
Juanita V. Albro

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3EEJuanita V. Albro, James E. Bobrow: Motion Generation for a Tumbling Robot using a General Contact Model. ICRA 2004: 3270-3275
2 Juanita V. Albro, James E. Bobrow: Optimal Motion Primitives for a 5 DOF Experimental Hopper. ICRA 2001: 3630-3635
1 Juanita V. Albro, Garett A. Sohl, James E. Bobrow, Frank C. Park: On the Computation of Optimal High-Dives. ICRA 2000: 3958-3963

Coauthor Index

1James E. Bobrow [1] [2] [3]
2Frank Chongwoo Park (Frank C. Park) [1]
3Garett A. Sohl [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)