Zhang,
Qibin Sun,
Wai-Choong Wong,
John G. Apostolopoulos,
Susie Wee:
Rate-Distortion Optimized Streaming of Authenticated Video.
ICIP 2006: 1661-1664 |
33 | EE | Ying-zong Huang,
John G. Apostolopoulos:
Making Packet Erasures to Improve Quality of FEC-Protected Video.
ICIP 2006: 1685-1688 |
32 | EE | John G. Apostolopoulos:
Architectural Principles for Secure Streaming & Secure Adaptation in the Developing Scalable Video Coding (SVC) Standard.
ICIP 2006: 729-732 |
31 | EE | Carri Chan,
Susie Wee,
John G. Apostolopoulos:
On Optimal Embedded Schedules of JPEG-2000 Packets.
ICIP 2006: 785-788 |
30 | EE | Zhishou Zhang,
Qibin Sun,
Wai-Choong Wong,
John G. Apostolopoulos,
Susie Wee:
A Content-Aware Stream Authentication Scheme Optimized for Distortion and Overhead.
ICME 2006: 541-544 |
29 | EE | Carri Chan,
John G. Apostolopoulos,
Yan Li,
Nicholas Bambos:
Receiver-Based Optimization for Video Delivery Over Wireless Links.
ICME 2006: 861-864 |
28 | EE | John G. Apostolopoulos,
Susie Wee,
Frédéric Dufaux,
Touradj Ebrahimi,
Qibin Sun,
Zhishou Zhang:
The emerging JPEG-2000 security (JPSEC) standard.
ISCAS 2006 |
27 | EE | John G. Apostolopoulos,
Mauro Conti:
Mulitmedia over broadband wireless networks.
IEEE Network 20(2): 4-5 (2006) |
26 | EE | Yan Li,
Athina Markopoulou,
Nicholas Bambos,
John G. Apostolopoulos:
Joint Power-Playout Control for Media Streaming Over Wireless Links.
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 8(4): 830-843 (2006) |
2005 |
25 | EE | John G. Apostolopoulos,
Mitchell Trott,
Ton Kalker,
Wai-tian Tan:
Enterprise Streaming: Different Challenges from Internet Streaming.
ICME 2005: 1386-1391 |
24 | EE | Shu Tao,
John G. Apostolopoulos,
Roch Guérin:
Real-time monitoring of video quality in IP networks.
NOSSDAV 2005: 129-134 |
23 | EE | Jacob Chakareski,
John G. Apostolopoulos,
Susie J. Wee,
Wai-tian Tan,
Bernd Girod:
Rate-distortion hint tracks for adaptive video streaming.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 15(10): 1257-1269 (2005) |
22 | EE | SukHwan Lim,
John G. Apostolopoulos,
Abbas El Gamal:
Optical flow estimation using temporally oversampled video.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 14(8): 1074-1087 (2005) |
21 | EE | J. Nicholas Laneman,
Emin Martinian,
Gregory W. Wornell,
John G. Apostolopoulos:
Source-channel diversity for parallel channels.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(10): 3518-3539 (2005) |
2004 |
20 | | John G. Apostolopoulos:
Secure media streaming & secure adaptation for non-scalable video.
ICIP 2004: 1763-1766 |
19 | | Jacob Chakareski,
John G. Apostolopoulos,
Bernd Girod:
Low-complexity rate-distortion optimized video streaming.
ICIP 2004: 2055-2058 |
18 | EE | SukHwan Lim,
John G. Apostolopoulos,
Abbas El Gamal:
Benefits of temporal oversampling in optical flow estimation.
ICIP 2004: 2567-2570 |
17 | EE | Susie J. Wee,
John G. Apostolopoulos:
Secure transcoding with JPSEC confidentiality and authentication.
ICIP 2004: 577-580 |
16 | | Bo Shen,
Zhichen Xu,
Susie J. Wee,
John G. Apostolopoulos:
Semantic-enhanced distribution & adaptation networks.
ICME 2004: 1383-1386 |
15 | | Jacob Chakareski,
John G. Apostolopoulos,
Susie J. Wee,
Wai-tian Tan,
Bernd Girod:
R-D hint tracks for low-complexity R-D optimized video streaming.
ICME 2004: 1387-1390 |
14 | | Bo Shen,
Zhichen Xu,
Susie J. Wee,
John G. Apostolopoulos:
Semantic-enhanced distribution and adaptation networks.
ICME 2004: 2135-2138 |
13 | | Athina Markopoulou,
Eric Setton,
M. Kalman,
John G. Apostolopoulos:
WiSE video: using in-band wireless loss notification to improve rate-controlled video streaming.
ICME 2004: 249-252 |
12 | | Allen K. L. Miu,
Godfrey Tan,
Hari Balakrishnan,
John G. Apostolopoulos:
Divert: Fine-grained Path Selection for Wireless LANs.
MobiSys 2004 |
11 | EE | J. Nicholas Laneman,
Emin Martinian,
Gregory W. Wornell,
John G. Apostolopoulos:
Source-Channel Diversity for Parallel Channels
CoRR abs/cs/0412113: (2004) |
2003 |
10 | | Susie J. Wee,
John G. Apostolopoulos:
Secure scalable streaming and secure transcoding with JPEG-2000.
ICIP (1) 2003: 205-208 |
2002 |
9 | | John G. Apostolopoulos,
Susie Wee,
Wai-tian Tan:
Performance of a multiple description streaming media content delivery network.
ICIP (2) 2002: 189-192 |
8 | EE | John G. Apostolopoulos,
Tina Wong,
Susie J. Wee,
Daniel Tan:
On Multiple Description Streaming with Content Delivery Networks.
INFOCOM 2002 |
2001 |
7 | EE | John G. Apostolopoulos,
Susie J. Wee:
Secure scalable streaming enabling transcoding without decryption.
ICIP (1) 2001: 437-440 |
6 | EE | Susie J. Wee,
John G. Apostolopoulos:
Unbalanced multiple description video communication using path diversity.
ICIP (1) 2001: 966-969 |
5 | | John G. Apostolopoulos:
Reliable video communication over lossy packet networks using multiple state encoding and path diversity.
VCIP 2001: 392-409 |
2000 |
4 | | John G. Apostolopoulos:
Error-Resilient Video Compression Through the Use of Multiple States.
ICIP 2000 |
1999 |
3 | | Susie J. Wee,
John G. Apostolopoulos,
Nick Feamster:
Field-To-Frame Transcoding with Spatial and Temporal Downsampling.
ICIP (4) 1999: 271-275 |
2 | EE | John G. Apostolopoulos,
Nikil Jayant:
Postprocessing for very low bit-rate video compression.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 8(8): 1125-1129 (1999) |
1995 |
1 | EE | John G. Apostolopoulos,
J. S. Lim:
Representing arbitrarily-shaped regions: a case study of overcomplete representations.
ICIP 1995: 2426-2429 |