
Jatinder Pal Singh

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12EESam S. Tsai, David Chen, Jatinder Pal Singh, Bernd Girod: Rate-efficient, real-time cd cover recognition on a camera-phone. ACM Multimedia 2008: 1023-1024
11EEAditya Mavlankar, Pierpaolo Baccichet, Bernd Girod, Sachin Agarwal, Jatinder Pal Singh: Video quality assessment and comparative evaluation of peer-to-peer video streaming systems. ICME 2008: 645-648
10EEDavid Chen, Vijay Chandrasekhar, Gabriel Takacs, Jatinder Pal Singh, Bernd Girod: Color restoration for objects of interest using robust image features. MMSP 2008: 535-540
9EESachin Agarwal, Jatinder Pal Singh, Aditya Mavlankar, Pierpaolo Baccichet, Bernd Girod: Performance of P2P live video streaming systems on a controlled test-bed. TRIDENTCOM 2008: 6
8EEXiaoqing Zhu, Piyush Agrawal, Jatinder Pal Singh, Tansu Alpcan, Bernd Girod: Rate allocation for multi-user video streaming over heterogenous access networks. ACM Multimedia 2007: 37-46
7EEJatinder Pal Singh, Tansu Alpcan, Xiaoqing Zhu, Piyush Agrawal: Towards heterogeneous network convergence: policies and middleware architecture for efficient flow assignment, rate allocation and rate control for multimedia applications. MNCNA 2007: 1
6EENathanael Thompson, Petros Zerfos, Haiyun Luo, Jatinder Pal Singh, Zuoning Yin: Authentication on the edge: distributed authentication for a global open wi-fi network. MOBICOM 2007: 334-337
5EEAditya Dua, Nicholas Bambos, Jatinder Pal Singh: Performance tradeoffs in mobile computing: to fetch or not to fetch? MOBIWAC 2007: 99-106
4EEJatinder Pal Singh, Tansu Alpcan, Piyush Agrawal, Varun Sharma: An Optimal Flow Assignment Framework for Heterogeneous Network Access. WOWMOM 2007: 1-12
3EEJatinder Pal Singh, Yan Li, Nicholas Bambos, Ahmad Bahai, Baowen Xu, Gerd Zimmermann: TCP Performance Dynamics and Link-Layer Adaptation Based Optimization Methods for Wireless Networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(5): 1864-1879 (2007)
2 Jatinder Pal Singh, Nicholas Bambos, Bhaskar Srinivasan, Detlef Clawin: Cross-layer multi-hop wireless routing for inter-vehicle communication. TRIDENTCOM 2006
1 Sulabh Agarwal, Ashish Ahuja, Jatinder Pal Singh, Rajeev Shorey: Route-Lifetime Assessment Based Routing (RABR) Protocol for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. ICC (3) 2000: 1697-1701

Coauthor Index

1Sachin Agarwal [9] [11]
2Sulabh Agarwal [1]
3Piyush Agrawal [4] [7] [8]
4Ashish Ahuja [1]
5Tansu Alpcan [4] [7] [8]
6Pierpaolo Baccichet [9] [11]
7Ahmad Bahai [3]
8Nicholas Bambos [2] [3] [5]
9Vijay Chandrasekhar [10]
10David Chen [10] [12]
11Detlef Clawin [2]
12Aditya Dua [5]
13Bernd Girod [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
14Yan Li [3]
15Haiyun Luo [6]
16Aditya Mavlankar [9] [11]
17Varun Sharma [4]
18Rajeev Shorey [1]
19Bhaskar Srinivasan [2]
20Gabriel Takacs [10]
21Nathanael Thompson [6]
22Sam S. Tsai [12]
23Baowen Xu [3]
24Zuoning Yin [6]
25Petros Zerfos [6]
26Xiaoqing Zhu [7] [8]
27Gerd Zimmermann [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)