
Heni Ben Amor

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8EEMatthias Weber, Heni Ben Amor, Thomas Alexander: Identifying Motion Capture Tracking Markers with Self-Organizing Maps. VR 2008: 297-298
7EEHeni Ben Amor, Guido Heumer, Bernhard Jung, Arnd Vitzthum: Grasp synthesis from low-dimensional probabilistic grasp models. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 19(3-4): 445-454 (2008)
6EEGuido Heumer, Heni Ben Amor, Bernhard Jung: Grasp Recognition for Uncalibrated Data Gloves: A Machine Learning Approach. Presence 17(2): 121-142 (2008)
5EEHeni Ben Amor, Shuhei Ikemoto, Takashi Minato, Bernhard Jung, Hiroshi Ishiguro: A Neural Framework for Robot Motor Learning Based on Memory Consolidation. ICANNGA (2) 2007: 641-648
4EEGuido Heumer, Heni Ben Amor, Matthias Weber, Bernhard Jung: Grasp Recognition with Uncalibrated Data Gloves - A Comparison of Classification Methods. VR 2007: 19-26
3EEMatthias Weber, Guido Heumer, Heni Ben Amor, Bernhard Jung: An Animation System for Imitation of Object Grasping in Virtual Reality. ICAT 2006: 65-76
2EEBernhard Jung, Heni Ben Amor, Guido Heumer, Matthias Weber: From motion capture to action capture: a review of imitation learning techniques and their application to VR-based character animation. VRST 2006: 145-154
1EEHeni Ben Amor, Achim Rettinger: Intelligent exploration for genetic algorithms: using self-organizing maps in evolutionary computation. GECCO 2005: 1531-1538

Coauthor Index

1Thomas Alexander [8]
2Guido Heumer [2] [3] [4] [6] [7]
3Shuhei Ikemoto [5]
4Hiroshi Ishiguro [5]
5Bernhard Jung [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
6Takashi Minato [5]
7Achim Rettinger [1]
8Arnd Vitzthum [7]
9Matthias Weber [2] [3] [4] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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